
Limerence | Yandere!Males x Reader

Fortuna Institute, an esteemed elite school located in present-day Manchester, England. Beautiful, breath-taking, and filled with history, no one could've imagined anything remotely wrong happening in such a revered school. Fortuna is known for producing top students, almost like a sick factory, and most of the famed politicians and world leaders have graduated from this school. And in this school, there are four boys. Those four boys are at the top of their game, the top of the social hierarchy, the alpha males, the ones no one dared to cross...you get the picture. Everyone expected great things from them. But they never expected them to fall so madly in love with one seemingly average girl. And that girl is (Y/n) White. Only, (Y/n) is not your stereotypical kind and caring protagonist of yet another yandere story. She is a girl who lacks motivation, lacks energy, and most of all, she is ALWAYS sleeping. She dislikes crowds. They are too loud. She is smart, but she hates work. She has friends, but she mostly just sleeps and let them dote on her. So when (Y/n) finds herself pulled in all directions by those four boys, what does she do? "Take my food and I'll kill you. Disturb my sleep and I'll end you." Just how does one woo a person who doesn't give a damn?

KiraKiera · Teen
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

entry #2 | gℓïт¢н

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(Y/n) and Reese made their way towards the cafeteria side-by-side. The (h/c)-haired girl was quite pleased with herself since she managed to reach the large expanse without falling asleep once. Perhaps too pleased, but Reese chose to stay quiet while escorting the passive female, lest he said something wrong and had to endure her wrath again.

In their circle, it wasn't exactly wrong to say Reese was only there was comic relief, much to his dismay.

The two entered the bustling space filled with countless students milling about, either lining the clusters of large, neat tables at the center or the smaller ones lining the walls. Large, tall, glass windows with the blinds drawn filtered in the soothing light of the afternoon sun, washing over the students and their endless chatter.

"Curry on rice, please," (Y/n) told the woman behind the counter. "And a yogurt parfait." The worker nodded and quickly filled up a porcelain plate with the steaming hot food. One perk of Fortuna Institute was that as prestigious and sponsored as it was, its food was levels above that of normal schools.

Reese ordered his usual, spaghetti with lots of meatballs and as per Isla's nagging, a small portion of salad. They carried their trays as they began circling the room in search of their friends.

"(Y/n), Reese!" Isla yelled. The purple-haired girl was standing up as she waved her arms energetically to catch the duo's attention. She had managed to snag a free table before anyone else could take it, and currently, four seats were occupied two free. "Over here!"

They immediately headed towards her and sat down. "Thanks for saving us a seat, Izzy," (Y/n) said quietly.

"You can always count on me," Isla said proudly, jabbing a thumb into her chest. "Aren't I the best friend ever?"

"No, that's me," Reese scoffed. "You're just a plum."

"Excuse me?!" Her mouth fell open. She placed a hand on her hip and snapped her fingers. "You did not just say that."

"Oh, yes I just said that," the redhead sassed back, copying her stance and expression mockingly.

"That's it!" Isla lunged for the male. "You'll have to make do without your eyes, Grayson!"

"GAHHH!" Reese screamed, shoving his chair away from the table. He turned towards the male beside him with pleading eyes. "Jas, do something!"

Ever the mediator, Jasper set his fork down and wiped his mouth with a napkin. He gave the two a stern look. "Isla, Reese, please sit down. You're making a scene."

"If you say so, Jas..." Isla mumbled, slowly repositioning her knocked-over chair and taking a seat. Reese obeyed from across her.

"Good," Jasper sighed, running a hand through his dark blue hair that had a lock dyed black. "Isla, violence will not settle your arguments. It'll do more trouble than good." He turned his amethyst eyes towards the redhead. "And Reese, please don't provoke Isla like that. Both of your clubs are amazing, you two. They're lucky to have you. Now, hug it out."

Lucinda watched with wide eyes as the two docilely hugged each other before sitting back down. "No matter how many times I see this," she laughed. "It never fails to amaze me."

"I second that," Carmen popped a whole sushi into her mouth. "Momma Jas to the rescue."

Jasper rolled his eyes and resumed his meal, the picture of elegance compared to the rest of the group. "Someone has to keep you lot from getting in trouble, or else you would've been expelled five times over."

"Only five?" Carmen scoffed. She flipped her ponytail over her shoulder dramatically. Her hair was a honey brown with blonde highlights. "I should tell you of my adventures with the headmasters in all ten of my schools—"

"This girl has been expelled more times than I have boyfriends," Lucinda snorted.

"Naw," the brown-haired girl said. "You mean more times than you've (censored) a guy."

The blonde frowned. "Uh, no. I have no idea what you mean."

Carmen frowned back. "Um, yeah. I've seen those boxes in your room. You can't dig yourself out of this one, Lucy. Right, (Y/n)?"

The said girl's hand froze, her fork hovering in midair as the eyes suddenly turned towards her. She slowly swallowed her rice before replying. "What are we talking about?"

"We're obviously talking about Lucy's love life," the brown-haired girl began, only to be cut off.

"Haha," Lucinda simpered. "You think you're so funny, Carms. Mmm, you're really not."

"At least my fists are funnier than your va—" Carmen cut herself off and furrowed her brow. "Wait, that came out wrong."

"I really worry for you sometimes," Lucinda shook her head slowly, pointedly ignoring Reese who was covering his mouth as he tried not to laugh. "Carms, how did you even manage all these sixteen years?"

Carmen looked around in confusion before giving the blond a bewildered look. "Whaddya mean? I obviously was raised by my mom and dad."

"She doesn't get the point," Isla sighed regretfully.

"That is one of the few things I agree with you on," Reese sniggered. "Now you guys can't call me the idiot of the group anymore!" He threw his arms up victoriously.

(Y/n) wiped her mouth and set her fork down. "Does that mean you've recognized yourself as the dumbest among us six?"

"Why did you choose now of all times to speak, (N/n)?" The red-haired male wailed as the other four laughed. "You rarely talk and when you do, it's always to insult me! This is discrimination!"

"I suppose Reese Grayson's are an entire species of their own," the (h/c)-haired girl mused. "Do you think I'd get paid if I submit a report of you to...um, whoever establishes animal names?"

"Twenty!" Reese glared down at the girl. "That's twenty more words than your average of ten per conversation, and all of them are mean. If this isn't bullying, what is?"

"You seriously counted her words?" Jasper shot the other male an incredulous look. "What are you doing with your life, my friend?"

"That is the real question," Isla murmured.

"If Jas said that," Carmen laughed. "Then it's really serious."

(Y/n) subtly moved her chair closer to Lucinda. "...Don't count me. It's weird."

"And now you've scared poor (Y/n) off," the blonde cooed, placing an arm around the girl's shoulders. "Look at what you've done."

Reese flailed and floundered for a comeback. "You know what I mean! (N/n)'s a big bully, and only to me for some reason!"

"Well, duh," Lucinda deadpanned. "The rest of us are her best friends and she loves us. Right, (Y/n)?" (Y/n) nodded and gave her a thumbs up.

"We're too awesome to be bullied," Carmen grinned. "We're not like you, Reese."

"Wow, okay," the redhead sulked. "I see how it is." He curled up in his chair and began sobbing. "All of you hate me!"

"Why do you accept this so fast but not the fact that choir is so much better than drama?" Isla poked the male's arm, unfazed by his crocodile tears. "And you call me the drama queen? Look who's talking."

"Dramatic much," Lucinda and Carmen chorused, only making Reese sob harder.

"Now, now," Jasper laughed. "Let's not tease Reese too much. There, there." He patted the redhead's back, allowing him to cry on his shoulder.

Lucinda smirked and faked an innocent look. "Aww, is Reesy poo crying? What happened to not being the idiot of the group?

"He gave that up," Carmen said. "He gotta man up and accept the title like a man. It's a real honor having one, you know."

"Not when it's that!" Reese whipped his head around to glare at the two cackling girls. "I'm unfriending you guys!"

Isla snorted and placed her face on her hand as she finished up her lunch. "Hear ye, hear ye. Reese bloody Grayson is unfriending us. Huzzah."

"Nothing new," Carmen shrugged. "He does it three times a week." Lucinda stared at the brown-haired girl.

"You've counted?"

She stared back. "You didn't?"

"Guys, please," Jasper begged as his rhymic back-patting of the redhead grew faster. "If Reese actually cries, you all know how ann—I mean, sad it is, right?"

"You were about to say annoying there," the purple-haired girl interjected.

"So let's end the bu—er, teasing here, alright?" The blue-haired boy continued, ignoring the girl. Isla scowled at the rejection and turned back towards her food. Carmen patted her back soothingly.

Reese sniffed and wiped a stray tear from his eye. "You're so nice, Jas! I love you!"

"No problem, I guess?" Jasper released his arm around the emerald-eyed male. "I think the bell's about to ring soon. You guys are all coming to the usual spot afterschool, right?" The four nodded with the exception of (Y/n) who had fallen asleep sometime during their conversation.

"(N/n)'s coming," Reese confirmed. "I asked her last period."

"Okay, good. See you later, guys!" The purple-eyed boy rose to his feet with his tray. Punctual as always, Jasper always made it his point to arrive to class early.

"Ciao, Jas," Carmen popped a cherry into her mouth. Lucinda hummed as she inspected her makeup in a handmirror. Jasper sweatdropped at their lack of care and waved at the rest before leaving.

A ring filled the steadily emptying cafeteria, piercing easily through the chatter, signaling the end of the lunch period. Reese began shaking the (h/c)-haired girl awake. "We'll see you later," he told the three.

"Okayyy," the brown-haired girl drawing, stretching her arms above her head. "Don't annoy (Y/n) too much, 'kay?"

"Hey, I'd like to argue the opposite!"

"Bye, guys!" Isla yelled from across the cafeteria. She had somehow teleported to the doorway. "You better pay for my smoothie later, Reese bloody Grayson!"

"I will not!" Reese shouted back. "And stop calling me that, you plum tart!" And turning back towards (Y/n), "Seriously, wake up, (N/n). We're going to be late."

(Y/n) clicked her tongue in irritation and sat up. "Fine." She slid off the chair with her tray and placed it onto the disposal chain. "What's our next class?" The two of them had most of the same classes together.

The redhead's face turned sad. "I have physics. You have P.E. now. We're separated again, (N/n)!" He began crying again as he buried his face into his hands.

"Save your theatrics for your club," (Y/n) said, unfazed. "We have the classes after that together anyway. Bye, Reese." With that said, the girl was off towards the school's gymnasium as the red-haired male glared at her retreating figure with a pout and angry frown.

She arrived at the gym thankfully without any incidents, and just on time. The instructor spied her and waved the girl over. "Just one minute to the bell, (Y/n)," Mr. Johnson observed. "Come, join the circle." The gym teacher was a tall, dark-skinned male with his hair pulled into cornrows. He wore the typical gym coach attire with a whistle around his neck.

As (Y/n) sat down beside a few familiar faces, she was instantly plagued with the hushed whispers of a few girls gushing about how hot their teacher was. And to be honest if (Y/n) cared, she'd find it mildly disturbing.

"Today's the start of our new unit, gang," Mr. Johnson said in that raspy—the girls around (Y/n) would say husky—voice of his. "Are y'all excited?" Yes, Mr. Johnson was one of those teachers who tried to fit in with the trend. And to them, it was by copying the teens' way of speaking.

"We'd be excited if we knew what the unit was," a boy snorted.

"Okay, that's true," the dark-skinned man sighed. "We're playing volleyball this trimester! Excited, anyone?" He was met with a few half-hearted cheers and some mischievous grins from the boys.

"Since you guys seem so excited, how about you take twenty laps around the gym," Mr. Johnson blew his whistle. "Girls run twenty-five on the inner ring, and boys twenty on the outer. Go!"

(Y/n) stifled a groan as she forced her leg muscles to work. Her friend, Ling Wei Wei, gave her a sympathetic look as she ran aside the other girl. Her short black hair bobbed around her face as she ran.

"Mr. Johnson's nice but he's somewhat of a spartan," Wei Wei cringed. "Twenty-five laps right after lunch? You're kidding me, right?"

"He does not kid," (Y/n) sighed regretfully. "In our basketball unit, he made us run thirty."

"Ooh, I didn't mind that, actually," the Chinese girl smiled.

"Well, yeah. You love basketball too much."

"I love the sport," Wei Wei sighed. "You should try it, (Y/n). It's really fun. I have a game this weekend, too. It's against some school in London, St. Helena Girls or something like that."

She wrinkled her nose and shook her head. "No thanks. I'm too short for it anyway, and if I tried, I'd die instantly."

"It's not like I'm making you play rugby or anything!"

"Rugby..." the girl searched her memory for the sport. "That's even worse than soccer."

(A/N: here, (Y/n) is talking about American football. Not American soccer)

The two girls shuddered in unison as they ran a few steps behind the large group in front of them, thinking back to the rugby game they had thought was smart to attend. All that crashing and slamming and blood...it was safe to say they were traumatized for the rest of their life.

Wei Wei suddenly jabbed the (e/c)-eyed girl in her ribs. "That hurt," (Y/n) whined, shying away and rubbing her side. "What was that for?" She pulled the corners of her mouth down into a frown.

But the taller girl wasn't listening. Her black eyes were locked on a figure running across the room. "Look," Wei Wei hissed excitedly. "Oh my god, it's him! He actually came to class!" As if on command, squeals and breathless sighs began filling the gym as all the girls clutched each other and turned their eyes to the boy quietly running his laps.

"Who's that?" (Y/n) inquired curiously, tilting her head.

Wei Wei reluctantly looked away from the boy to stare at her incredulously. "You don't know? How don't you know? Nevermind, I don't want to know. That's Kim Jaehyun, one of the four princes of our school," she gushed. "Also known as the P4, perfect four, prince four, whatever you want to name it..."

Her voice was lost on the (h/c)-haired girl's ears as (Y/n) lost all interest in the commotion. P4, she thought. 'Pastel four? Cake four. Like shortcake. I want cake. I want four slices of cake, like a green tea sponge cake.' She gulped as she thought of the sweet treat. 'Mmm, I'm hungry.'

"...And Jaehyun, or Jay," Wei Wei was saying. "He's the son of one of the most famous hospitals here in England! I hear they're thinking of expanding overseas. Anyone lucky enough to date any of the P4 would be the most envied girl alive! I mean, talented, smart, handsome, and rich. Complete all in one package! And if you ask me, I'm more of a Jay girl myself. His delicate features are just my type—wait, are you listening?"

(Y/n) immediately rearranged her drooling features to an emotionless one. "Totally."

"Oh, okay," the black-haired girl brightened. "So like I was saying, the rest of the P4 are only the top of the class. They are—"

"Jay!" A high-pitched voice interrupted her. A platinum blonde girl was hurrying up the golden-haired male, surrounded with a few other girls, all of which had pink blushes on their faces. Unlike the rest of the students who wore their uniforms simple and loose, they had adjusted theirs to be tight-fitting.

The girl smiled sweetly and batted her lashes up at the expressionless male. (Y/n) blinked slowly. 'I see it's another one of my kind. The stone faces.'

"Jay, you came," the blonde giggled, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "I don't see you in P.E. a lot. What do you usually do at this time?"

Jaehyun was grasping his wrist as his scarlet eyes darted from side-to-side. "Art room," he said gently, his voice melodic and soft, just a few tones above (Y/n)'s own. "I dislike physical activity." Had it been said by anyone else, it would've sounded dirty, but not from this angel.

"I've seen many of your paintings," the girl sided up to the blonde and hugged his arm to her chest, not noticing his discomfort. "I really liked Mirror Lake. It was absolutely gorgeous, Jay. Maybe," she began twirling a lock of her hair slyly. "Maybe you could paint a portrait of me someday?"

The male's smile was strained. "Maybe. I have to run now, um..."

"Mackenzie," the blonde breathed.

"Mackenzie. Or else Mr. Johnson will notice." He glanced worriedly at the dark-skinned teacher who was scanning the gym with his whistle hovering near his mouth. It was only a matter of time until he spotted the group at a stand-still in the middle of the tracks.

Mackenzie pursed her lips but did not release her grip on the male. "Aww, come on," she whined. "Who cares what an old geezer like him thinks? Let's do something more fun, okay~?" The girls began giggling and pushing at the blond, trying to steer him to the bleachers.

Jaehyun turned his face away to avoid her overwhelming perfume. Hailing from a pure-blooded Korean family, the Kims never did indulge in heavy scents or aromas. His mother always stuck to the more natural scents of lavender or jasmine, and only on special occasions did she apply it. So the strange smells and clothing of the English confounded and slightly scared the boy.

"Please don't push," he whispered, trying to free his arms from the girls' grip. "Let me walk." Frankly speaking, Jaehyun desperately wanted to push the girl away, ignore her, run away—do anything. But Mackenzie Taylor was the only daughter of a prominent investor of the Kim Hospitals, Aaron Taylor...

"...So he couldn't anger her for future relations," Wei Wei finished her commentary with a flourish. (Y/n) stared at the girl with wide eyes. 'That wasn't me reading that sunflower's mind? It was her? What a downer.'

"How do you know he dislikes her?" (Y/n) asked innocently. The black-haired girl's proud smile dipped down into a frown.

"I don't want to be one of those mean b*tches or anything, but it's kind of obvious." She motioned towards the blond. "And I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel jealous seeing someone else cling to my crush like that."

The (h/c)-haired girl placed her hands on her mouth and opened her mouth. "You like him?" She took a step back in surprise. The display might've worked had it not been for the blank look on her face.

Wei Wei smiled at her friend's antics. "I still don't get what the meaning of that is. But yeah, I guess I do." A light blush rose onto his face. "Out of the entire P4, Jay's the sweetest and just so charming. What girl wouldn't fall for him?" Her eyes fell on the shorter girl by her side. "Correction: what girl aside from the strange alien called (Y/n) wouldn't?"

"Hey!" (Y/n) pulled her face down into a frown. "I was very hurt by that. I am angry now."

"You don't look angry at all," the taller girl giggled, poking (Y/n)'s cheek. "Would it really kill you to spare some energy for making facial expressions?"

The shorter girl shrugged and followed Wei Wei to their respective floor spots in the gymnasium, their twenty laps completed. "It takes 42 muscles in your face to frown," she said. "And it takes 4 muscles to smack someone."

"I don't see how that applies here, but whatever floats your boat," Wei Wei huffed, slightly out of breath as she did a series of jumping jacks. (Y/n) followed suit, doing what could be considered the saddest jumping jacks ever. "Did you finish the math homework yet?"

(Y/n) gave her a thumbs-up. "Done, double-checked, and stored! 100% accuracy guaranteed!"

"I swear the only reason you bother to do homework is so you can sleep in class," the Chinese girl giggled, now doing curl-ups with the (e/c)-eyed maiden holding her feet down. "Mrs. Richards is especially strict about homework."

"Mrs. Richards..." (Y/n) placed her fist into her other hand. "Ah, I remember!" With the sudden lack of support, Wei Wei fell backward with a shout.

"You could at least warn me, (Y/n), if talking isn't too much energy for you." Wei Wei pulled herself to a sitting position and wrapped her arms around her knees. "So? What did you remember?"

The shorter girl smiled apologetically and sat down cross-legged. "Mrs. Richards told me to get tutoring the other day. I guess scantron art and acing homework wasn't enough. I needed to be more 'motivated.'" She drew air quotes for the last word. "Strange word. Never heard of it."

Wei Wei tapped her chin. "Hmm, I guess her reason's more about your effort than academics. I mean, you're plenty smart already so you wouldn't need basic tutoring. Did she say what kind it was?"

"She was super vague about it," (Y/n) sighed as she rocked back and forth. Mr. Johnson's voice floated above them as he demonstrated the basic serves and receives in their new sport. She glanced at the teacher for a brief second. "I'm supposed to sign up by Friday, and I guess she implied she'd handle the rest."

"Well, I hope you get someone good." Wei Wei pushed herself to her feet as Mr. Johnson began arranging the students into groups to try the moves he taught. "Crap, were you listening?"

"You just bounce the ball around, right?" The (h/c)-haired girl scuffed the polished floor with her shoe. "An athletic person like you'll get the hang of it."

"Wowww, how encouraging."

(Y/n) gave the other girl another thumbs-up. "How 'bout this? You can do it, Wei Wei! Go! Go!"

"Now that just feels like you're mocking me," the black-haired girl deadpanned. "Ooh, nice. We're grouped by columns. Wanna partner with me?"

She nodded. "I'll secure us a spot!" She ran off in the direction of an empty portion of the gymnasium.

"You just don't want to get the ball," Wei Wei sweatdropped. "Fine, I'll do it." She retrieved a well-aired volleyball and made her way towards where (Y/n) stood. "Do you want to throw first?" The girl shook her head fervently. "Sheesh, you're so lazy. Here I go then!" She positioned the ball in front of her and hit it with her other hand in an underhand serve.

(Y/n) watched the ball soar through the air with hooded eyes as various calculations ran through her head. This my friends, is the secret to how (Y/n) White became so smart. By employing physics, calculus, etc. in her life every day to determine the course of action that would spend the least amount of energy, (Y/n) has gotten arguably more practice than anyone else.

The girl shifted her feet slightly as she tracked the ball's progress, moving with the slightest of movements to set the ball back to her companion.

"I can't tell if you're good at this or if you're just messing around," Wei Wei commented as she bounced the ball back. "Have you played volleyball before?"

"Ew, sports," was her only answer.

"Why did I expect any other answer—OW!" A ball whizzed towards them, striking the tall girl in the side of her head.

(Y/n) gasped, placing her hands on her cheeks and opening her mouth before running up to check on her friend. "Are you okay?"

Wei Wei massaged her reddening cheek. "Yeah, this is nothing compared to practice. Still hurts like a b*tch though."

"Should I call Mr. Johnson?" The girl asked worriedly. Wei Wei shook her head.

"I'll be fine. Come on, let's continue—"

"Aww, I'm sorry," came a voice. "I accidentally hit it too hard. Are you alright, Way squared?" It was Mackenzie, the girl they had seen shamelessly flirting with Jaehyun.

Wei Wei's reassuring smile was replaced with a dark scowl. "Mac flipping Barbie doll. How nice of you to send me a ball from across the room."

The blonde smirked and placed a hand on her hip. "Seems like I don't know my strength," she purred. "I said I was sorry, didn't I?" Her ice-blue eyes landed on the (h/c)-haired girl. "Oh, honey, I didn't see you there. I didn't accidentally hit you now, did I?"

(Y/n) shook her head. "I'm fine, thanks for asking."

"Anytime," Mackenzie's smirk turned devious. "And because I'm concerned for your wellbeing, sweetheart, you should stay away from slit-eyes here." Wei Wei gritted her teeth and curled her hands into fists. The blonde's smile grew wider. "Is Way squared going to hit me? Oh, please don't touch me. I don't want your smelly Asian stench to get on my clothes. They're designer, you know. Not that you can afford it."

"Are you done here?" Wei Wei said through clenched teeth. "(Y/n) and I are practicing. Alone, Mackenzie. Go take your Barbies and Ken dolls outta here!"

The blonde ignored her and turned her attention to the (e/c)-eyed girl. "You really should stay away from China girl here," she said.

(Y/n) tilted her head. "Why?"

"Because," Mackenzie drawled. "Don't you know being in close quarters spreads coronavirus? You don't want to be infected by slit-eyes here, do you?" Wei Wei opened her mouth to retort, only to be cut off.

"COVID-19 isn't exclusive to the Chinese," (Y/n) said politely. "And if she had it, all of us probably would've been infected for a long time now, but I feel fine. Thank you for your concern, miss, but I'm confident in my eye for choosing friends." She gave the bewildered blonde and her group of minions a little bow before turning back towards her friend.

"Okay, Wei Wei. Let's do that thump thing again."

The corners of Wei Wei's eyes softened slightly, now filled with a newfound respect for the maiden.

"(Y/n)...it's called a bump."