
Lily's Awakening

Lily had lived a pretty normal life besides the fact that her town was on the outskirts of the Vampire kingdom. She even wondered if there was such a thing. She had never even seen or heard of a vampire coming around her town. Until one night, on the train home.

Zdaisy7131 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Good Morning Lily

"Vampire." It was a shocked whisper that slipped through her lips. She slid back into the bed a little. Her dog was right behind her legs, curled up. She reached for him. He didn't move but sighed when she touched him. I said, "Yes, darling. You're safe I promise you." Her eyes never left mine. "How do you feel?" I asked. Her eyes glanced down for a moment then back to me. "Confused." She said in the smallest voice. I nodded. I'm sure she was more than that.

"Are you hungry?" I asked. She looked at me as if to question my question. "I have the best chef in the kingdom. He can whip up anything." I said. It was true, Chef was the best. She whispered, "Kingdom?" Then said, "I'm not sure." I said, "Ok, how about if I get you some food, when I come back we can eat and talk." She looked a little shocked then said, "You will eat also?" I smiled, "Yes, Chef will prepare me breakfast also." I could feel her relax some. She said, "Ok."

I said, "Lily" (I loved her name, It reminded me of a beautiful pond with the most gorgeous creamy lily blossoms.) "There is a bathroom right over here, you may freshen yourself if you feel the need. Everything there is at your disposal." She said quietly, "Ok, thank you." So polite even though I basically kidnapped her.

"I'll bring food for Max also." I said. She reached for him again stroking his thick black fur. She said, "He likes meat." My eyebrows raised, I questioned, "What kind of meat?" She said, "Basically any red meat." I swear at that moment I heard a soft growl from him. I chuckled, "Well red meat for the king it is." This is no ordinary dog. It is interesting that she cares more for the mut than herself. When she was very specific on his meal and didn't care if she ate or not.

I walked to the door. Looking back, Lily started to sit up, her hair falling over her shoulders. She was still in her clothes from last night. I'll take care of that later today. I just wanted to touch her hair. It looked so soft.

I just stared at her for a moment thinking about all the mornings in the future, waking up next to this beautiful flower. She turned looking at me and I startled back to consciousness. I walked into the door. Damn it! I'm so smooth. 237 years old and I just walked into the door. I opened the door without a word and walked out. Shutting the door behind me I leaned back up against it, running my fingers through my thick curls sighing.

I headed down the long hallway to the stairs. The kitchen was on the main floor of the mansion. As I was heading down my younger brother Michael was starting up. He looked at me with interest, I was afraid to know what he was thinking. He casually said, "Hey Gabe." I looked at him, "Michael." He came back with, "Who you got locked up in the bedroom?" Straight to the point. Nice. I said, "You will meet her soon enough." He laughed, "Seriously? Another one?" I said, "It doesn't matter to you Michael what I do." He chuckled, "No, but how many will you go through before there aren't any left?" I grabbed his shirt, he grabbed my hand. I was older and much stronger than him. I snarled, "She is the one. The last." I pushed him back. He hopped up a couple steps, laughing. He always tried to get me to react to his testing. He said, "Sure brother. Whatever you say." He proceeded to head up the stairs not looking back. Ass.