

In the islands that only darkness and night touch lives a girl named River Rue. She always heard tales of her origin from the villagers. But she never thought it would be as difficult and strange as it was, as the tales tell. Their origin cannot be known or found by normal humans. The curse and the mystery surrounding their islands need to be unraveled and resolved. Why does the lone wolf cry? What did Vanessa do when she was on the islands? Why can't they use the clear mirror? As much as she wants to believe magic doesn't exist, the situation doesn't seem to agree with her. She is determined to break the spell and unravel the mystery once and for all. even if that means she needs to do it with magic.

cupideclipse · Fantasy
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10 Chs


She nearly missed her grandmother's funeral because she was busy filming the last scene of her movie in Qyree Stones. The shooting should end last night after the crew manage to capture the howling wolves. Not the white lone wolf, but a bunch of colored wolves, howling at the dark skies. Which is not as they anticipated but at least they got it.

Luna, grandmother passed away after midnight at 12:45 am in St. Mary hospital. Vanessa Ann Swan, a socialite and billionaire widower, died at the age of 109. she's had married twice. Her first husband was Luna's grandfather, a wealthier man with a couple of chains of hotels and jeweler shops. Nana Vanessa was 22 years old and had one son at the time she married Luna, grandfather.

People talk about her wedlock son, but Nana Vanessa insists that her son is not born out of wedlock. She's just lucky to be alive after being stranded on wild islands. As a gesture of the kindness the villager man gives her, she agreed to marry him and left after the young man died. After ten years in the unfamiliar wild, Nana Vanessa, often get sick and missed her family terribly. Her marriage was not registered, so it doesn't count as one. Say to her of course.

Soon after her husband died, his family permit Vanessa to leave the island for good. Married Sir Duke Swan for good six years and have two daughters together. One is Luna's mother, Scarlett, and Aunt Victoria. Her Uncle Arlo's surname changed to Swan and now becomes the sole owner of the Swan Estates, that worth over 50 million dollars.

After divorcing, she stay single only for three months before engaged and married the sea tycoon, Sir Henry Robert Kingsley. The multi-billionaire man was in his late 40 when he married Nana Vanessa, who just turned 29 years old at that time. Nana Vanessa was his third wife. He has married two fine women before, but none of them had a child with him. Nana Vanessa soon gives birth to three more sons, one of them is the father of August Kingsley.

Nana Vanessa never changed her maiden name and stayed as Swan until the day she passed away. Luna almost cursed at the funeral, when her shoes were step by the man. She's just five minutes late. Blame it all on Alex, as she's the one who manages her life schedule. Everyone writes a beautiful eulogy at her funeral. Including August, talking about how gentle and lovely Nana Vanessa was. They share hundred of memories with Nana Vanessa, who died only four days shy before her 110 birthday.

Luna also has her fair share of memory with her grandmother. Nana Vanessa was a wicked funny lady, who often share a story of her adventure at the wild islands and give tons of dollars to charity. When the last well-wisher has gone and the Reverend talks to Uncle Arlo after the grave is finely covered, Luna caught her mother talking and whispering a happy laugh with August Kingsley at the back where the car was parked.

Practically she and August were distant cousins. The only blood they share were from Nana Vanessa. She's not even close with her uncles from Kingsley. Only her Uncle Arlo is close with her as he didn't have a daughter. His four sons were aged between 29 to 9 years old. Sometimes Luna feels weird about her family life. All of them are status as wealthier with lots of assets in various fields. Living in luxurious mansions, apartments, estates, just name it they all have it.

They live in those gleaming neon lights with money, fame, woman, man, scandals, and secrets. Money comes easily to all of Nana Vanessa's children. Although most of them inherit a sum of million from their father, everyone never had trouble with money from the very start. That includes Luna's family too.

Nana Vanessa has two daughters and four sons in total. Of all of them, she only had two granddaughters, fifteen grandsons,s and three great-grandsons. Even if they tried to do IVF for a baby girl, they just failed.

Living in luxury gives access to an exclusive party, VVIP membership at the high-end brands in every single outlet, and royal club membership in golf, horses, and yacht. Luna had tasted all of it. That is why she wants to act. Acting can give her experience of something that she never tastes or felt in real life. Stepping into the shoes of someone who struggles and is depressed over life, love, and money-pursuing more creative endeavors for herself.

Moreover, she loves to pick her character. Most of the movies she stars in is a romantic comedies. Acting lovely dovely with handsome and charming actors, putting on beautiful dresses, and high heels, and kissing one of her favorite male actors made her live in perfect dreams and fantasies. She wants to live her life like one of her movies. Young and bubbly. Beautiful, adored by man, and had a perfect love story.

That is why she's dying to act in one genre only because she wants to live in that fantasy. Where people always do whatever she wants and say. In real life, she almost has it all. But people do not always agree with her and she's failed in a couple of relationships in the past. A man never loves her truly. They only love her for her wealth and fame, nothing else. And she hates August Kingsley for life.

Night at Swan Estates, Nana Vanessa's children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren come together and have dinner. Uncle Arlo wants to strengthen their ties after the passing of their beloved mother. He toasts for the life she brings to all of them. As the oldest son of Nana Vanessa, Uncle Arlo wants to address something to his siblings. Something that their mother had kept a secret for the past 100 years.

She folded her arms over her chest and blew out an irritated breath through her mouth and nostrils as she seat face-to-face with August at the dining table. God, the man annoyed her.

"Before I begin, momma always said never do anything stupid behind your family and don't keep secrets!" Uncle Arlo begin and seat at the seat where Nana Vanessa always sit when they had family dinners together. He takes a long pause, looking at every single one of them on the table.

"I did live to her expectations. No lie, no secrets. When she's alive she probably told all of you the same story as mine. One particular story that all of us know is" Uncle Arlo stop again. He squeezed his trembling hand and bow his head down a moment before saying "As our children didn't aware of it, I think is about time for them to know. You guys are old enough to know. No lie, no secret!"

Of course, Luna's cousins start murmuring with each other. Either they are eager to know or want to stay out of it. The face of her uncles and aunts, including her mother was calm. Everyone knows something. Something that needs to hold onto to secure their inheritance and wealth.

"You can throw a fit, and fill your life with tantrums. It won't change the reality!" Uncle Arlo's voice echoed inside the gigantic dining hall. "Momma throw a life there! A life that should be living as one of you, here…" The placid face of August changed after Uncle Arlo said it.

"Scarlett, Victoria, Wyatt, Oscar, and Shane-our bond is a sibling from one mother. Furthermore, we all knew when the business of our father collapse and went bankrupt when were still a child. We struggle and almost live as a beggar on street…" all of them nod in silence. Luna was even shocked to hear about their family history. A beggar? She wouldn't imagine her life as one of them. She rather dies than live on the streets!

"Of course, your wealth comes from your hard work but you didn't work hard to get it. Any deal you've got is easy as putting your meal in your mouth. That ain't hard work. Not even a struggle or sweat to get it! Have you guys ever thought about it at all?" Uncle Arlo asked with his low-key voice. His nephews and nieces were quiet in their seats. What he said is true. Money does come easy for all of them.

"The youngest can stay here, finish your dinner. But all of you need to come with me!" Uncle Arlo signals to his butler and maids to accompany the young one, while the older starting aged 18 and above is going out with him. That includes Luna and August Kingsley.

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