
Chapter 45: Wrong drawer

Bianca Rodriguez always looked dressed for a VSCO moment. I'll give her that.

She was in a navy mini skirt, tight white shirt and navy cardigan. She even carried a matching handbag. There's no way a textbook could fit in that handbag, but maybe that's irrelevant.

Maybe I'm just missing the point of school.

Cearra and I were chatting beside her locker when I saw Bianca. She saw me and began walking towards me. That's never happened before.

Bianca likes to pretend I don't exist. It's a fun little hobby of hers.

"OK don't look now," Cearra said, standing in front of me and staring at someone behind me, "But your ex-boyfriend is walking towards you."

Ironic, because I was staring at Bianca walking up behind her. I didn't have the mental capacity to handle another bad ending.

"Really? Because my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend is walking towards us too," I replied.

It's like they coordinate these moments.