

With her brother missing and serial killer on lose, asuna sets out to investigate what happened to all the victims. But this is not as easy as she thought it would be. Six boys get a little to attached to her and she can't seem to escape. Entering a high school which seems normal only to find out everyone has secrets. Even her family. Secrets yet to be revealed. The tale of 17 year old girl who is searching for a mass murderer. Only to end up losing herself and her freedom . Who is the serial killer and what do they want with her.? Why can't she seem to escape from grasp of six highschool seniors.? Will she survive long enough to uncover the mystery or will this be the last we see of her........

daaniya_bukhari · Teen
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


Boy's penthouse

The boys' dorm room was alive with a cacophony of emotions and reactions to the unexpected kiss incident.

Takumi paced back and forth, his voice trembling with frustration. "I can't believe that happened! Asuna might hate me now!"

Akira, ever nonchalant, quipped, "Oh come on, Takumi. At least you got to touch her lips. Lucky you!"

Hikaru pouted, "I wanted to be in your place, Takumi! I wouldn't wash my lips if that happened to me."

Takumi's eyes lit up at Hikaru's idea. "That's it! I won't wash my lips!"

Subaru intervened, "Takumi, you'll get sick if you don't wash them. You need to."

Yukio grabbed Subaru's collar with a stern expression. "This plan better work. I won't let asuna be tainted."

Meanwhile, Kazuto chimed in with his usual demeanour, "Think of it as the first level, guys. We've got a few more hurdles before reaching the goal."

"Let the games begin," Subaru declared, his words laden with a subtle challenge.


June 20th

You rushed to school realising you were late. This has been happening since you got your phone stolen. Today is a special day. You will get the files of the boys today. Hopefully, figure out why everyone calls them dangerous.

You made your way up to the second floor ready to go find your friends. A commotion caught your eyes. In one of the classrooms, people stood around someone in a circle.

Curiosity got the best of you. You rushed to see what was the matter. You raised your eyebrows in surprise to find Lily and Aya to be surrounded by a couple of girls you recognized.

Both Aya and Lily looked distressed and hurt. Something did not feel right. Panic started to creep in. You had almost reached the crowd but guilt in you made you stop. You were sure now. It was your fault.

Maybe it was how the girls looked at you. Or maybe it wasn't.

One girl rubbed Lily's back" It will be okay" she said

" she must have seduced him" another one cooed."That was so not like Takumi"

One of those girls who helped Aya bully in past started to ramble on about you.

" That bitch was a snake. Aya I was telling you, should not have trusted her. She just knows how to play all of you on her fingers. You three got played" the girl with a nasty haircut said.

You saw Hayami sitting between both Aya and Lily comforting them. Her hand in theirs. She was angry. You could see that.

"Hello," you shifted uncomfortably.

You could see every girl tense as they turned to look at you. They all held a similar expression. DISGUST.

" You have some nerve coming here," one girl said as she stepped forward to intimidate you. It was a pathetic attempt.

" what's going on," you asked confused.

" You are a terrible person" another one scowled as she looked you over "What a slut"

" careful there" you warned. You would not be insulted. You are not a weak person to take in their jabs and not answer back.

Finally, aya looked up. She practically seething" Why.? Will you beat us up like you did them" she asked pointing at Riley and Michigan the girls you beat up a few days ago.

You took a deep breath in and said" That was for Lily. You know that aya. I was helping her. What's wrong talk to me you three. I am your friend."

" oh you sure are" Lily said bitterly

" hayami. Pls tell me what's wrong they both aren't making sense right now. " you pleaded. But Hayami turned her face away with a disappointed sigh.

" I will tell you" Aya pushed back her strawberry curls and stood up. Heading straight for you. She pushed back all the girls in her way and rummaged in her pocket for her phone.

" I knew you were a bitch. But I did not know you were a snake too. " aya said with tears lining up her eyes. Her grip on the phone got tighter as she continued "How could you do this? I trusted you. We trusted you. You ruined my relationship and any chance of reconciliation with him. "

Lily scowled "You also are a good actress. Acting like you cared for me. But you waited for such a chance. Did you not? I lost all confidence I had. BECAUSE OF YOU"

" I didn't do anything " you exclaimed. You wished instead of accusing you of things they would just tell you what happened so you could take a stand for yourself. You knew what was wrong now.

"oh sure you didn't " Hayami said as she moved to the centre and stood beside Aya. " What is this then.?"

She scrolled up to the hottest news on the school website. You could see hundreds of comments and likes. It was a photo of you kissing Takumi. It was taken from a vantage point. It was as if someone timed it precisely. Your eyes widened but before you could speak.

Hayami swiped up to an audio. It was the same file that you had saved in that old pen drive. The original copy of the bet between Aya and that senpai. You could say nothing as a bitter laugh escaped your mouth.

" got something to say now. " Ava asked. She was the club member from yesterday " I was there the whole time. I saw you force Takumi into kissing you " she said as she threw something heavy at you, which you caught on instinct.

Not a single word came out of your mouth. It was shut tight. What could you even say at this point? Anything you say would be used against you. You numbly walked out of the classroom and rushed towards the bathroom. You could not see.

Maybe because your eyes were blurry with tears. You figured you were hurt. Hurt, they did not give you a chance to speak. Not for one second did they doubt it might have been someone else.

Alone in the confines of the tiled space, you replayed the events in your mind, tracing back to the last time you had control over the incriminating evidence. The audio tape had been securely kept in your bag until the previous night. It was stolen.

Who could take a picture from such a angle. What is their motive. Only thing that will happen with this is drive a wedge between you and your friends and potentially leave you alone. All that negative pr is really bad for your investigation.

Slow footsteps were heard as someone started to approach you. You saw a dash of scarlet hair from the mirror. It was akira. You braced yourself for his witty remark. But none came your way.

For a moment, neither of you spoke. His silence felt unusual, almost unfamiliar, in stark contrast to his usual quick quips and banter.

"What the hell happened?" Akira's voice sliced through the air, sharp and raw with anger, his eyes narrowing in concern as he observed your tear-stained face.

I should be asking you that. You were the one who went to get some pictures that day.

That was right. If they stole your phone. They could definitely do this. But takumi fell down on fluke no way that was planned. You accusing them on instinct was wrong. But somehow it seemed right.

" Nothing happened " you said with a shake of your head.

"Doesn't seem like 'nothing'. Did someone do something?"akira muttered.

You smiled wiping tears of your sore eyes. " Does period count as something. Also what are you doing in girls washroom get out akira." you said pushing the ruby eyed male out.

Akira stormed out in a arbitrary direction before you could say anything more. Leaving you to face your heavy heart alone.

As akira reached closer to his class he was stopped by Hikaru, who hugged him tight. He smile ever dazzling.

" That was some awesome acting~" the blonde said. " I almost believed you were genuinely concerned for her~. "

" I did not think she would cry" the red head said as he smirked " this means we are successful in dividing them "

" yes we are. Now let's go. Next period is gym" Hikaru said as he dragged akira towards the gymnasium.

You slowly walked towards the gym. You had already missed the first period as you spent it crying in the washroom. You had no idea why it was affecting you as much as it did. You knew them for such a little time. Yet your heart broke each time you saw their face scorned with hate for you.

As you walked past the corridor you could hear horrid whispers. This time even the boys joined in. There were many rude glances thrown in your way. You almost reached the door of the gymnasium, when the wishpers got louder. At this point they were provoking you to beat them up.

"that's her.? She looks like a snake"

"what did aya except from a bitch like her"

"she manipulated takumi to kiss her. I knew we should not have taken transfer kids"

They had started to get on your nerve. You threw them a glare, which surprisingly did not silence them up. They kept throwing verbal slurs at you. You were shocked. Your hand curled into a fist , about to throw a punch at the nearest girl. But it was caught midway in the air. You tried to look at who caught it.

"Dove don't hurt yourself~" someone said in a slurry tone.

You instantly knew who it was. None other than hikaru. His touch softened your clenched fist as he stood between you and the source of the hurtful words.

"Why hurt yourself over some insignificant ants?" Akira's words, laced with disdain, cut through the tension like a blade.

His ruby eyes shone with hate.The air shifted as he shot a glare that sent shivers through the surrounding students, causing them to scatter like fallen leaves in a gust.

Hikaru's demeanour underwent a drastic change.His voice sliced through the tension, a stark contrast to his usual exuberance. "I better not hear anyone talking bad about asuna, is that clear"

Well....they seemed so afraid to them

The students nodded their heads and immediately dispersed. Hikaru held your hand as he pulled(dragged) you towards the gym. Upon reaching you directly went to the girls locker room. Nostalgia hit you hard. Last time you were in here. You moped the floor with riley and Michigan.

This time it seems someone else will mop it with you. As you stepped into the locker room, a chilling silence greeted you, broken only by the faint sounds of heavy breathing from the three women, dressed head to toe in combat gear, their eyes burning with animosity fixed on your entrance.

" Are you kidding me.?" you exclaimed.

Two figures emerged from the crowd, their faces contorted with vindictive satisfaction. It was Riley and Michigan, their expressions twisted with malice as they stepped forward, reveling in the moment.

I should have known...

"This is what you get for messing with us!" Riley sneered, her voice dripping with triumphant spite.

I would love to use her face as mop...

Michigan echoed her sentiments, a smirk playing on her lips. "You should have known better than to cross us."

I am thinking of butchering that smirk...ugh

You faced them, their presence only strengthening your resolve. Without hesitation, you delivered a swift punch, landing a solid blow that left them momentarily stunned.

Take that you foul..bitches

"I'd do it again in a heartbeat," you declared, the adrenaline coursing through you.

The girls both gave you a horrid glare and swiftly went back into the crowd. Upon reaching a safe distance they shouted at the three masked girls to begin. You only had one question.


Amidst the chaos, the locker room doubled as both battleground and amphitheater. Spectators, drawn by the commotion, peeked in through slightly ajar doors, whispering hushed encouragements or gasping at each impactful blow.

A powerful blow sent you staggering backward, the impact jolting through your body. The pain surged, but it only ignited a fiercer fire within you.

The audience's desires were painted across their faces as they eagerly urged on the relentless assault against me. It was evident that they reveled in the unfolding spectacle, craving the satisfaction of witnessing your defeat.

"Come on, take her down!" one of the onlookers exclaimed, her voice carrying a tone of vindictive satisfaction.

Just you wait....you little...

You were finally done, or so you thought. Just as you turned your back, you were dealt with a powerful kick which sent you sprawling across the room. You weakly stood up as you saw the last woman remove her mask and show her disfigured face.

Oh man this better not be story time..

"do you know who did this.?" she asked. Her voice demanding and her stance intimidating.

"let me guess.... Me.?" you asked jokingly.

"No. Do you think this is a joke.? It was your dear twin brother." she said with distaste." I hope he curls in his grave...oh wait he does not have one does he.?" she smirked victoriously.

This was a bad story

"You think you did something there didn't you" you said as you matched her punches with your own " maybe you should try to be less predictable "

"Right hook"

"Left hand choke hold"

"A bit of opening on your right....oppss I meant your left."

And with that you gave her a final blow which made her unconscious. Slowly her two friends helped her up and scrambled away as you changed into your pe clothes.

" Well riley and Michigan I will see you after school" you left the locker room smirking.