
Lila is Mine

"Lila-Rose Meyer was a 19-year-old girl who lived in the hot, tropical, beautiful, and busy city of Skyline. But beneath the city's glamor and glitz, there was a secret world filled with magical creatures. To keep these creatures in check, the Quove organization was established, with its governing body, the Quovent, setting rules and regulations. Lila was a member of the Quove, but she faced a difficult challenge - every member of the quove knew she was the daughter of a traitor. Things become even more complicated when she falls in love with the son of the leader of the rival group. Their love, which seems to be forbidden continues to bloom even with their differences.

Ber_Lyn · Fantasy
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19 Chs

CHAPTER 16: Changes?

The next morning, Ronald opened his eyes slowly, adjusting to the morning light. As he blinked away the sleepiness, he became aware of the warmth of the body next to him. He turned his head and saw Lila sleeping peacefully, her chest rising and falling with each breath. A sense of gratitude and affection filled his heart, and he couldn't help but smile.

Ronald couldn't tear his gaze away from Lila's sleeping form. In the morning light, her features looked even more delicate and ethereal. Her dark hair was fanned out across the pillow, and her lips were slightly parted as she breathed softly. Ronald felt a sense of wonder and awe wash over him, and he found himself lost in thought. He thought about how lucky he was to have met someone like Lila, no one took care of him the way she did. He couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected happiness she had brought into his life.

Ronald carefully removed himself from the bed, careful not to wake Lila. He put on his clothes from the night before and made his way outside, breathing in the fresh morning air. The sun was just starting to rise, and the woods were bathed in a soft golden light. He followed the sound of a nearby stream until he came to a clearing, where the water flowed gently over smooth rocks. He decided to bathe in the cool water, washing away the dirt and grime from the previous day. After drying off with his shirt, he set off in search of some fruit to bring back to Lila.

Ronald's search led him deeper into the woods, and he found himself surrounded by dense foliage and towering trees. The air was fragrant with the scent of wildflowers and fruit, and he felt a sense of calm and contentment as he walked through the forest. Suddenly, he heard a rustling in the bushes ahead of him, and a creature emerged from the foliage. It was a deer, its coat shimmering in the morning light. The deer regarded Ronald curiously, its eyes wide and alert. For a moment, they stood there, frozen in time. Then, the deer turned and bounded away, disappearing into the trees.

The deer's sudden appearance had filled Ronald with a sense of wonder and he found himself smiling in spite of himself. To him the deer was a sign of good luck and good a good day. He continued on his journey, looking for any sign of fruit. As he walked, he heard a sound like music or maybe it was happiness and something unknown playing in his head, he followed it until he came upon a clearing full of wild berries. The berries were deep red and plump, and they glistened with morning dew. He plucked a few from the bushes, relishing the sweet and tart taste on his tongue. With the berries in hand, he turned to head back to where they camped.

As Ronald walked back to the campsite, he noticed that the fire was out and Lila was nowhere to be seen. He looked around, feeling a knot of worry forming in his stomach. "Lila?" he called out, his voice sounding small in the silence of the woods.

There was no reply, and the trees and bushes stood silent and still. He searched the clearing, but there was no sign of her. Just as he was about to panic, he heard a rustling sound in the bushes. He turned, and there she was, her face pale and her hands trembling.

Lila's eyes were wide and fearful as she looked at him. "I thought you were gone," she said, her voice shaking. "I woke up and you were gone. I didn't know what to do." Ronald felt a wave of guilt wash over him. "I'm so sorry," he said, his voice full of remorse. "I didn't mean to scare you. I just went out to find some food." Lila sighed, relief flooding through her. "Thank goodness you're okay. But next time, please let me know before you leave." Ronald nodded, understanding her fear.

Today, Ron was acting like a completely different person. He was laughing and joking around, and he seemed genuinely interested in talking to her. It was such a contrast to his usual demeanor, which was more reserved and aloof. Lila was surprised by the change, but she found herself enjoying the new side of him. Perhaps he was finally starting to let down his guard, allowing himself to be more open and relaxed. Whatever the reason, she was grateful for the shift, and it made her feel a little more hopeful.

As they walked through the forest, Ron suddenly stopped in his tracks, pointing to the sparkling stream that trickled through the trees.

"This is where you can take a bath." Lila's eyes widened as she looked at the clear water, imagining how refreshing it would feel to go in. "Are you sure?" she asked, her voice full of excitement. Ron nodded and smiled, and Lila knew that she could trust him.

"Don't worry, I won't look" he said laughing.

As Lila stepped into the cool water, she felt a sense of relief wash over her. The stream was like a refreshing oasis, and she enjoyed the feeling of being clean and cared for. She was grateful that Ron had been considerate enough to give her some privacy, and she couldn't help but feel a little shy, knowing that he was so close by.

Lila emerged from the forest, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. She saw Ron sitting by the tent, his back turned towards her, but she could feel his gaze following her as she approached. "You're back!" he said, his voice warm and welcoming. He turned to look at her, and his eyes widened as he took in her appearance. "You look amazing," he said, a genuine smile spreading across his face. Lila couldn't help but blush, and she smiled back, feeling a sense of connection and understanding between them.