
Limitless Growth

Ken, a man trapped in the shackles of corporate servitude, longed to liberate himself from his agonizing job. One fateful night, consumed by exhaustion, he ventured across the road to a nearby store in search of a revitalizing coffee. As he stepped onto the asphalt, a radiant light materialized, colliding with him and propelling him away from an oncoming truck. In that fleeting moment, Ken believed he had perished, yet he soon realized that the ground beneath him trembled. With trepidation, he opened his eyes to find himself reincarnated in an entirely different realm, a world brimming with mystery and possibility, where his journey towards freedom would begin anew.

Kenitsu_Hiroshima · Fantasy
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9 Chs


I was taken aback as I heard the mysterious voice once again, informing me that my level had skyrocketed from 525 to an impressive 1050.

"What?! I'm now Level 1050?! That's incredible!"

The voice continued, revealing that all of my stats had also increased significantly, from 950 to 1975. Additionally, I had acquired a unique skill called DEVOURER, which allowed me to devour a diamond rank demon or below.

"Hah! My stats have skyrocketed, and I now possess a powerful skill! I can't wait to put it to the test!"

As I ventured deeper into the dungeon, I came across a colossal door resembling a gateway to hell. Standing guard were two towering black giants, adorned in armour and emanating a menacing red glow from their eyes. I sensed that there was a formidable being lurking behind the door, even more powerful than any monster I had encountered before. Curiosity piqued, I cautiously tossed a pebble into the giant door, observing the reaction of the two giants. To my surprise, they remained motionless, resembling statues rather than living beings.

The two armoured giants standing before the colossal door were none other than the legendary Fallen Guardians. Towering over me, their immense size and imposing presence sent shivers down to my spine. Clad in formidable armour, their every movement exuded power and strength. Their eyes, glowing a fiery red, seemed to pierce through the darkness of the dungeon.

These awe-inspiring creatures were renowned for their unwavering loyalty and their role as protectors of ancient beings, instilling a sense of both fear and respect in all who encountered them. As I bravely approached the towering door, the two Giant Fallen Guardians suddenly sprang into action, blocking my path with their immense presence. I, a DeathBringer mid demon with only the skill DEVOURER at my disposal, knew that I was facing a formidable challenge.

[Fallen Guardians], renowned for their strength and powerful magic, seemed almost invincible.

I prepared myself for the battle ahead. With a determined expression on my face, I summoned all my courage,

"I may be a DeathBringer, but I won't back down! Prepare yourselves, Fallen Guardians!"

The first Fallen Guardian, its armor gleaming ominously, unleashed a barrage of devastating magical attacks. I swiftly dodged and weaved through the onslaught, relying on my agility to evade the deadly spells. With each near miss, the air crackled with energy, leaving me acutely aware of the immense power possessed by his adversaries. I retaliated with a swift strike, channeling my DEVOURER skill to devour the Guardians. However, the second Guardian, sensing an opportunity, launched a counterattack, its massive sword swinging towards me with incredible force. I managed to block the strike with a sword in the ground from the skeleton, but the impact sent shockwaves through my body, leaving me momentarily stunned. Gasping for breath, I realized the true extent of the Guardians' strength.

"These Guardians are on a whole different level... uhhu..."

My heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination. Summoning my remaining strength, I focused on finding a weakness in my opponents. I observed their movements, searching for any sign of vulnerability. Suddenly, I noticed a brief pause in the second Guardian's attacks, a split-second opening that could be exploited. Seizing the opportunity, I unleashed a flurry of rapid strikes, aiming for the Guardian's joints and weak spots. My attacks landed with precision, causing the Guardian to stagger momentarily.

However, the Guardian quickly recovered, retaliating with a devastating blast of dark magic that sent Me hurtling backward. Pain coursed through my body as I struggled to regain my footing. Blood trickled from my wounds, and my vision blurred. The battle had taken a toll on me, pushing him to the brink of exhaustion. Yet, my determination remained unyielding. Summoning every ounce of strength I had left, I mustered a final attack. I channeled my DEVOURER skill to its maximum potential, infusing my skill with an overwhelming surge of power,


The power of my skill devoured the other guardian causing it to vanish in thin air. However, victory was short-lived as the second Guardian, enraged by its fallen comrade, unleashed a devastating wave of dark energy. I, weakened and unable to defend myself, was engulfed by the blast. The impact sent me flying across the room, crashing into the unforgiving stone wall. As darkness threatened to consume me, my consciousness wavered. I could hear the distant voice of the mysterious being behind the door, mocking his futile attempts.

"You are no match for my guardians, little demon. Your demise is inevitable."

But even in the face of imminent defeat, I refused to surrender. With sheer willpower, I forced myself to stand, my body battered and broken. Bloodied and bruised, I glared defiantly at the Fallen Guardians, determination burning in my eyes. I staggered, barely able to stand, as the second Guardian launched a fierce attack. Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, the mysterious voice resounded once again,

"Your level has risen from 1050 to 1585,"

My spirits lifted as I heard the news, knowing that my strength had been augmented. The voice continued, revealing that all of my stats had surged from 1975 to an impressive 2510. Additionally, I had acquired a remarkable skill called ALL HEAL, capable of instantly healing any injuries or ailments. Summoning my remaining strength, I focused on activating my newfound ability,

"Activite! ALL HEAL!(coughing)"

A radiant energy enveloped my body, mending my wounds and revitalizing my weary form. The pain subsided, replaced by a surge of renewed vigor and determination. With my injuries healed and my resolve strengthened, I faced the second Guardian with unwavering determination.

"You won't defeat meee!"

My voice filled with conviction. Drawing upon my enhanced stats and the newfound power of ALL HEAL, I launched a relentless assault on the Guardian. Dodging the Guardian's attacks with agility and precision, I retaliated with a series of devastating blows. My strikes were imbued with an otherworldly strength, each blow landing with incredible force. The Guardian, caught off guard by my sudden surge in power, struggled to defend itself against the onslaught.

My strategy was meticulous and calculated. I exploited the Guardian's weaknesses, targeting its vulnerable spots with precision. With each successful strike, the Guardian's defenses weakened, its movements becoming sluggish and uncoordinated.

As the battle raged on, My determination never wavered. I pressed forward, unleashing a flurry of attacks that left the Guardian reeling. With a final, decisive blow, I struck the Guardian's weak point, shattering its armor and rendering it defenseless. I, filled with a sense of accomplishment, took a moment to catch my breath. I had overcome a formidable foe, thanks to my increased level, enhanced stats, and the invaluable healing power of ALL HEAL. Once again, the mysterious voice echoed,

"Your level increase from 1585 to 2120. All of your stats had also received a boost, rising from 2510 to 3045. You obtained a unique skill called FALLEN ARMOR, granting you the ability to create nearly indestructible barriers and shields."

"Yes! I've levelled up once more! I can't believe I survived that ordeal. I'm truly fortunate!"

The voice then presented me with an opportunity for evolution, offering me the chance to ascend from being a DeathBringer to an Elite DeathBringer saying,

"Do you want to accept?"