
Chapter 12: Drop It on Me

Kimiko gunned the '90s hatchback along the arc of the on-ramp, then slowed down to merge with the bumper-to-bumper afternoon traffic.

Sitting shotgun, Casey rested her shin on the heel of her hand, and stared out at nothing in particular. She drew a heavy but pleased sigh.

Kimiko shot a concerned glance at Casey, but said nothing.

Seemingly apropos of nothing, Casey suddenly blurted, "You know, Tremaine said the weirdest thing back at the villa."

"Oh, yeah?"

"He said he doesn't believe in love.

Kimiko frowned. "Doesn't believe in it? What, like as a general concept?"

"He thinks it's a scam."

"By who? For whom?" Kimiko asked.

"Maybe scam's the wrong word. Maybe it's more like--"

Kimiko braked hard as a red truck cut her off so close it nearly clipped bumpers.

"Hey, watch it!" she shouted, even though (or perhaps because) the windows were closed. "You see this joker? Cutting me off like I owe him something."