
Lightning Dragon

Earth was invaded by a new energy, named Meta. Chaos ensued, hope was almost lost as animals mutated into beasts. Luckily humans also got abilities from Meta, helping them hold onto life, but even at that, earth is lost. Asher Terron, a boy without an ability gets the lightning dragon's soul, this sets him on his journey. He soon finds out that he was the cause of the peril that Earth faced. This was because he was the inheritor of the most feared ability in the universe. Asher is now faced with a journey beyond Earth, he must navigate the entire universe, unraveling mysteries, and get stronger, seeking one thing, and that is revenge for all he lost. But things can never be black and white, is revenge all that his life will amount to? or will new things begin to matter to him? discord server: I am open to discussion and questions. https://discord.com/invite/fHeYP3yH

NTNova · Fantasy
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309 Chs

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"So what is the spell about, what does it do?" His voice carried high curiousity, he hadn't gotten around to knowing the details of the spell.

"It's a dual spell, it does both protection and attack. Do you remember how Nathan used his ability back on Earth?" Elsa asked.

"Yeah, he could block with it at any places within his sight." Asher replied.

"That's the first part of this soul spell, it can form a thin yet durable and flexible barrier to block soul attacks. Those same thin barriers can be shot out, they move like sheets of metal through the air, taking breadth that you want, you can make it as slim as a sword, or make it wide as a bill board, the choice is up to you. The barrier will shoot towards its target under your control; you can manipulate it however you seem fit." Elsa said, her tone bright and happy, she was seemingly happy with her new spell.