
Chapter 13: Blow the candles

I held on to Luke, my arms wrapped around his right arm. He peeled my hands off him and slowly, gently, rested his hands on the straps of my bag. "You're a moving target," he whispered, slowly sliding the bag off my body.

My arms tingled as his fingers moved along them. The bag made a soft landing on the grass. Luke took my hand in his and pulled me into his arms. We stared ahead at the giant bear, who was sniffing the earth, getting closer and closer towards us.

I had accidentally packed a pot of honey in my bag. Well, it wasn't accidental. It was very intentional, because everyone loves honey... but I didn't realize that everyone includes an 800lb bear.

My hands held onto him again. Luke's strong, protective arms could not shield us from a grizzly bear.

My mistake put us both in danger.