
Chapter 17: No New Friends

"I'm just gonna make some quick introductions here," Ade said to Casey and Kimiko.

He indicated Caramel Ringlets first: "This is Sunshine."

She waved. In a light, silvery voice, she piped, "Hi there!"

Casey and Kimiko uttered a slow, uncertain, "Hi."

Ade moved on to Paris Newsreel: "And this is Emma."

"Emma-Geddon," she corrected and, with a dramatic flourish of her arms, made a half-curtsey.

"And, last but not least: Bryce," said Ade.

The Adorable Plumber stepped forward, gripped Casey's hand, and initiated a complex shake-pound-dab combination. "How's ya father?"

"Uh, okay," Casey said as she tried to follow Bryce's hand movements, and failed miserably.

Not seeming to mind, Bryce gave a single nod and stepped back.

An awkward silence fell over the whole group.

Pitching her voice into the most polite tones she could manage, Casey said, "Ade, may we have a word with you? Over here, please?"