
64th Dawn - Trailblazer Prophecy

For a moment, Alexander and I only exchange muddled looks amidst the dumbfounding silence.

"You're not the one who did this?" I asked, confounded.

"No... You didn't either?" he replied to which I just slowly nodded in return.

"Could it be a robber, Sir?"

"Are you stupid? Why would a robber clean someone else's place?"

Then, I gulp. The only remaining culprit I can think of is those winged creatures from yesterday. I'm not really sure whether to be grateful or frightened by this. Alexander, on the other hand, is now mustering the face of someone having the same thoughts as me. He also probably figured out that this is another work of whatever magic that's inhabiting this place.

"Okay, since everything that's happening now is way beyond human comprehension that I'm starting to run out of brain cells, let's just leave it all to magic. Therefore, the cause of this is... Magic," I babbled, trying to sound convincing though I'm not that persuaded myself.

"That's quite fathomable, though. It's your first time experiencing it, so you're having a hard time believing," Alexander blurted out nonchalantly.

"What do you mean? So, you experienced something as astonishing as this before?"

"I mostly heard about magic during my history and philosophy classes back then, and was raised to believe that there's always one even though it's imperceptible. Something like faith, that is. Magic may be utilized in a few selected fields just like contract signing, but for the past few decades, people's exposure to it had diminished exponentially. That's why you, along with many others, are unaware of its existence. A huge chunk of the noble's populace is conscious of it, though. Some even make use of magic, including the imperial family and those who work at the temple."

Now, that's an educational and mind-blowing overview. I doubt Mother also knows this despite her erudition. Magic just sounds like something straight out of a fairytale bedtime story, but then again, experience is the best teacher and an eloquent speaker. I was a tad dubious until yesterday's events, after all.

"Anyway, let's keep going. Wear this thing for now. You can't be dressed like that when you're going to the temple," Alexander continued before handing out a big, white box to me.

"What's this, Sir?" I questioned, reaching out for it.

"Just wear it. Hurry up or we'll miss the carriage."

"Okay, okay."

A moment later, I find myself utterly stupefied. What Alexander made me wear turns out to be a very fancy scarlet dress with multi-layered petticoats underneath, giving that silhouette image that many noble ladies are so obsessed with. Along with this is a pair of red stilettos and a flowery bonnet that is so not my style. Moving is arduous with such a heavy garment. I feel stiff with these heels on. While other women appear as elegant as a swan when they're dressed in this, I look like a lumbering duckling with how awkward I walk. Only when we get to the industrial carriage that I finally feel like a normal human again.

"Dear Mother, just how exactly do they walk here...?" I mumbled, slumping on my seat.

"You're really a helpless case, Daffodil. How do you manage to trip a couple of times when those are just two-inches high?" Alexander commented, peering at me with pity.

"I did manage to get this far with this dress as well. Couldn't this be knee-length? I keep stepping on the hemline."

"I do find it quite stifling to wear... Well, if you have any idea, just sketch it again. Let's have a look at it later on."

I truly miss that casual dress code back in the modern earth where I came from. A chic and relaxed attire in a sleeveless shirt, dressy thigh-length trousers, and a pair of doll shoes was more of my taste. Everyone sees fashion there as a form of expression instead of social status and whatnot, but then again, this is an entirely different universe. Here, showcasing one's personal beliefs to others is considered atrocious.

"But come to think of it, maybe it can't be that bad, after all. I mean, it's just a matter of following a certain pattern. If this style is what's trending today, then just make one that's somewhat similar to it so that people won't be too outraged by it. Aside from this, there are tons of methods of promotion that I learned about back then," I whispered softly, deep in thought.

"Hey, burning yourself out already? You're really pumped up about this," Alexander suddenly voiced out with an amused smirk, halting my train of thoughts.

"And whose fault is this, Sir?" I retorted, narrowing my eyes at him.

"What? You're blaming me?"

"You did talk me into it a few days ago. Now, I feel like I've reached the point of no return."

"Pft...! So, that's your spirit."

Taken aback, I almost gape at Alexander's refreshingly genuine laugh and ear-splitting grin. His face suddenly brightens up like the warm morning sun, sharing the same gleaming luster of his blonde hair. Such breath-taking features are supposed to be illegal. Then, at that very moment, I land on a dumbfounding realization out of nowhere. For some reason, I always manage to meet such good-looking gentlemen that my beauty senses are starting to get keener. I'm not really complaining, though. More like, the very idea is quite overwhelming and sounds a little bit absurd.

"It's just probably a matter of getting used to it. I've always had more male friends than female ones during childhood anyway, though their personalities are more like that of a monkey instead of a prince. I'm far from prim and proper myself, and maybe that's why I feel overwhelmed," I silently mused.

A few hours later, the carriage finally arrived at the central town. This is the closest borough to the temple and has the highest number of nobles in the first division of Ellicht - highest because it's the nearest town to the second division, which is being inhabited by the upper class. That said, everyone's apparels here are more formal and ostentatious than those from the neighboring municipalities.

"Hmm... What's that?" I questioned upon unmounting the carriage.

Alexander and I hear the continuous ringing of bells as soon as we step a foot at the place. The sound echoes all around the town, giving the impression that something big is going on. It seems to be coming from the direction of the temple, which is all the more reason why it's attention-grabbing.

"I knew it... It's a good thing we came here early. The temple's not being flocked over by people yet," Alexander pondered out loud, much to my bafflement.

"What? Is there something to flock over about?" I inquired, tilting my head quizzically.

"I'll explain everything to you once we get there. For now, let's get moving."

Then, with that, the two of us make our way to the temple. It's my first time being there, so I didn't really expect how grandiose it would turn out to be. The architecture is similar to that of the Reinaissance period, has a dome-shaped roof and multiple pillars, and is jaw-droppingly humongous. Surrounding it is a vast, empty field and massive blocks of wall. The very temple itself might be as huge as three towns combined.

"Woah..." I swooned in awe, mouth agape.

"Mind your manners, Daffodil. We'll be meeting the priests later on," Alexander chided, flummoxing me.

"W-What? The priests...?! Can you at least give me a hint of what's happening, Sir?"

"We're almost there. Hold your horses for a bit longer."


Ignored, I just take this time to look around. I notice that there's a handful of people scattered all over the temple ground as if waiting to spectate something. When we enter the front gate, a crowd is already swarming the place. However, that's not what catches me off guard. What suddenly makes my eyes widen in surprise is the stupendous altar in front of us. Almost a hundred of candelabras, each neatly placed in an opulent mosaic glass, are illuminating the abbey while securely embossed on the temple's wall.

"Divination of the Eternal Flames..." Alexander mumbled out of nowhere, making me swivel my head to his direction.

"The Divination of the Eternal Flames is the empire's oracle. Those candles don't die out until a certain point. Their flames are lit up by magic, and each represents the soul of a Pioneer blessed by the celestial beings."

"Pioneer? Celestial beings?" I repeated, blinking my eyes in puzzlement.

"Pioneer is the title given to those recognized by the celestial beings as someone who possesses the ability to contrive a broad transformation in today's society - an innovator, in short. On the other hand, these celestial beings are magical creatures sent by the gods. They're inhabiting this land as its guardians, and they're not allowed to interact with humans. There's an exception for this, though. Celestial beings will only show themselves to those mentioned in the temple's prophecies. Their appearance is a sign that they have given their blessings to a new Pioneer."

"A-Are these creatures... the same ones I saw back in the attic? The fairies...? If that's so, t-then..." I trailed off in flummox and disbelief.

At this, Alexander faces me with a solemn expression. An enigmatic glint glazes his emerald irises the moment we make eye contact.

"Yes, they are. And you, Lillian Daffodil, are a Pioneer in the making."

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