
Captured Spies

Even breathing felt like a torture, their visions were blurry as someone splashed a bucket of cold water. The first thing that they saw scared them shitless, it was a pair of cold eyes staring at them…

Then next they saw was a pair of Ruby eyes with a strong slaughtering intent in his eyes, as their vision returned, they saw that standing in front of them were two boys. Both with different coloured aura but they could feel that the Blue-Eyed Boy was significantly stronger.

They couldn't forget those Blue eyes, he was the one who had beaten them so bad they felt that they were still feeling pain from his beating. They tried to move their mouth to speak but a sharp pain let them shout out, "AHHHHHHH...…."

It was Ryusei suddenly stepping on their nearly lifeless legs. His ice-cold voice spread in the area, "I will be the one to ask you some questions, not you! That is the rule number 1 here." He then turned towards Lin Yanluo and advised him, "Observe this very carefully, this is what you will do in the future."

Lin Yanluo looked steadily and intently at them with those heartless eyes, nodding a moment later, as if there was nothing but dead bones in front of him. This very aspect was placed under Ryusei's scrutiny, this dissection of their soul made them uncomfortable as well as scared.

The strange gaze, those eyes displaying a complete lack of feeling or consideration was the same as seeing them as a toy. It was very uncomfortable for them to be seen with such a gaze.

Ryusei didn't even ask the question as he sat down in front of them and smiled at them. His smile seemed as if he was about to do something fun, they were slightly worried now. They didn't know if the Boy was straight or not and slightly worried for their virginity.

Ryusei was a bit surprised as more than fear for their life, they seemed to glance at each other with a worried expression on their faces. He knew that it wasn't the fear of death, no, it was like they were more worried about something else.

Ryusei ignored their gazes and suddenly threw out a punch at one of them randomly and it was the Bear Spirit Essence User who got hit. Ryusei didn't even ask anything as he hit the other guy.

It was a slightly stronger punch than the one that he gave to the Bear Spirit Essence User, he didn't stop with that and started to hit the other guy. This continued for quite some time before the Bear Spirit Essence User was finally frustrated with the repeated beatings without any reason.

He bit his tongue and held back his pain as he voiced out, "STOP! Why are you beating us without any reason? That isn't the way you do interrogation, you will have to ask some questions from us too…"

Ryusei's expression changed into a confused one, he turned towards Lin Yanluo as he asked him, "Huh… interrogation! Why would we interrogate you, old man? I am just having fun as my big brother has taught me."

'Having fun my ass. Just say that you don't wanna admit it that you feel delighted in torturing us.' They had similar thoughts in their heads, they felt as if this young boy was just straight out crazy, he was trying to disguise his motives after beating them to a bloody pulp.

After beating them for around half an hour, Ryusei was finally bored, he looked towards Lin Yanluo with a delightful expression, "Let's go back now. I think that they will die if I continue anymore."

He looked back at them with a nice smile on his face, "We will return tomorrow. Find your food by yourself…" As they heard his words, they felt as if they had heard a joke, find they food by themselves in the condition they were in.

Even if they were lucky and a fruit did drop from the air, did they even have enough strength to eat it? They could only mumble right now, "Please…. Please don't leave us. Take us with you. We will tell you everything. Every-"

Well that was all they needed to say before Ryusei turned around and looked towards them with an eerie smile, "Nice, Alright… So, start speaking. Every answer that I like, I will give you something to eat and maybe heal you."

His words let them think that maybe they had a hope, they knew that if they could regain some strength right now, they could call upon the Dark Lord with the things they had. The equipment like that Bird Statue…

For their safety, each of them had it within their rings, they just had to use their Spirit Energy and pull it out of their Spirit Rings. It would be all too easy if they just recovered just a bit of their energy.

It was as if they had the opportunity in front of their eyes and their eyes were shining brightly, besides, it wasn't like they knew too much about the organization, they just knew what the Dark Lord wanted them to know.

It wouldn't be a big deal to tell Ryusei about what they knew but what they didn't know was Ryusei was having another mood right now, he wondered, "How much time would it take you to die?"

Now, this made them wonder whether they should laugh or cry, one of them still thought that they would be given to eat if they answered this question, he mumbled with his broken voice, "Without anything to eat or drink right now, we only have an hour left."

They were surprised to see Ryusei frowning at them, he spoke a single sentence that made them get out of their illusion, "Well, no food to you since I didn't like that answer. Bye, take care…"

The other guy heard his words and called out to Ryusei, "Please… don't leave us here like this. We will answer anything you want. Any question to which we might have an answer… Please don't leave us like this."

Ryusei turned towards them and they were once again in front of those Cold Azure Blue orbs, he sat in front of them and pulled out a Red Coloured Apple from his Spirit Ring, "Alright then, I will ask seriously now. What is your position in the Phantom Brotherhood?"

As soon as they heard him say the name, they knew they were fucked, they couldn't imagine how did this boy know the name of the organization, it was like he knew many things while they didn't know a single thing about the boy.

Shouldn't they have realized if someone was investigating their organization, Dark Lord was very cautious in the manner that the name of the organization should never go out. He wanted to remain in shadows before making his move but now they actually heard the name of the Organization from this boy's mouth.

They thought of a lie on the spot, "We are just some random members that were recruited in the organization." Ryusei's expression didn't change as he simply took a bit of the apple, he informed them, "After your every lie, I am going to take a bit of the apple. Oh… and I forgot to tell you before, this is the only apple that you would get. You will have to share the apple that is left."

He took a large bite and ate about one fourth part of the apple, both of the Phantom Brotherhood Members were looking at the apple with a pity in their eyes. Their eyes turned red as they realized that lying was useless because even if that Apple was a Spiritual Fruit, if Ryusei ate it one more time then they could say good-bye to their freedom.