

After Dying Unfair death Josh Woke up Inside A Dungeon. A dungeon with no Owner. A dungeon with no Name. [Ding The Name Has Been Decided] "LIMITLESS" Dungeon has Appeared on this. world ============================= New Writer With No experience. Please give me Some Advices. It Has been My Dream To Write my own Novel.

JhessieGT · Fantasy
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On the Ground.

In the town of IVONIS. A Large Earthquake Was Shaking the Whole town. Many People Fell Down On the Street to take cover. The Ground Was Shaking so Fiercely As if the End of the World is Coming. Buildings and Establishment crumbles. And many were injured.

In the Huge Building in the middle of the town .

"What is happening?" Said a middle-age man while staggering and trying not to Fall over. In His office Objects on the Shelves fell to the ground. Expensive porcelain broke and fell apart.

After A few Minutes, the shaking of the ground subsided. the Middle-age man took a look at his Office everything was thrown all over the place. ' If it was this bad inside What Have Happened to the town?' He thought to himself.

"Sir!, Report." A Man in his Work Uniform Came Over To Report things.

"Whoa- what a mess!" The man saw the room and couldn't help but say.

"What ever get to the point!" The middle age man said.

"The earthquake Just Now was so strong. Many Houses And establishment has crumbled and toppled over" said the man with Hint of fear For what just happened.

"The number Of casualties is Still unknown" he added.

"We need to Move Quick, Mobilize the Guild Members. That Is free to Move. Rescue The Civilians and heal them." The middle age man Ordered.

"Yes sir!"the man bowed and then Leave.

The middle age man Looked outside the broken window. The beautiful town was now full of debris.

"Such strong earthquake, what could be the cause?" he pondered.

This Middle age mad was none other than "KYRGOS" the guild master of the Town of Ivonis. His guild BRYGARE was one of the most Powerful Guild. Who reigns In the East. With 500 total members. With the strongest S-rank the guild master.

"We can find the cause later The safety of the town Is the priority" with this words He left his office To patrol the town.

In the Dungeon.

Josh Put His hands on the Huge door. It started Creaking, a sign of the huge door Opening. Once it was completely open. A huge wave of Limitless Energy. swept through him. Of course with his strength it was nothing to josh.

Josh entered the dark room behind door. After walking further inside. The door closed and Torch All over the wall lit up one by one.

Once the fill torch lit up. In the middle of the room A Black giant Ogre Was Sitting on the floor crosslegged, the club was placed on its lap.

It opened its eyes. Revealing red pupils. Which Glows in the Dark. In the distance it can see a Tiny Human standing. The giant ogre which was 5 times taller than josh .Stood up immediately and pick up the club.

Behind the giant ogre a familiar door Appeared. It was the same as the door to the thrones room. Seeing this josh Was naturally confused.

"Why is that door here?" He asked.

[The Path to the 2nd floor was not yet open. Dungeon master need to Upgrade the dungeon with items Dropped By BOSS monsters.]

"So thats it" josh rubs his Fist And Charge forward. He ran straight to the Giant Ogre without fear. And Challenge it.


Seeing this, The Giant Ogre Let out a roar and also Charged forward. To peak Existence in the first floor was about to collide.

Once they got close to each other. Josh Launch His Destructive fist. While the ogre also hit with its giant club Cloaked with Limitless Magic.

Two limitless Magic collided with each other

At the collision point cracks in space can be seen. and the two were repelled by their attacks.

The ogre Then Immediately charged forward. Not minding What Just Happened. To the ogre who's existence was to guard this room and die , finding a strong oponent after waiting For Thousand of years Was Worth it.

Josh Also clash with the ogre again. Both of their Strength were equal. Punch and club kept Colliding Leaving crack Space whenever they collide.

After Clashing for A few hours. both of them Were Exhausted. They both feel that the end Was now near. Either josh or the ogre, only one will survive.

The ogre Uses Its strongest limitless reinforcement magic on the club and on himself. The club was now heavier than a Mountain. But the giant ogre can lift it.

Josh can feel The pressure from the club one hit from that thing would flatten him.

'if only i have a weapon' josh thought to himself. " Thats right! A weapon!" He shouted. He then gathered the limitless energy within him to the palm of his Hands.

Once the limitless energy gathering reach its maximum, josh controlled it and changed its form. The once circle shaped gathering of limitless energy was now Shaped like a Katana.

Josh grabbed it and took a stance. Although he has not wielded a sword before. His current form Was Perfect and have no flaw. He closed his eyes and tried to sense the flow of Energy within the room. Withis sense he can see everything in this room down to the smalelst detail.

As the Ogre Charge and ran like unstoppable Mountain. The ground trembled with each step but josh never loses his form. Once the ogre Got near josh He swung the heaviest club in the world at josh.

The air where club passes trembled at the terrifying pressure. Josh can also sense this. Whenever josha and the ogre clash earlier josh memorized its flaws. Wheneevr the ogre swings his club an opening can be scene. Josh waited for this moment.

"Now! Oraaaaaaaaaagh!"josh held the katana and gripped it tightly he from down he swung with all his might Upward.

The katana and the club met again but instead of being repelled. The katana cut through the club. It was so sharp like it was cutting butter. The ogre saw this and cant help getting scared.

Any one will feel fear when theyre near deaths door. Josh is no exception thats why he will only grow stronger in the future. And not weaker.

Josh took this chance and Cut the Giant ogre Downward in half. The ogre did Not scream or anything it died A Quiet death.


The Giant Ogres body fell to the ground and And disintegrated.

[The Guardian Limitless Ogre has died +10000 points rewarded]

Also having done its purpose josh katana vanished to the air. He looked at the place where The ogre Had dies . There was a small box left in there.

"What is this?"Josh Asked

[Tesseract, Letting the core Absorbed it will Upgrade the entire dungeon. to Lvl 2.]

Josh took the box and entered the throne room through the door behind the ogre.

After entering the Door Vanished.

Inside the throne room josh Put the tesseract near the dungeon core. Like a wild beast. the corr split open and Swalloed the tesseract whole. The Dungeon trembled slightly and stopped immediately.

[Congratulations! LIMITLESS Dungeon has Been upgraded to Lvl 2]

[You now Have access to Go To 2nd Floor]

[After Clearing the 1st Floor. The Dungeon will reset immediately all Monsters killed will be respawned. ]

[Dungeon entrance has been made. Outsiders can now enter the First Floor of the dungeon]

"All Monsters? Does this mean even the giant ogre?"Josh Asked. The ogre was super strong. If outsiders were to fight him They would be wipe out.

[The Guardian of the 1st Floor Is strong Because It was Still Not Cleared.]

[Now that it was cleared, it will be weaken appropriately in order to match The strongest Outsider who attempt to clear the dungeon.]

"The boss Strength depends on the Challenger So thats why The Ogre has the same Strength as me" the only difference between them was the way they utilize they're Weapons and skills.

With 10,000 points josh decided to use some of them to customize the Throne room to be Livable. Right now it was full of dust and moss.

He needed a place to recover and rest when he is exhausted. 2000 points were spent on the renovation. The other 6000 points to strengthen himself. And the remaining 2000points where used in the dungeon. He used it to Placed traps on the First floor.

After bathing on the new bought Shower. In the Throne room. he jump on the clean King size bed and Slept like until evening.

So much fighting For The weakest Floor.....

receiving any advices from pros.

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