
Lightning to my thunder

Why do I feel this way to someone I just met? I feel like I've known them my whole life? I never believed in love at first sight...until now...

OkieDoki · LGBT+
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68 Chs

How can I focus?

"What?" I'm trying to process Dad's question, not exactly getting why he asked.

"Well," He explains, "you talk about her a lot, you're into girls, you've spent a lot of time with her, and you talk about her a lot."

"Well that makes sense," I see it now, "so yeah. I like her, ok? I-I just..." I take another deep breath, "I'm just nervous Mom will make me stop hanging out with her. I don't want it to be *that* obvious, ya know?"

"I get that," He understands, "she would stop you from seeing her, she's like that. But I won't tell her and she won't find out."

"Thanks." I pause a bit as he heads towards the door, "I'll hopefully see you tomorrow, bye."

"Bye kiddo," He turns towards me and waves. I wave back, sad to see him go.

"Bye..." I whisper as he walks out, not hearing it. I realize that there was a smile on my face. Was, it's gone now.

I feel sad, but that's now exactly how I would describe it. It's more, emptiness and loneliness. Not only am I in the hospital, but Sam and Laureen are as well. Not to mention Mom doesn't love me and is probably avoiding me. Fridays aren't that busy at her workplace, she's told me that before. She's probably avoiding me because of our fight, but I don't think she realizes I'm in the hospital. She avoids her phone when she's upset and doesn't usually talk to anyone, especially me and Dad. I just don't know what to do with our "relationship", if we even have one.

The doctor comes in saying, "Grace, we need to get some tests done now," she's holding a clipboard and pen and write a few things down.

"Why didn't you do them earlier when I was asleep?" I ask, not getting why.

"You have to be awake for a pee test," She looks at me blankly, "and we didn't want to interrupt your time with your dad, it was only about fifteen minutes, so we figured it could wait."

"Ah, ok," I get it now. Maybe I shouldn't be rude to the people trying to get me out of here. I mean, they probably did quite a few tests while I was passed out.

I get the pee test done and over with and lay back down. I look at the time and notice it's late. But, didn't Dad tell me I wasn't here that long? He probably meant I wasn't passed out for a few days or whatever. I mean, he probably didn't want me to worry and stuff like that. He's mentioned many times before that I just need to rest and shouldn't worry or stress about anything. I should just focus on just getting better. But how can I focus when I'm worried about Laureen? I can't get her or Megan off my mind. I just can't concentrate on anything.

"Hey, Grace," Now the nurse from earlier pops in, "the doc says you can see Laureen now. But, I must warn you she still hasn't woken up yet. Do you want to see her?"

"Is that a question?" I get excited, "Of course!" He smiles as he helps in a wheelchair, I'm still sore.

"You seem to be close to her," He pushes me out of the room and starts heading to hers. "I hope she wakes up soon. We've done tests on her and she's a lucky one. People die from being t-boned, she seems to be doing great, no internal bleeding."

"That's good," I sigh, relieved, "I hope he wakes up soon too."

I arrive at her room and the nurse leaves us alone but makes sure to point out the buttons that'll call him over if there's an emergency. He leaves us to have "a moment," I can't be spared from the teasing. But I'm sitting there, looking at a cut, bruised, and broken Laureen. I'm happy to hear she's doing ok, but sad to see her like this. It's horrifying, I'm at a loss of words. Her beautiful face is scarred and beaten, almost unrecognizable. Despite this, I need to talk to her. I hope she wakes up, but I know she won't. Is she even alive at this point?