
Chapter 38: A Test of Strength, Part 3

Irea punched Blaze and Blaze did the same. The two hit each other's fists, deflecting away each other's attacks. Blaze dodged a sharp right hook, the boy kicking Irea in the jaw. Irea, taking more of a beating now, made two fists and punched Blaze in his chest. Blaze had the wind knocked out of his body, coughing for an instant before being launched backwards towards a wall, blood escaping his mouth.

Storm happened to be midair whilst these events transpired, and he grabbed Blaze. The two worked together, Blaze was thrown back at Irea and Storm shot a bolt of lightning at the man. This was dodged, and Irea was ready to uppercut Blaze, but Blaze thought ahead. Using velocity, he emitted flames from his palms, flying downwards at a high speed. Using this to get behind the man, he kicked him in the back of his head.