When Akuma was born it was said he would bring tragedy. He was abandoned and the name Akuma is all he had. As an adult he wanted to help, so he killed the evil. What thanks did he get, but death? Good thing his mother was there to help him in the end.
When Kurayami, Grayfia, and Shin appeared in Tartarus, they immediately knew this was not a welcoming place. The atmosphere was toxic, but his and Grayfia's bodies were strong enough to handle it. Kurayami's eyes stung like he was cutting thousands of onions, which sucked.
"Grayfia, this place is truly terrible. Can't believe Azrael stayed here for who knows how long."
"Master, you should hurry as time is always weird in Tartarus. Sometimes it is slower, sometimes faster."
Hearing that, made him panic so he called Raynare that moment who picked up.
"Kurayami, what is wrong?"
"Raynare, listen to me closely. How long have I been gone?"
She checked the clock and answered.
"A few minutes, why?"
He looked around and told her.
"I am in Tartarus right now and apparently time is strange in this place. I wanted to make sure a minute was not something like an hour or something."
Hearing where he was made her annoyed.
"You could have told us, we all would have gone with you. If my grandfather can do it, so can I."
Grayfia smiled as, among Kurayami's fiances, Raynare and Esdeath were the most like him in their drive to become stronger. Kurayami sighed as he decided to hurry.
"I am not here to train yet. I only need to talk to Nyx about something. If I succeed, I might have a gift for you."
Raynare thought about it before she agreed.
"Fine, I won't tell the others, just hurry back before you spend a whole year trapped in Tartarus."
Kurayami was thankful.
"Can you activate the time anchor spell on your end? I need to see what the dilation is."
Both of them activated the spell that was used when two individuals were in two different realms. It required them both to be able to use time magic even slightly which they both could. Once they activated the spell, a counter appeared on both their palms.
It was 10/1 which was a good thing for Kurayami. It meant that every 10 hours for him was just 1 for Raynare. He was glad but that could change at any moment so he had to hurry. Before he hung up she wished him luck.
"Good luck, I love you."
"Thanks, I love you too."
She hung up and now it was just the three of them. He spread out his sense to the max which spread out for hundreds of miles. Tartus was split into several levels and Nyx lived on the very bottom of it. When he found the direction he spread out his 12 wings before he picked up Grayfia.
"Master, I can fly?"
He just looked at her and smirked as best he could.
"I'm faster."
Shin retreated into his shadow as Kurayami vanished from his spot in a shock wave. Grayfia held tight to his neck as he was not kidding when he said he could move.
'This is even faster than Souji, how strong is my master?'
Kurayami reappeared in front of a Nyx's palace which was known as the Mansion of Night. It was known to be so terrifying that even Giants and Titans avoided it like the plague, but it just made Kurayami jealous.
His own manor was in a cursed forest, but even that was not as cool as the darkness of this place. He out down Grayfia who held him tight as even to her it was back chilling. She looked at Kurayami and saw no such fear in his eyes, only a drive to steal.
Shin popped up from his shadow as he liked this place. Kurayami was going to yell out for Nyx, but it seemed he did not need to do that right now. She willingly came to him which made him realize something.
She looked like a mass of darkness and galaxies given form, and he knew she was no pushover. Grayfia herself was a being who could fight gods, but Nyx just felt too strong. She looked at Kurayami who did not look scared.
'She is in the top 10, maybe just below Azrael.'
Nyx was huge about 50 meters tall and her sheer aura caused pressure to fall on Kurayami. While Kurayami was ready to fight if needed, Nyx was terrified when she looked at Kurayami. She could see his soul and her thoughts were in turmoil.
'What kind of monster made that thing? How is he even sane?'
Her monstrous form condensed into a form that looked like a teenage girl. She smiled as she did not want Kurayami to know she was actually scared of whatever made him.
(Image here.)
"I don't get visitors often. What do you need?"
Kurayami placed his hand on his chest before he gave a polite bow.
"Lady Nyx, forgive my intrusion, but I would like to ask if I can purchase or trade for some Galaxy Appels."
She blinked a few times as she thought he was here to demand something more. She sighed in her mind as she did not want to meet the source of his soul. She was the first being to realize that his soul was not natural as it was a part of someone before.
"Oh, I have a whole orchard of those. How many do you want?"
Kurayami decided to be polite as he was not trying to spit in her goodwill.
"I just wanted 5."
She frowned as she had been growing those trees since she came to exist. She loved to snack on them so she had thousands in stock.
"Take 30, I eat that much in a day."
Kurayami did not know why she was being so polite as a being in the top 10 should have more pride.
"Do you need something in exchange?"
She thought of it and make a request.
"If you are going to eat one of them, I highly recommend you do so here in Tartarus. For me, they are just a yummy snack, but they are torture for any other being."
She snapped her fingers as one of her sons brought out a plate wiht the 30 apples she had promised him. Looking at the apples in person made him take one in his hands. The appeals were smooth and the glow of a galaxy was on the skin.
Before he bit it she raised her hand to stop him.
"I recommend we do it in the open and not near my house. As you have a Longinous, I would not want your emotions to cause you to rampage."
He collected the rest of them as he was going to share them with the girls who were ready for it. The 4 of them appeared in an open field which in Tartarus terms was toxic, sharp, and hot. Kurayami controlled his flames to flatten an area for him to sit down so he could focus.
Nyx hid behind a rock as she wave for Grayfia to come with her. Grayfia knew that Nyx knew something, but not what. She decided to go with her, but the rock was not going to offer any protection if he went mad.
Kurayami and Shin looked at the apple in his hands as he brought it up to his mouth.
'This is going to suck.'
He took his first bite and noticed just how conflicting the taste was. It was both sweet, disgusting, soothing, and painful to eat. Once he swallowed it, he took another bite and another. He kept this up until the whole thing was gone.
He even ate the core, but not the seeds as he was going to give those back. He could not grow them as they need the climate of Tartarus and Nyx's power to grow well. Kurayami did not have to wait very long for the dreaded and sought-after effects to appear.
He felt his blood boil which caused his body to steam. He closed his eyes as the pain was something he was used to. Kurayami descended into his memories as the torture began. He appeared in front of an open field where Raynare was standing in front of him.
She looked at him with pure hatred in her gaze as she began to curse him.
"I hate you Kurayami. Ever since I met you I wondered why you were so blessed while I had to work myself to the bone. The thing I hate the most is that you think I love you. Your hollow eyes disgust me. Jut sleeping in the same bed as you"
Before she could finish, Kurayami broke her neck. He looked down at her shocked eyes and walked over her.
"My Raynare would never say something like that."
The next thing he saw was Akeno crying over the body of their mother. She turned around to look at him as blood ran down her eyes.
"You should have been there to save her. I can't believe I ever loved you."
Kurayami killed her as well, but doing so made him hate himself more. This was part of the trial as the apples had another name. Appels of will as the consumer had to be ready to kill what they love most.
"My mother is alive and my Akeno is the sweetest person I know. She would not blame me."
The next vision he saw was of Esdeath as she was chained up like a puppet. Behind her, the Demon Astor controlled her body like she was some kind of puppet. When he saw Kurayami, he willed Esdeath to attack him.
He saw her tears and how she struggled to fight back. She slashed at his chest, but he did not dodge. He allowed the hit and grabbed her by the neck. The powerful fires of Inceneratee Anthem burned her to ash and he cursed out at this vision.
"My Esdeath is unbreakable and she would never submit to a lowly demon. Try better."
The next vision was one he did not want to see ever again. It was an image of Kuroka being raped while she screamed out for his name. He did not hesitate and burned everything in sight as he scratched his face in rage.
Outside Grayfia could see how his body was overflowing with the glow of the apples, but his rage started to affect Shin. Kurayami and Shin both began to go Balance Breaker as that last vision enraged him beyond measure.
His aura grew and surged as he started to let go of his emotions. Nyx cursed as she saw that.
'Please, don't die. Don't die, if you die I will die. Whatever made you will not be happy with me. Why did I give him the appels?'
She was biting her nails, but something odd happened. Kurayami calmed down as in his head he felt two figures hug him tight. He turned to look at them and saw one of them had Black hair, white horns, yellow eyes, and was covered in black armor.
The other one had white hair, a cold look on her face, and a revealing skin-tight outfit. he recognized them at a glance as they were there with them since the start.
"Rebellion, Submission?"
Rebellion hugged his right arm right while Submission did the same to his other arm. Submission was his first sword so she leaned her forehead against his.
"My master would never allow that to happen. While it may hurt now, you are stronger than that."
Rebellion did the same on the other side of his head and encouraged him.
"My sister is right, finish this trial and claim your prize from this torture."
Both weapon spirits returned to sword form and when he held their handles he sighed.
'I am weak against stuff like that stuff. I never want to view anything like it again. Glad I have you two.'
Rebellion laughed a little.
"We are connected to your soul, we know all you went through."
Submission was reserved but encouraged him.
"You are already stronger than when you came in. Break free."
Kurayami raised his both swords in front of him and clenched them tightly. He did not spend any more time doing this and slashed through the illusion and returned to his body The power of the apple was still coursing through his body, but he closed his eyes and focused.
The energy from the apple was devoured by his blood which used the power in it to give him what he had been trying to achieve. He stood up and roared at the top of his lungs as 14 black metallic wings emerged from his back.
The moment he broke the limit of what a Seraph was he felt that everything changed. If his blood was powerful beforehand, he felt it was lackluster now As if out of nowhere a feeling of pure agony hit him as he fell to one knee to endure.
'The rise in species a Super Fallen Angel and Super Devil are what happens when our races get rid of the limits put in my God and Lucifer. Here it is.'
Azrael told him to be ready for agony. Becoming a Seraph was normally the limit no matter how hard one trained, as Fallen angels were not a natural race. They were manufactured by God so they normally had a set limit.
Seraph was that limit, but Azrael broke that limit first. God did not think that was possible when it happened so this was the second time it happened. Kurayami felt his cells become hungry black holes as they drained the magic and energy in the air.
He thought about the words Azrael told him when he asked what it was like to be a Super fallen angel.
'Breaking the limit set on us by God is nearly impossible. He did not want us to go beyond Seraphs, but I was the exception. He gave me the power of death and over time it broke the limits he set for me. The moment you achieve it, you will see what I mean.'
Kurayami noticed that his DNA which was seemingly perfect found thousands of flaws. Changing DNA all at once was painful so he waited for the effects to end. Shin had collapsed as well as his being was tied to Kurayami.
Michael did not expect it to be so soon, but more and more connections between Kurayami's sacred gears were ripped to sunders. He cursed as he did not expect that Kurayami would break the limits set by God so soon.
Kurayami was already at the limit of what a Seraph was and the apple was the last straw. After a full hour, he felt wet all over as he felt his blood was expelled from his body. It was no longer up to the standard as it was old.
His new half-step Super Fallen angel DNA changed every single part of him including his Bone marrow which released all of his old blood. The moment his heart began to beat he felt his body fill with power as his new blood matched his new body.
When all of it was back in its place a wave of power radiated from him throughout the whole world. The humans had no idea while the supernatural races all felt that a new monster was rising.
Kurayami was going to lay low for a while as he decided to consolidate his power as the next Governor-General. He had 2 years and he was going to use them before he had to take over.