

In a world with seven magnificent Kingdoms, It's Creator THE DIVINER blessed seven noble families with extraordinary powers. For generations, these distinguished lineages have shielded their realms from darkness, trapping malevolent souls within the confines of Coulandra, an inescapable prison. Yet, when a striking woman of unparalleled beauty emerges as the coveted prize in a thrilling tournament, the very fabric of the seven Kingdoms begins to unravel. As the Ornex, a legion of relentless Sorcerers, sets their sights on her, plunging the realms into disarray. Now, the fate of the Seven Protectors hangs in the balance as they strive to safeguard her. However, as layers of mystery surrounding Lillian's beauty unfurl, they must grapple with the realization that she may be more than meets the eye. Prepare to embark on an enthralling journey through "Lillian's Beauty," where nothing is as it seems.

Favour_0574 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

The Mystery man

The massive iron doors creaked open for the fifth time, offering a fleeting chance of escape to anyone willing to seize it. However, the remaining combatants showed no sign of retreat. Thirty men remained in the ring, their numbers drastically diminished from the initial count.

Lillian's gaze remained fixed on her mystery man, still persevering in the intense battle. Observing him closely, she noted his towering height and remarkable physique, though there was an undeniable uniqueness to his presence that set him apart from the rest. His fluid movements and adept evasion tactics showcased a rare skill that captivated her attention.

Yet, a twinge of doubt gnawed at Lillian's heart. Could he be allied with one of Tywin's cronies? Absent of any identifying sigil or armor, perhaps he fought solely for himself. Despite her reservations, an unexpected desire crept into her, hoping against reason for his victory. But a troubling thought surfaced—what if he proved to be even more ruthless than Tywin?

"Who the hell is that man in the white shirt, and how is he still standing without a weapon?" Adam, one of Tywin's cronies, grumbled, his frustration evident.

"He's just too damn skilled," Bassett growled, his irritation palpable.

"Whose champion is he?" Pierre inquired, his confusion mirroring the sentiments of those around him.

"He belongs to no one," Ulric, another of Tywin's cronies spoke for the first time, his voice low and ancient.

Lillian couldn't shake the unsettling feeling she got from him, finding him more foreboding than the rest. Though she despised them all, Ulric seemed to possess an eerie air that set him apart, a sensation that echoed her gut's warning.

But she was elated when Ulric confirmed that her mystery man had no allegiance to any of Tywin's cronies. Her smile, though fleeting, didn't escape Tywin's notice.

"It doesn't matter how skilled he is. He won't emerge victorious," Tywin murmured, his voice laced with a steely determination that commanded the attention of all present.

Undeterred by Tywin's proclamation, Lillian continued silently rooting for the mystery man, her heart willing him to triumph against all odds.

The iron gates rumbled open once more, revealing a mere dozen men left in the ring. The attendants, tasked with removing the fallen combatants, swiftly entered the arena, hauling away the lifeless bodies.

With the gates sealed shut once more, the fierce contest raged on, the remaining contenders now reduced to a handful. The crowd's thunderous cheers echoed through the arena, anticipation thick in the air as every gaze fixated on the man in the white shirt, weaponless yet resolute.

The onlookers marveled at his unorthodox fighting style and his remarkable resilience, marveling at his astounding endurance. With all eyes now counting on his victory, Lillian found herself fervently hoping for his success.

Sensing the threat he posed, the remaining men in the ring banded together, launching a coordinated assault against the lone figure, their collective effort a desperate bid to eliminate him from the competition.

Lillian clenched her fists and held her breath, frustration mounting as she witnessed the collective onslaught against her mystery man.

Yet, to her relief, he persisted, weathering the storm of kicks, punches, and throws, standing firm as he repelled each attack.

However, her relief was short-lived as a sudden, brutal stab in the back sent him reeling, blood staining his once pristine white shirt.

A collective gasp echoed through the crowd as he collapsed to his knees, his blood seeping onto the unforgiving ground.

Just as one of the combatants towered over the fallen mystery man and lifted his sword to deliver the final blow a swift and decisive intervention occurred slicing his head clean from his body, the detached head thudding to the ground.

The crowd erupted in wild cheers as a peculiar combatant extended a helping hand to the mystery man, aiding him to his feet.

Lillian couldn't help but smile broadly at the unexpected twist of fate.

This new ally, like the mystery man, bore no sigil upon their armor. Clad in all black, he seamlessly blended into the throng, wielding two gleaming daggers with a deadly grace that belied his unassuming appearance.

Side by side, the mysterious pair fought as if they shared a secret understanding, their seamless coordination a testament to their unspoken bond. Before long, only six combatants remained standing in the ring.

"A remarkable partnership," Adam commented, acknowledging the seamless coordination between the two mysterious figures.

Bassett, vexed, inquired, "Does the man in black belong to anyone?"

"No," came the unanimous reply from the group, each member resigned to the knowledge that victory would elude them.

With the seventh opening of the gates, only three combatants remained: the injured mystery man without weapons, the agile figure in black with his lethal daggers, and a burly contender wielding a massive battle axe.

The showdown erupted as the burly contender swung his weapon, the blows missing their mark with embarrassing futility.

Seizing a calculated opportunity, the two collaborators swiftly maneuvered, toppling the hulking adversary to the ground, while the man in black delivered the final decisive blow, severing his opponent's neck.

The arena erupted in a cacophony of cheers and jubilation, the spectators reveling in the thrilling display. Yet, as the dust settled, it became clear that only one victor could emerge from this intense contest.

Anticipation gripped the onlookers as they awaited the impending clash between the two allies, expecting an intense duel.

However, to their astonishment, as the iron gates opened once more, the man in black offered a brief bow to the mystery man before exiting the ring, leaving the spectators in a state of bewilderment.

It was undeniable; the mystery man had emerged victorious. The crowd's jubilant cheers resounded throughout the arena, celebrating his triumph and resilience.

Lillian's smile faded as she watched Tywin rise to his feet, his commanding presence drawing the crowd into an expectant hush.

Amidst the silence, Tywin's voice resonated with a calculated charm. "What an exhilarating spectacle it has been. I trust you have all relished the thrill of the competition," he announced, prompting a thunderous uproar of agreement from the enthralled audience.

"But the climax is yet to come," Tywin continued, a sinister edge curling his lips. "Our victor must face my champion to claim the ultimate prize. Let the final showdown commence!" His declaration ignited an eruption of joyous cheers, the crowd elated at the prospect of an ultimate confrontation.

Returning to his seat beside Lillian, Tywin leaned in, his voice laced with dark amusement. "No one will emerge victorious today, my dear Lily. Don't raise your hopes," he whispered, a low chuckle escaping him.

Frowning, Lillian's gaze returned to the injured mystery man in the ring, his white shirt now a grim canvas of blood and dirt. Despite his wounds, he stood tall, a beacon of resilience amidst the brewing storm. Her silent prayer for his triumph echoed within her, an earnest plea for an escape from Tywin's clutches.

However, before her hopes could fully take flight, the iron gates were torn asunder, wrenched from their metal hinges by the hulking half-giant that burst through, wielding a colossal sword with an air of savage menace.

"Well, well, Tywin, you had a trick up your sleeve all along," Pierre chuckled, sensing the imminent turn of events.

"Indeed. No chance the bastard survives this," Adam declared with a knowing grin, mirroring Tywin's sinister smile as he savored his wine from the goblet.