
More than one

"....and I was wondering if I could engineer it to travel back in time." WHAT!

"How?! WHY?!" I shouted in shock.

"Calm down lily, I'm not going to do anything bad." She said trying to calm me down

"How can I be calm when you literally want to go back in time, why do you even want to."

"Don't worry like I said I don't intend to do anything bad. I was just thinking that,in the future, after we find out who this new evil is we can then find out their backstory and see what happened when they went down a dark path." Said Vivian it took me a few seconds to comprehend what she had just explained to me. "Hmm, and then we can stop them from going down the dark path without killing them and saving lives. Wait but then what happens to me if we change the past like that. Does it mean that I don't ever meet you or do we stay the same and everybody else knows nothing of this." I asked

"Hmm well I never thought of that.. even if that does happen I have a feeling that we will meet and reunite. Plus once we see each other I can guarantee we will remember each other, I'll never forget a face like yours."

Hearing Vivian say things like that made my heart feel warm and fuzzy and I'm pretty sure I was blushing. Oh crap! I just remembered that I was going to learn how to shape shift today. "Vivian do you think you could come back up to the house now so you can teach me some magic." I said breaking the awkward silence between us.

"Oh, of corse." We then headed back up to the house and once we got there Vivian shit the entrance. It was amazing, to open it there was a book that was labelled 'don't be suspicious' I snickered a little bit. Vivian then held my hand all of a sudden a in a blink of an eye and a poof of smoke we were in the garden again. "Ok so what have you learned so far with your books?"

"Well I can easily make a power ball and a ball of healing. Oh and I can do this." I then proceeded to reach out with my hand to one of her dead flowers, I turned my hand 180 degrees to the left and the flower was flourishing and bloomed brighter than ever. Vivian was stunned and then said," wow, you learn fast and it's only been a week. Well done."

"That's not all I can do." I said with confidence. I then turned it back to the way it was and then rotated my hand 180 degrees to the right and it disintegrated and turned to dust. I looked over at Vivian and instead of seeing her impressed she had a look of shear horror on her face. "Umm Vivian what's wrong?"She confused to just look intently at the flower dust. Maybe that was a special flower and I had just destroyed it. "Vivian did I do something wrong?"

"Lily, you actually did do something wrong,"

Oh no what had I done, what was wrong? She then continued and said,"Well you know how you have the magix magic," I nodded" well, it's the power of love, prosperity and health." I just looked at her confused.

"Yeah what does that have to to with your reaction to the flower?"

"You killed and destroyed something with magic so you have multiple magics because magix can only bring life not death."


Dear lily live readers,

I hope you are having a lovely day and happy birthday to any of you who's bday it is. I also want to let you know that you are perfect just the way you are. Now on a serious note, I just want to take a moment and talk about what is happening to people who have black skin. It is not okay to be racist or homophobic or anything like that, you have choices to make in your life and deciding to be anything other than kind and caring is not okay. If you are homophobic or racist you are offending people for being themselves. People don't chose who they look or the colour of there skin and it doesn't matter, what does matter is what is on the inside of people not the colour of their skin. We are all equal and we all have the same rights, of you think any differently I think you need to take a look in the mirror and make a change. We are a good community and we all deserve a chance at a good life, so weather your black or white I don't care, you are amazing and beautiful. I'm not going to ask for anything like comments or votes today but I am going to ask you to take care of the people around you and cherish them.

From candy_gacha

👩🏻‍🦰🐰🍭🥖<- still me as usual.