
Lily's Awakening

Lily had lived a pretty normal life besides the fact that her town was on the outskirts of the Vampire kingdom. She even wondered if there was such a thing. She had never even seen or heard of a vampire coming around her town. Until one night, on the train home.

Zdaisy7131 · Fantasy
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Was it a dream?

I slowly opened the bedroom door. So slowly as not to even make a sound. I didn't want to wake the sleeping beauty and have her scared again.

She had been through a lot last night.

The door opened enough so I could see her. She was sound asleep still. I'm so thankful for that. I shut the door behind me. The room was very dark but I have excellent sight and could see clearly.

I slowly walked around the large bed, to the side she was on. Looking down at her, she was on her side curled in a ball with her hands in fists by her face. I sighed with a frown.

Taking someone against their will is not something I like doing. I didn't get a chance to explain myself. It all happened so fast.

I stared at her features. Long blond hair. Her skin glowed even in the darkness of the room. Her lips were pouting with sadness. I wanted to kiss them and make her smile.

In time.

She had a slight crease between her brows. Her breathing was steady, then picked up, her eyes were fluttering, the crease deepened. She was dreaming. I looked at her in awe. I didn't dream. It's fascinating to me. Her lips opened slightly, her breathing was deeper. Then as quickly as it started she relaxed. I was mesmerized. I ran my hand through my hair.

Did I mention she has a dog? Random, I know. He was currently curled up sleeping behind her legs. Somehow I feel there is something very special about this mut. His tag says his name is Max. He wouldn't leave her so I brought him with. He was aggressive at first but once he realized I had no ill intentions he seemed to calm. He didn't even lift his head when I entered the room. However, his ears are fully aware I'm here.

I silently sat down on the floor. I crossed my legs and rested my chin in my hand. I couldn't stop gazing at her simple beauty.

Why this one, I thought to myself. There had been at least a hundred before her. None of them satisfied me. They were all beautiful yes but all turned out to be annoying and empty. I'm to old to live with annoying women.

This one however I've taken my time on. Watched her for some time. Her mannerisms are gentle, kind... submissive. I sighed again. I wanted to touch her.

It was morning. Slivers of light streamed through the thick grey curtains. I reached up my hand and came so close to grazing her soft cheek. Then, she moved. I sat back. My eyes focused on her. She stretched her legs out first, very slowly. Like a kitten waking from a nap. She is so petite.

Slowly her tiny hands opened, her fingers uncoiled from the fists they were in. She rubbed her eyes in the most adorable fashion. Oh my! What am I thinking!? Then, she froze. She felt my presents.

I think I stopped breathing.

Her hair was partially covering her face but I could see one eye slowly flutter open. Then the other. She was wide eyed looking at me. She didn't move and was holding her breath. I reached over to gently move her beautiful hair out of her eyes. She didn't move. I whispered, "Good morning."

The tiniest breath left her lips. She whispered almost inaudibly, "Morning."

I said, "You were dreaming." She nodded in the slightest way.

"Lily, I'm Gabriel." She looked shocked I knew her name. I knew a lot about her. I had been watching her for months. I had to be sure she was the one.

I smiled. I reached to touch her cheek, she didn't move, her eyes were steady on mine. I knew for her it was harder to focus in the dark. Her skin was so soft. She whispered, "You're cold." I nodded. "Vampires usually are."

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