
Lily and the Alpha King

Jimoh_Maryam · History
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15 Chs

Hello, death!

"Lily?" Collins called out her name and wanted to rush to her aid but Ria stopped him, immediately.

"Just let her die in peace, since she has chosen death!" Ria said harshly.

"Ria, don't let us do that! At least, you guys had been best friends at one point in time!" Collins said to her, chidingly.

"Fine! Do whatever you wish! When you are done, come and meet me in the living room!" Ria eyed him scornfully and walked out.

"Ashley, can you hear me? Lily??" Collins called her as he felt his pulse.

"Oh, thank you moon goddess! She is still breathing. She just fell unconscious." He noted, then called upon the head of the maids in his manor.

"Ms Williams, call some of your girls to take her to the maids' quarters and put her in a room. She is a new maid. Please monitor her well, she fell unconscious." Collins instructed her.

"Yes, sir." Ms Williams replied him and got to work as Collins walked out of the room.

"Uhhhh!" Lily gasped and opened her eyes.

"Did I die? Am I in heaven?" She thought as the room she was in was just plain. White curtains were on the door and window and the room itself was painted in white.

"Oh, I didn't die!" She noted as she walked to the window and looked outside. She was at it when a servant walked into the room with a plate of food.

"Oh, you are awake! You were unconscious for two days. The head of the maids asked me to come check up on you. Here is your food. Eat!" Lydia said and placed the plate of food on the floor.

"Where is this place and who are you?" Lily inquired.

"This is one of the rooms in the maids' quarter and now it is yours. I am a servant just like you." Lydia informed her.

" So, everything that has happened so far, is not a dream! I have really become a servant." Lily muttered to herself.

"What did you say?" Lydia asked her.

"Nothing." She replied her.

"Okay then. I have to go back to my duties now. Eat and regain your strength. You are going to start working soon." Lydia informed her before taking her leave.

"Thank you." She appreciated her.

"This is the meal I am supposed to feed on?" Lily looked at the measly meal in the plate placed before her and her eyes became teary.

"Moon goddess, is this what you really planned for my eighteenth birthday? Why did my life has to change drastically immediately I become an adult? As if losing my parents is not enough to make my life miserable, the two persons I hold so dearly to my heart and thought would always be there for me have also betrayed me. How do I get over this betrayal? How do I pull through this..." She wept.

"Moon goddess, you know I have nobody to turn to, apart from you now. Please come to my aid." She wept harder.


"Lily, you are going to work with Lauren and Darya throughout this week so they can put you through and show you how things are being done here." Ms Williams informed her. That was the following day. She had gone to wake her up as early as 4:00am.

"Uhn!" Lily had nodded her head, slowly, in response.

"Use your voice whenever you are in my presence, young lady! I don't tolerate that." Ms Williams shouted at her, chidingly. She flinched.

"I am sorry. Yes!" Lily replied nervously.

"Yes ma'am, I understand! not just yes!" Ms Williams corrected her loudly.

"Yes ma'am, I understand!" She repeated fearfully.

"Good! Go into the changing room and get changed into the maid's uniform. Pack your hair in a neat bun after getting dressed, you must appear neat, always

And stop behaving meekly and dispirited. I have zero tolerance for dirty and clumsy people." Ms Williams snapped at her.

"Yes ma'am, I understand!" She replied her nervously.

"Get running now!" Ms Williams shouted again and she nearly entered the ground.

"Ma'am, I don't know where the changing room is!" She whimpered.

"Ask around! I told you I can't tolerate clumsy people!" Ms Williams spat at her with disgust.

"Yes ma'am, I understand!" She ran off in the direction she was facing. She opened the first door and trotted in.

"Oh, I found it!" She jubilated inwardly and started looking around for where they kept the uniforms.

"Should I just ask them for direction?" She thought as she approached a group of girls, chatting at a corner.

"Hey y'all! I am new here and I am looking for where I can get my uniform and.." She was saying but stopped midway as she saw the brutish look on their faces.

"Is that how you greet your seniors where you come from?" Darya, one of the servants asked her.

"Excuse me?" Lily was confused.

"Oh, it seems she is deaf!" Lauren, the leader of the gang pointed out and they all laughed.

"Girls, I don't understand what you are insinuating. I just want to get my uniform and get to work! Can anybody show me the way?" Lily inquired.

"Darya, show her the way!" Lauren said, smirking.

"This is the way!" Darya said and slapped her face, hard.

"What was the slap for?" Lily was dumbfounded.

"You do not know your way, around. We have to show you, newbie." Lauren said and smiled at her.

"Girls, make her kneel before me! We should teach her how to greet and talk to her seniors." Lauren said to the girls and they sprung into action.

"What?" Lily screamed as she saw Lauren unplugging the hot iron one of the girls had just finished using.

"Calm down and learn. It is an unforgettable lesson that will be useful for you forever! Girls, we are starting with her left thigh!" Lauren stated as she approached Lily menacingly, with the hot iron.