
Lightning to my thunder

Why do I feel this way to someone I just met? I feel like I've known them my whole life? I never believed in love at first sight...until now...

OkieDoki · LGBT+
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68 Chs

My yellow cardigan

I wake up to my phone going off. I'm a pretty light sleeper, so any noise wakes me up. It's 7:40am. I have five minutes to get ready for school.

I quickly get ready for school and check the time. 7:44am. I already brushed my teeth. Then I see it. Mom set out a granola bar for me. For breakfast. I feel really guilty, but I grab my backpack and head outside, leaving it behind. I'm not eating.

I see Laureen pull up right as I go outside. Perfect timing. I get in shotgun, toss my backpack in the backseat, and buckle up. I have my school uniform and a yellow cardigan on with a light brown backpack. Man, this girl has already changed me for the better.

"Hey Grace!" Laureen seems excited as she starts driving. "You look nice today." Dammit, my face is a tomato. "How's the cat?"

"My parents said it's paw is sprained, otherwise nothing really major." I reply, giving her good and bad news. "They said they were taking it to the vet, but it was night. They probably went to a friend's. They have a lot of business and medical friends."

"Oh no, that poor kitty. Well, at least it's going to be ok."

"Also, if you want to name it, it's a boy."

"Hmm," she ponders. "I didn't think of a lot of boy names. I mean, I got a bunch of girl names, but not boys."

"Man, you must really like naming things."

"I do, I really do. Wait, what's it's eye color again?"

"Green, why?"

"Well Irish people are not only known for red hair, but also black. Not to mention they have a holiday where you wear green."

"Ok...your point?"

"Maybe Shawn, it's Irish, right? Maybe? It reminds me of someone Irish."

"Yeah, I know who you're talking about."

"Shawn it is. What do you think?"

"It's perfect. I can definitely see it in him."

"He's such a cute kitty." she says as we pull up to the school. We get out and head in. We head to the cafeteria and sit with Alexis and Mark.

"Laureen," Alexis says, urgently. "we have a situation."

"What's the problem?" she seems concerned. Then I notice Mark's head. It's down on the table. Not in a depressed way, but a tired one.

"It has to do with Mark." she seems concerned too.

"What's wrong? What's going on?"

"It's Evelyn..." she sneers. "...again."

"Oh no, what did she do this time? Do I even want to know?"

"You're going to be as pissed as me, and I'm pretty pissed."

"Oh boy, what did she do?"

"Mark blocked her on the phone, and she knew that. She spiked Sam's drink and called him. Thinking it was Sam, he picked up happy as can be. Evelyn hated that Mark was happy. Happy it was another girl. She started cursing him out, threatening him, his friends who are us, and his family. Mark was rejected by them. Rejected by someone she threatened. She has no boundaries. Mark is drained, exhausted, and just tired of all her bullshit. And I am too."

"She did WHAT?!" Laureen flares. I'm scared now.

"Guys," I pop in, a little scared. "she's coming over here. Like, right now." I'm really scared a fight is about to break out. One probably is.