
Limitless God

Ariel, a strange young woman was obsessed to the point of insanity. In her entire life her deepest wish was to become an almighty god, yet no matter what she tried it seemed to be an impossible task.. until one day. Her ascension will shake all of creation and the myriad realities. She shall create with life sprouting forth from her hand and with the other she will destroy.. They will come to know that she is a benevolent god.. and will despair.

MountTaiUnleashed · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Daughters of God [P2]

Within the great Pedeus continent, there was a small city.

Walking down the street through a market area was a young grey youth with hazelnut hair, he was humming happily.

"Payday today, payday today! I wonder what to spend it on?"

Rodney was a young man who had recently graduated from the local building school, majoring in carpentry. He was really lucky considering he got one of the only scholarships that the local Foot Saint church were giving away. Today he just got payed a handsome sum for the previous weeks work.

As Rodney walked down the street he noticed a building with a red flag next to it, the sign above had a provocative carving of a scantily clad woman.

Rodney's eyes sparkled, he began walking towards the building with large strides. A few people walking along the street noticed where he was going and gave him looks of disdain.

As he came closer to his destination his arm was grabbed violently.

Shocked and a little angry, Rodney looked towards the person who grabbed him.

He was an old man with an overall unclean appearance dressed in rags, he looked like a beggar. There was a sign strapped to his chest that read in bold, capitalized letters. "THE END IS NEAR!"

Rodney slapped the old man's hand away and glared at him. "What do you want old man, can't you see that I'm busy!"

The old man looked at Rodney with pity in his eyes. "Young man, you better repent for the end is near!"

Rodney scoffed. "You're losing it old man, get lost!"

The old man shook his head. "Young man, the world is about to end. Only those who repent will be allowed access to the great beyond! Everything else will be swept away to damnation by the great flood!"

He raised his arms into the air and cried out fanatically. "After which their souls will be tortured by vile demons with hands for faces!!"

Rodney ignored the old man and began walking away mumbling. "Great flood? My ass!"

Suddenly he heard a loud swooshing sound as if a thousand waves from the sea crashing onto the rocks.

Rodney frowned as he muttered. "That's strange, there isn't an ocean within 10 thousand miles of this city."

He heard shouts of fear behind him, an ominous feeling rose in his gut.

Turning around, Rodney gasped in shock and his body shook in terror.

Beyond the 4 meter walls of the city was a towering wall of clear water. The wall of water was so high that the mountains in the distance looked like mere pebbles. The wall of water was nearly upon them as it flowed relentlessly in their direction.

The old man from before laughed hysterically and began to run around in circles shouting madly. "THE END HAS COME! THE END HAS COME! REPENT! REPENT!"

Rodney looked up at the oncoming wave of crystal clear water, he was frozen in place just like many of the people on the street. "By the Foot God....what is that!?" He uttered with a trembling voice.

In then next moment, the city, the old man and Rodney were swept away by the gigantic tsunami.

This day came to be known as the "cleansing". Billions of people died but there are no memorials for them as the dominant religion, the Foot Saint church announced that this wave of destruction was sent by the mighty Foot god to rid the world of sinners.

Many claim to believe that this event was the catalyst for the following holy wars that seeped the world in blood.

//Foot Saint church Trivia//

{The origins of the Foot Saint church are widely known, it is said that at the beginning of time a mountain hermitess called Dita Von Teese lived in solitude. A profound woman she was in the ways of the sole, her martial kicks were some of the deadliest to have ever been witnessed.

One day while she was meditating atop what we now call Mount Toe, she felt a stifling pressure upon her body coming from above. She looked up with great difficulty before seeing it.

A gigantic foot that stretched for endless miles, it was slender and perfect in every way a foot could be.

Thus came the advent of the Foot God!

Soon after came the earliest beginings of the Foot Saint Church, their holy bible praising foot and it's godly form.}

Just a small chapter describing Ariel's devastating water break lol XD

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