
Lily's Plight

Lily is deprived of parental care and love even when she had both parents alive...How does Lily handle this? What becomes of her?

Kach_Diamond · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 7






I phoned Aunt Miriam but it was Stanley who picked the call.

"Happy birthday my Lily" I had forgotten it was my birthday, my mind had been occupied with the mp stuff, "mp" that was what the older girls in my class called it.

"Thank you Stanley, you are the first to wish me a happy birthday today, I even forgot about it"

"Hmm, that's unlike you, hope you are okay?"

"Yeah, I want to speak with your mom"

"What do you want to tell her? Still about yesterday? I'm sorry"

"Hey no Stanley, something else, I'm not upset with you , stop apologizing"

"So what is it?" He asked

"No boy I can't tell you, just give the phone to your mom"

"She's here already". He gave the phone to his mom.

I explained things to her and she invited me over, at their place she offered me warm water to drink, she said it helps.

I spent an hour at Stanley's place, Aunt Miriam gave me some words of advice on my body development and on where I was about moving into. Before leaving she gave me some gifts. Stanley too, he gave me his bracelet to keep in remembrance of him. We took pictures together and bade farewell. I was going to miss them 😣.

"Welcome Lily" mom gave me a hug as I entered the sittingroom, "hope your stuffs are ready" she continued with a smile. Oh my!😢how I wished the hug was really from her heart, she had never given me a hug as much as I could remember.

"Vanessa this is Lily, Lily here is Mrs. Vanessa, you will be leaving with her, go get your things".

Mrs. Vanessa was a dark skinned like I and my mom, very beautiful, looked classic and flashy. She becomes on me to come closer and she gave me a hug too. I just kept mute.

"How are you pretty Lily?" She asked with a smile showing off her dimples.

" I'm good" I replied with a fake smile. We spent like 30secs admiring each other.

" Lily hurry, go get your things , I guess Vanessa would have other things to do today and won't like to your the whole time here". I left the sittingroom quickly trying to hold back my tears, entering my room I let it all out, I yelled so much but no one came around. I took time freeing myself before saying goodbye to my room, carried my belongings out to go meet my mom and Mrs Vanessa.

Mrs Vanessa helped me with my things to her car, which she parked inside our building. Before leaving u went to my mom, gave her a hug which she accepted, " I love you Mom and I will never forget you"

"Bye" that was the only thing she said.