
Lilac Hearts

Stories inspired around my life. :)

angelicaroseeee · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter I; Spring Time Love V

The month of August had started, It was almost September, the month of new year. Noe, walked around the church buildings again. He wanted to hug his Angelica, but he had to wait a few hours to see her once more.

Noe taped his sister on the shoulder and whispered, "I want to kiss Angelica but, with no one around. I don't want her to feel as if I did to show off." Lavina smiled and said, "I'll cover you AGAIN. But you owe me your dessert this week." Noe said, "Fine."

After the time of service and class was over for the teenager's, Lavina grabbed Kyi's hand and said, "Let them be alone, Noe wants to do something, hehe." Kyi smiled and agreed, and the two girls walked away. Noe walked toward Angelica and pulled her in and said, "Can I kiss you once more? Without anyone seeing us?" Angelica, let out a smile and kissed Noe, Noe kissed her back.

One singular moment of love, Noe and Angelica took at the moment and the two looked at each other. Angelica said, "Noe, baby, I'm hungry." Noe smiled and grabbed Angelica's hand and grabbed Angelica a tuna sandwich and made her favorite coffee.. Angelica had the biggest smile on her face and kissed Noe on the cheek, saying, "Thank you!" Noe had a red face.

"It was nothing really… I paid attention to how you make your coffee every Shabbat. Plus, you love sandwiches, I've seen you munch on those egg sandwiches last time." Angelica smiled and ate her sandwich. Kyi and Lavina were spying on the couple, Angelica felt those eyes. He laughed it off.

All was happy until the two girl who tried to ruin her years ago appeared and started talking and touching Noe. Angelica was never the jealous type, her motto, "Whatever belongs to me, will run back to me. Amen." She looked dead set in the yes of the girls and walked away. Until she sensed danger, she saw one of the girls behind Noe with something in their hands to hit the back of his head. She yelled, "DON'T YOU DARE.!" The two girls stared at each other and walked away.

The girls walked away in shame, Noe was confused and Angelica got closer and said, "They tried to hit you from behi-" Noe pushed Angelica away and got hit on the face by a plastic bin. The girls realized what they had done. Angelica on the ground. Irritated. She got up and said, "Do whatever you want, in the end I know I'm not the one doing it. You're so pathetic it hurts."

One of the girls said, "Oh yeah? We will get you kicked out from here. We don't someone like YOU or YOUR kind to take away the spotlight from us." Angelica laughed, "Really? Attention is what you crave? I'll give you that attention you rave so damn much, that's a promise." The girls looked at each other and walked away.

Usually, Angelica her whole life, she has had stress and anxiety most of the time. She had a blasting headache from the simple conversation itself. Noe heard it all, Lavina and Kyi began to yell from the other room. The two ran toward the screams and the yells. And saw their sisters on the floor hitting the girls. And yelling. Angelica ran to stop and break up the fight. However, failing and getting in the fight herself. She fought and defend herself from the punches and kicks.

Noe quickly pulled Angelica out and pulled Lavina out of the fight, and Angelica grabbed Kyi and said, "Stop, we're going to get in so much trouble, these girls are trying to hurt and kicks us out of here." The girls looked at them in arrogance and walked away. Angelica, mad and irritated, wanted to tell them off, but stayed calm and said, "Whatever happens, no one says anything, we defend each other. Got it?" They all nodded their heads in agreeance

Kyi said, "I hear footsteps, multiple ones, too." The four walked from the oak doors and saw their parents up front and the girls in blood, which was new. They never left with blood. The pastor at the front and the headmaster as well. In defense of the two lying girls. The four defended and stated what happened. The adults and parents looked at the girls, grinning in pure embarrassment of their lies being uncovered in front of them.

Noe, upset at the girls for lying, he walked away with Angelica, he followed her. Not baring to leave her side, not even once for a second. He knew Angelica would be hurt, or lied of, if he left her for a second alone. Angelica sat on the small couch in the other room, where no one was. He was tired of all the drama, "I hate this church, I only come here to see you and my best friend."

Noe smiled, and said, "Well, at least I have you. You give me the energy to come here every Shabbat, even with all the nonsense that's happening." Angelica smiled, she saw Noe lean in close to kiss her cheek and Angelica turned to kiss him, "I love you, Noe."