
Lightning to my thunder

Why do I feel this way to someone I just met? I feel like I've known them my whole life? I never believed in love at first sight...until now...

OkieDoki · LGBT+
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68 Chs

I'm happy I met you

After I pick up the beer bottles we start to head back, just walking in the sunset. We mostly walk back in silence, but I wish I would say something. However, each time I try to open my mouth it closes. I want to savor the romantic tension, but I feel like it's dying off.

As if noticing the silence was bothering me, Laureen speaks up saying, "I'm going to drop Alex off first, then Alexis, and Mark. So you'll be last since you live closer to me. However, you still need to tell me where you live."

"Ok cool..." I say, hating the fact that I only said those words. So I say more to try and drown how awkward I sounded. "Hey, thanks for the ride here and overall a fun time here."

"No problem at all, I also had a great day today."

"That's good to hear." Once again, I feel like the silence is drowning me, torturing me more and more by every passing second. "And thanks for willing to drive me to school."

"Oh I'd love to, so it's really no problem. It actually gets really cold during the winter, and I couldn't bear the thought of leaving you in the cold. Besides, I get here pretty early, not too early, but still enough time for us to hang out."

"I really appreciate it, I really do. I can't wait to hang out with you tomorrow."

"Me too, I had tons of fun today. I mean, we're not going to do this everyday since then it'd kinda get boring. But I mean, it's not everyday I meet you for the first time. Usually if a random stranger walks up to me, I talk to them once then talk to them occasionally. But with you, you asked if I needed help and were really nice. Not to mention you were new, so I felt like you just needed a friend."

"I'm happy I met you. I didn't know anyone, but you introduced me to new and nice people and you guys pretty much adopted me. My last school wasn't so great, but I feel like I really belong here. Thank you for that."

"I'm happy I met you too. I can't wait to hang out with you every day."

Just as she finishes her sentence, we get back to her car. I'll get to go home and get some rest, but I'm sad. Sad that the day is almost over, sad that our tie together is almost up. But why am I sad because of that? I'll see her tomorrow. Then I realize why. I'm sad I missed an opportunity.

We get into a silent car that makes me uneasy. I'm sitting in the back with Alex and Alexis, so I'll move up after Mark leaves to show Laureen my house. Then I realize I still have an opportunity. I want to take it so badly, but we just met. They say love happens over time, but can't there be live at first sight? I mean, it's not like she likes me.

Laureen starts driving and drops them all off one by one, each saying, "Thanks for the ride," or something along those lines. So then it comes to the point where it's just us in the front seats all alone. The question is, am I willing to take that opportunity?