
Prologue : Dawn Of A New Era

It all began in the year 2021, with the news that a 3-year-old child turned his parents and his home into char in Hanoi, Vietnam. When the first responders arrived on the scene, they could not believe what they saw.

"We got a call in the evening from the neighbours saying there's a house on fire, we came as fast as we could but we were too late. All that's left was that little kid crying in the middle of the burned ruins, without a single scratch on him. Unfortunately, both of the parents did not survive the fire. We believed that the cause of the fire is due to a gas leak.", the local fire department stated on the news. It was labelled as a tragic accident and that was it.

6 months later, the news that a special ability has been discovered spread all over the world. "Pyrokinesis", the scientists called it. That was the first special ability that developed in the world. After that, more and more of these special abilities continued to show up one after another. Bioluminescence, elasticity, teleportations were just the tip of the iceberg. The whole world was thrown into chaos by this new development.

The cause was unclear, however as time passed, these special abilities were no longer 'special'. The only information that was known is that the special abilities will develop within the first 21 years.

At present, 90% of the world population consists of people with abilities and they are called neo-gens, meaning a new generation.