
Chapter 40: A Test of Strength, Part 5

Scion looked to him, confused. "What do you mean, done?" he asked.

"I'm not doing this anymore. This-this is way out of my league, man. I'm done, screw this," he replied, shaking his head.

Scion took a duffel bag and packed a large crystal the size of both his hands in the bag.

"You aren't serious," Scion said, taking some of the papers and some books and placing them in the bag. "I've got your things, Blaze. Remember to burn everything else." he said.

Storm looking to Blaze who nodded once slowly, and then looked to Scion. The man had been pouring gasoline on the books and papers he wasn't keeping. Storm, realizing he was being ignored, gritted his teeth.

"Do you honestly think I'm gonna stick by you guys after everything that just happened earlier? Are you friggin crazy?" Storm asked.