
Lightning to my thunder

Why do I feel this way to someone I just met? I feel like I've known them my whole life? I never believed in love at first sight...until now...

OkieDoki · LGBT+
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68 Chs

You need to rest

I don't want to die. I want to spend my time with Laureen and Megan, I never want to leave them. I already left Megan, but I want to see her again. I want to see Laureen again. I haven't even shown up at school on my fourth day. It's Friday and I haven't even completed a week at school. Doesn't help I started on a Tuesday, but that's probably better than a Monday.

I'm still there with Dad and I talk to him for a while but visiting hours end and I'm not in the ER. The doctor came in to check up on me, so I asked him about Laureen. I need to know how she's doing.

"Doctor," I ask her, "is Laureen ok? Is she in the ER? Is she going to die? Is she already dead?"

"Calm down Grace," She stops the rapid questions, "she's ok right now. She was in the ER but was removed from there and placed in the same unit as you."

"Really?! Can I see her?" I look at her eagerly.

"Well," She hesitates, "not really, no. Not right now. Even if you could, she hasn't woken up yet. We don't think she's in a coma, just resting. I believe she should be ok. Besides, visiting hours are almost up and we have to run a few tests still. Enjoy time with your dad while you can, you'll enjoy it."

"Oh, ok." I sigh sadly. She's still asleep. At least she's not dead and not in a coma, which is good. I just hope she wakes up in the end, I want to see her again. I might as well still spend this time with Dad, I think he'd accept me. The more I think about it, the more I realize I can trust him. I just can't trust Mom. I'll just ask him not to mention it to her. I hope he understands.

"Grace," Dad looks at me, "I know you want to see Laureen. I hope she's ok too. But please, just please, try focusing on resting first. You're not your strongest right now and you need to take it one step at a time. I just want you to be ok. I hope you can come home soon, but it's like the doctor said, they still need to do a few more tests and make sure you're ok. You're going to be sore for a few days, so please just rest." he's pretty much pleading now, and I can't say no.

"Ok, Dad." I agree to rest for now. I guess I need to until it's confirmed I'm ok. I still wonder if I should tell him I'm lesbian or not. I mean, maybe now isn't the right time. But Mom isn't here. I am a little sad she's not here, but also relieved. I think I'm more relieved since our relationship isn't the best. I think...I'll tell him. I think I'm ready. He'll understand, right? But is it the right time? "I also want to tell you something," I perked his interest. "but you have to promise me something."

"You can tell me anything," He agrees to it, "but what am I promising to?"

"You have to promise me," I talk a bit slower, more in a calming way, "you can't tell Mom."