
Lily's Plight

Lily is deprived of parental care and love even when she had both parents alive...How does Lily handle this? What becomes of her?

Kach_Diamond · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 5








🎶I know that I'm a mess

But I'm trynna be the best

So what's ever going next

I'll better pray ye ye ye🎶

That was the music playing from Stanley's stereo, I listened minding its lyrics and it was like the song was composed for me.

"Here, it's my dad's favorite, Mom makes it only when dad is around, but surprisedly she made it today, maybe because she's missing my dad." He said handing me the snacks

"My dad's name is David" I said

"You found out?"


"If you leave tomorrow I will miss you so much" Stanley said as he adjusted himself coming closer to me-he had been sitting beside me.

"Yh me too''.

" And tomorrow is your birthday " he crossed his hand behind my neck placing it on the other shoulder. I turned my neck to his direction facing him, our faces were close to each other, I felt unease, aunt Miriam his mom had warned against our closeness, reminding me that I'm female and he was male, they we were just friends and not siblings.

"Stanley!! What are you trying to do?"🙄

" A kiss, if you don't mind"😶

"Your mom says it's a wrong thing to do😮"

I know, but she isn't around "😏

" Stanley I haven't kissed before "🙁🙄

" Me too, but I want to''🤔

"Hope no one will find out"😦

" That's if you tell anyone 😕"




"Stanley!!!! Oh my God !!" Aunt Miriam was back already, she caught us, we hadn't done anything, our lips were just almost together, she caught us😱. We jerked out of the sofa.

"I'm very sorry aunt Miriam, I never wanted to" I said shaking

"I'm sorry mom, pls forgive me if was my idea, I wasn't thinking straight" Stanley confessed

"How long have you been doing this😡?'" Aunt Miriam asked

"We've never done anything before " Stanley answered

" How are my sure you aren't lying?"

"Honestly, nothing has ever happened😔" I said assuredly.

To be continued..