
The Passage: King Randesh II

Shanti was side-talking with the 'queen' while Niesh was side-talking with the King.

King Randesh was grinning, his eyes fixed on Niesh who listened attentively. "The gates of Alvadar is full with soldiers that will recognize you if you are not one of them. The moment I saw you, I knew you are not of Huie but of the Girinshis."

Niesh looked up at King Randesh, surprise in his eyes.

Randesh nodded nonchalantly, busy putting grapes in his mouth. He swallowed and said, "This is between me and you; I gave you access to our gateway because I know you are part of the prophecy. You are the traitor of the Girinshi clan that will help the Hueini to bring the downfall of Santi Siuin. You are welcomed here. But don't lose my trust, because I am as dangerous as mother Meresh herself." He patted Niesh on his shoulders and looked at Shanti. "Does she know she is the prophecy?"

Niesh grinned. "She knows but she is as dump as a wall!"

Randesh laughed.

"She doesn't know anything. Not even how to control her powers. Not even how to use them! I get headaches everyday from trying to teach her. She is one big log!"

Randesh grinned. "Okay! She might need some training. The prophecy didn't say it was done in a day."

"Neither did it say it would be this difficult!" Niesh retorted.

"Okay." Randesh smiled. "At dawn tomorrow, tell the servants to bring her to mount Sen. I will be waiting there."

Niesh looked up at Randesh, his eyes uncertain.

"I have something to teach her if she is willing to learn."

And with that , the King turned to the crowds and joined in their merry.


Shanti was walking to her quarters (with one of the maids to direct her since she still didn't know her way around) when she heard foot steps behind her. She turned.

"How was the night?". Niesh grinned at her while admiring her beauty.

She wore an aquamarine satin gown that brought out her collar bone and her hands and shape of her back. The colour​ really highlighted her dark eyes and dark hair. Her makeup was quite simple and didn't change much of her natural beauty.

"I must say I failed to compliment my lady on her beauty tonight. You look dashing!" Niesh rested on the wall and folded his hands against his chest while looking at her spectacle.

Shanti rolled her eyes and said, "Neither do you look bad. If there is nothing more to say, I will leave now." She turned to go.

Niesh shook his head and smiled. So she could compliment him too? Wow! He needed to do this more often; as long as they were still in Danglesh.

He shifted from the wall and said at her residing back, "Our majesty wishes to have a word with you... at dawn... tomorrow."

When Shanti heard 'our Majesty', she paused and listened to the rest; 'at dawn, tomorrow'. She swiftly turned to face him, the down tip of her gown swirling up in the air for a while giving her the epitome of Cinderella.

Niesh's eyes quivered.

"The King wishes to have a word with me at dawn tomorrow." She narrowed her eyes. "May I ask why?"

The maid beside her looked bewildered as her facial features changed from humility to astonishment. Was her lady questioning the King?

Niesh walked towards her, his hands spread in the air. "Don't know. Why don't you show up to find out?" He grinned and walked past her.

Shanti narrowed her eyes at his retreating back without moving an inch.

He turned back and said with a grin, "And bring your spear and sword along with you. You might really need that gorget and gauntlet after all". He touched his chest as an emphasis to what he said. "You're going to have a 'Knight-ful' experience!". He laughed.

And with that, he turned and walked away without looking back, not even a glance.

Shanti left to her chambers. She walked in to her changing quarters and asked the maid to help her pull down her strings. The maid did so and she sighed as she was relieved to breathe.

She quickly changed into her free night gown, a plain silky white gown. And after a few chat with the maid, she dismissed her and fell on her bed like a mango tree. She looked up at the ceiling, the events of the journey so far playing in her mind -- and she fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, a figure pushed her door open slightly and carefully and strolled to her bed side. He looked at her beautiful face that was covered partly by some of her hair. He gently removed them and admired her thin lips and her white alluring skin.

Her eyelashes were so full and it made her look like a kitten while sleeping.

Her breathing, so calm like the river.

The figure's heart skipped a bit and prevented himself from touching her. He stood up and strolled out of her chambers, silently closing the door behind him.

I'm sorry I wasn't able to post yesterday. I am currently not feeling well and my brain is dundundun! I can't help it. I just decide to post one chapter to help out the nerves. I will be okay in two days time. Pls bear with me. Thank you

Dedutchcreators' thoughts