
Derek the driver

"Come on Lilo, the door has been open for over five minutes now", Jaden said

"And whose fault is it?" she asked with a frown.

He laughed and then said, "It's amazing how my words affect you, it won't be too long before i have you in my arms".

"That fantasy highland of yours will sink in no time," she said with calm expression and she walked inside.

Jaden was amused by her sudden mood swing.

Lilo walked in the big room and to her surprise "Derek the driver" was lying unconsciously.

Derek! she called and went to sit at the bed rest to hold his hand. Derek opened his eyes, he could barely see her, just her silhouette, it took him a few seconds to adjust to the light in the room. He looked pale like a dead corpse.

"Ms.Lilo?" he called softly, he tried to get up but she pushed him softly to lay back. "Ms Lilo! i UHM-- "

"Shhhh.." she said, "don't say anything, I'm okay! you get some rest".

"What happened to him? why does he look so pale and skinny," she asked worriedly but Jaden gave no response.

"He was poisoned", said a voice.

Lilo was almost startled by the sudden response but she recognized the voice. She looked at the direction of the voice and exhaled when she saw Jared coming out of the dark.

"He was poisoned two nights ago milady", Jared said with a bow.

"Two nights ago? how is he still alive? i mean, who did this to him?" she turned to look at Jaden who sat resting his head on the sofa with his eyes closed.

"WHAT did this, you mean? Jaden scoffed, "It's obviously a snake".

"What kind of snake poisoned him?" she asked as she walked towards where Jared was standing.

"A black mamba" Jared answered.

"A human black mamba or a Snake black mamba?" Lilo asked giving Jaden a suspicious look.

Jaden eyes shot open and he chuckled, he looked at Lilo in amusement.

"Human black mamba? seriously? that's ridiculous", Jaden chuckled. "Lilo there's no such thing like a human black mamba."

"You!" she spat at him


"Yes you"

"I'm not a snake!" he retorted. What's with this woman, he wondered.

"Who knows?" her glare was piercing

"Wait, why am i being accused?"

"Because i don't trust you, you might have poisoned him and blamed it all on the snake black mamba", Lilo almost screamed

"Why would i want to do that?" Jaden replied calmly. He wouldn't match her tone, not now.

"I don't know, you tell me". she replied

"Wait, why don't you trust me?" he didn't like how this was going.

"You threatened to throw me out of the window remember?"

"You just said it, i threatened but i haven't done it yet" Jaden smiled.

"Oh, there you go again," Lilo raised her brow, "yet, that means you still want to do it, you're so unbelievable" , she rolled her eyes.

"Ms. Lilo" Derek who was disturbed in his sleep suddenly woke up because of the argument.

She ran towards him, "you have to rest Derek, don't worry i will protect you" , she said with a soft voice.

"Ms Lilo!" he whispered


"You got it all wrong", he said more audibly

"What do you mean?" her brows furrowed

"The fine sir over there saved my life", he smiled.

"Fine sir?", she asked lost

"Yes, the Master Jaden", Derek replied

"Fine sir and Master Jaden?, it doesn't add up" Lilo asked as if oblivious of the fact that Jaden was exceptionally handsome.

"The handsome Jaden", Derek said

Lilo laughed out so loud, "oh my goodness! oh.. You mean him?" she pointed at Jaden, whose expression blank.

"Yes miss" Derek nodded, "he is an extremely generous man".

"Extremely what? oh no! you haven't met him yet, not this man" she chuckled, "he is more like, 'extremely dangerous' ". she said raising her hands in a funny way that made Jaden laugh, this woman affected him in ways he couldn't explain.

"No Lilo, I'm telling you he saved my life, he is a kind man" , Derek argued. At this point Derek wasn't helping at all he was adding more fuel to the already existing flame.

"Derek!" she held his hands, "it's all for show, he's saving you for the last". She tried to convince Derek that Jaden was the bad guy that kept taunting her and he would do the same to him soon.

"You're for the last Lilo" she heard Jaden said. She turned to look at Jaden who had a smirk plastered on face.

Ignoring him she said with a frown, "now is not the time, you can tease me later" she hissed

"Don't do it" he said calmly

"Don't do what?" Lilo asked

"The thing you're doing" Jaden stood up and walked towards her.

She gave him a questionable look but just when she saw him approach her she activated her defense mood. Ever since she arrived here, she has been on alert because of this demon man.

"The.." he turned his finger in a circular motion, "trying to make me look like the bad guy part" he said.

"Aren't you the bad guy?" Lilo blurted out, she cursed herself inwardly, He walked closer,

" i mean, wh-- what do you mean? st-- stay where you are" she moved back, "do-- don't come close to me", her voice faltered.

As the devil he was, he gave her an evil smirk that jerked her nerves.

"Good things happen to good people Lilo", so why are you hesitating? he asked with a calm expression.

"Nothing" she almost whispered

"Just calm your nerves, there is a time for everything", he rubbed his hand against her soft lips and she shivered, not in fear but with an unknown pleasure.

"Come curious one, let's get you some fresh air, I'm afraid you might explode" he said removing his hand on her lip and Lilo exhaled softly.

"Your little heart is beating rapidly i see" he beamed.

"Pervert!" she muttered and he smiled.

The both stepped out of the huge mansion, for the first time she saw everything clearly, it was past 2pm.

"What is this place?" she asked

"My home!" he answered.

"It's indeed your home", she muttered with a smile.

Naughty cat! he smiled back.

There was a huge statue of woman smiling at something that wasn't there, it looked like she was trying to get something but couldn't reach for it, it felt so real. Lilo turned her gaze and looked towards the sun, but it was strangely going to set soon. She was sure the time was past 2pm before they stepped out, did the time change? or.. she thought to herself, the atmosphere wasn't calm but strangely the trees weren't moving not even a leaf. Lilo found this creepy and she became curious.