
Lily's Awakening

Lily had lived a pretty normal life besides the fact that her town was on the outskirts of the Vampire kingdom. She even wondered if there was such a thing. She had never even seen or heard of a vampire coming around her town. Until one night, on the train home.

Zdaisy7131 · Fantasy
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5 Chs


My younger brother is an ass. I have an older brother Raphael, sister Ariel, then of course, my parents. Back to my task. Meat for the king and breakfast for my flower. When I reached the kitchen Chef was yelling at one of the maids. Always drama. I cleared my throat. He turned to look at me, "Master Gabriel! Do you need anything?" I replied, "Yes could you whip up some yogurt, berries, toast, coffee, tea, something for me, and a raw steak with bone in." He blinked. "A raw steak sir?" I replied, "I didn't stutter." "Sir, You know you can always call from your room to order anything you would like?" said Chef. "And miss all this interesting conversation?" I said. The maid stood straight as an arrow looking straight ahead. Her cheeks were slightly flushed. "Send it straight up please." I said. "Of course, right away Master Gabriel!" said Chef.

The real reason I came all the way to the kitchen was to give Lily enough time to gain her thoughts and freshen herself. I noticed some traces of blood and some bruising due to the incident last night. My mind turned dark for a moment. I shook it off, Lily was safe in my room.

Lily was sitting on the edge of the massive bed. She was only 5ft tall at the most. Max sat next to her. She saw Gabriel walk right into the door. It amused her but she didn't laugh in front of him. A vampire. She didn't even think they were real. Only stories by the older folks in town. How did she get into this situation? Her wrist hurt. She ran her tongue over her lips, the slight taste of blood. Standing up her knee hurt. She walked to the bathroom door. Opening it, she looked in, it was the size of her apartment! All white marble. Huge double shower, double vanity. She saw herself in the mirror. Thinking to herself, she looked like a train wreck.

Exploring the vanity, there was a variety of hair ties, facial soap, brand new makeup, brand new toothbrush. All that a woman would need. Who lived here, she thought. Looking at her reflection her shirt was ripped at the collar. She frowned. Walking to the shower, she looked in. A fresh set of towels sat there. Maybe she had enough time to rinse off. She locked the bathroom door and turned on the shower. Putting her hair into a bun she just washed quickly. Now she could see the bruising around her wrists and neck. She breathed heavy. Not wanting to cry she fought those tears away. Starting to remember what happened last night she took a deep breath and held it for a moment. Gabriel saved her.

The train! She was on the train. She was heading home from her part time job at the coffee shop. On the train were a few men sitting together. Lily was very careful to stay to herself. There were four stops before hers. At the second stop a tall man got on. Dark curls, his demeanor was elegant. Lily watched him as he was turned away from her. He had a dark grey suit on. Before she knew it the three men were standing over her. One of the men said, "Hey doll, You're coming with us tonight. We have plans for you." Lily said, "No, please leave me alone!" The other man laughed, "You don't understand beautiful, Markus doesn't take no for an answer!" He grabbed her collar and lifted her up out of her seat. She kicked him and he dropped her then the other grabbed her wrists and smacked her face. The third man yelled, "Hey don't damage the goods idiots!"

In a split second, the man who had just got on the train picked up one of the men and said, "Now I think you have gone to far in damaging my flower." His eyes were bright red. He threw the man to the other side of the train car like he was paper. The other two men looked at each other then the one exclaimed, "Your going to pay for getting involved in our business!" Lily was terrified and was curled on the floor. The man pulled a gun. He shot the new man. Lily screamed!

Lily fainted. Gabriel who was the new man on the train was shot in the arm. The bullet had little affect on him. He healed almost instantly. He walked slowly to the man with the gun. He said, "Now that was very rude. Look at the trauma you have put my flower through." The man was shocked, "What the hell is this to you? She is not yours! Stay out of our business and hand over the girl." Gabriel laughed, "Yeah, I don't see that happening at all. Tell your boss to mind his manners." After that Gabriel took hold of the man with the gun and threw him across the train car next to the other guy. The third man backed up as he saw no escape from Gabriel. On the very next stop Gabriel picked up Lily in his arms bridal style and stepped off the train.