

Jackson Erik is a TCG player with everyday life things can't get any better because he is in the top 10 in the world cup. Even if he does not get first place just being here is all can ask for. But turns out this cup was way getting the 10 with the most potential to be beta testers' new game Lightvex same name card game we have been playing. And with new tech called dive that simulates a new world and your full consciousness is there. And is a one-way trip and there is a virus name X that wants nothing but to end all life. How can Jackson stop the virus following this journey to find out?

Mystery3 · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Chapter 5 Comet Drago

After a good night rest Jackson wakes to a beautiful morning. Light shining through the window Jackson gets up and gets ready for the day. As he goes down the stairs to the main room. The inn looks busy as people moving to serve meals. As he reach the bottom he hears some voices calling him over.

" Hey I talk to some people about how to help on this situation and we got some supplies."

" Here you going to need this."

The NPC put a pack bag on the table then a system interface shows up.

[ Items gain pack bag, two weeks of rations, water skin, tent, flint and steel, map and a power stone.]

Jackson " Thanks for the support well time get going."

Jackson walks to the open door and go out side of the inn. The village is busy so he have squeeze his way through the road.

As he reach the outside of the village he got nice view of rolling hills and mountains to the left and the forest to the right. According to the map he have to though the mountains and top a mountain name galaxy mountain that were the temple at. And the map is map of the mystic world the map chances appending where you're at. Going be long walk he thought then he starts moving on.

As the first night is upon him. He got a sense of wonder as he sets up camp. Days start to blend together then finally. He made to Galaxy mountain he sees why it's called galaxy mountain blue, red, white, purple mix with glowing stone. There a sign next to stairs the sigh reads pathway to the Star Temple. As he starts up the stairs he hears a roar and the sounds of a fight.

Jackson eyes go wide then he starts moving faster up the stairs. He didn't feel fatigue as reach the top. There he sees the temple to the sides looks of flame bacons before the temple looks like stone arena. He sees two monsters fighting in the stone arena. One looks like a T-Rex with a blade tale but something looks wrong with it. Like red and black veins and black mist out -

T - rex mouth makes it look sick. Then we got looks like a little dragon with little wings with flame pattern scales color of a comet. As fight going the comet drago putting a good fight but the t T-Rex just to strong. The T-Rex slam down the comet drago as it lets out a yap of pain. The T-Rex roar in victory as comet drago looks it can barely stand. Jackson made a bold move to drago.

As he moves next to drago he gets out the power stone and says with clear confidence.

" I need you to trust me we can fight that T-Rex together."

The drago nots and clear agreement and touch the power stone. A shining light appear then the drago turns into a card.

[ Quest complete rewards been added]

That when the T-Rex notice him and roars at him.

[ Warning a dangerous influence has infected the T-Rex warning]

[ Starting counter measure code Z activated]

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