
Kokabiel's End and New Death Squad.

Kokabiel had returned to Grigori as he still had some followers that did not support Kurayami taking over. They felt a mixed breed was not as strong as pure-blooded, but they would never say it out loud.

Kurayami was not only a monster in combat, he was supported by all the higher-ups of Grigori and Azrael safe for Kokabiel. Every day that passed the fewer people followed Kokabiel's zealous thoughts as they were put in their place by the power of Kurayami. Every day he got stronger while they were still bottom feeders who would be grunts forever.

The last time he was here, he had 400 supporters, but now it was down to just 60.

"FUCK! What happened to the rest."

He grabbed the shirt of the fallen in front of him. This was the swordman that Kurayami defeated when he was a kid and the guy never let it down. He trained even harder, but despite that, he was left in the dust.

The worst part was that even the demigods made him look like a fool. He challenged Jack to a fight and he was defeated in only 1 move, but Jack was an adult. It was not the same as losing to Kurayami who was only 5.

His centuries of hard work were just useless in the face of overwhelming talent. Jack even told him to give up the sword as he would never measure up to Kurayami. The demigods had a lot of respect for Kurayami as he was the one who got them out of the camp.

Because of him they got stronger and could choose how they would live their lives. Those words made him nearly do it, but it would mean his whole life was pointless. He was stuck with Kokabiel as he would never work for Kurayami even if it cost him his life.

He raised his hands to try to calm down Kokabiel.

"They left sir. Ever since the fucker turned into a Seraph, very few want to go against him. Even now most of them want to jump ship."

Kokabiel dropped him as this guy was one of the most loyal to him. The swordman hated Kurayami with a passion, but he never tried to fight him again. He was still stuck with 2 pairs of wings while Kurayami had 5. Their was no comparison between them.

Kokabiel looked at the few people who still followed him, but most of them seemed conflicted to be there.

"What? Are you going to leave as well?"

Kokabiel loomed over the weak fallen as it made him feel superior. It was funny as he only bullied the weak here as they were the only ones willing to follow him. The female fallen in front of him shook her head as she tried to make him not kill her.

"No, never. We would never follow him. Despite being a Seraph he must be weaker as he is part human."

The others around her also agreed.

"It's true sir. There is no way a halfbreed like that mutt to compare to you a true fallen angel."

Kokabiel grinned as he bragged about what he was going to do.

"If I got my hands on him I would rip him apart. I am a true fallen angel and he is a fake. Azazel chooses wrong, I will lead Grigori and I know how to do it."

The swordman was interested.


Kokabiel grinned as he explained his plan.

"We take the weakest member of that bastard's harem hostage and use them as leverage against him."

He was going to wish he never said that.

"You won't even get the chance Kokabiel."

At that moment it was like the air itself grew cold. All of the fallen in that room felt the freezing temperature, but it was in their heads. They turned to look at the entrance where Kurayami and Shin were standing.

Kokabiel turned around as he glared at Kurayami.


When Kurayami's boots walked across the metal forward it caused the fallen to scurry back like rats. Kokabiel made a light sword in his hands as he steeled his nerves

"This is the day you die you halfbreed. When you're dead I will rape all of your wives and your mother on top of your grave."

Kurayami did not even react as his face went ice cold.

"You have 1 move, use it."

That enraged Kokabiel flew into the air as he raised his hands and used his entire power in that one move. Above him was a giant spear of light that had enough power to destroy a city in it.


He launched it toward the motionless Kurayami who did not bother to move or dodge. Instead, he tapped his foot on the ground. He superheated the air and sped up time by burning it.

The spear's energy literally melted and burned into nothingness as its time was incinerated. He was the first user of the sacred gear to use it in such a way as he copied Esdeath in reverse.

Seeing that made Kokabiel collapse to his knees as that was all his power. At his best, he could destroy a large city, but Kurayami did not deal in cities. At max power, he could destroy an entire country if he went all out.

This was just the start as he was still not in the top 10.

"Kokabiel, you don't deserve your wings."

Kurayami snapped his fingers causing 10 blades to be created. They each cut off a wing from Kokabiel splashing blood everywhere. This was both a painful and physiological attack as fallen prided themselves on their wings.


Kokabiel looked at his fallen wings with terror. His followers all tried to flee the room to leave him behind, but a bounded field trapped them within. They choose to beg Kurayamit to spare them, but he had a better use for them.

"I will let you all live. I can even offer you top-secret research."

That made them relax, but his next words made them all fall to their knees in terror.

"Such research needs lab rats and I much like rats so you will take their place. Be thankful. Now, Kokabiel. It's time for you to die."

A tidal wave of touki shot from Kurayami's body that causing the bounded field that Kurayami set up to shake and crack. At full power, his touki could probably cause an island to sink. This much was nothing to him.

He rushed forward and drove his knee into Kokabiel's face breaking his teeth and jaws. The shattered bone cut up his mouth and lips as blood pooled out of it. Before he shot forward, Kurayami reached out and grabbed his arm.

"You don't need this."

With a sickening tear, he ripped off the whole arm causing the blood to splash on his face. He licked his lips as he drank the blood like he was some kind of vampire. In his past life, he would sometimes eat some of his pursuers as he was in need of something to eat.

Humans were just another animal in his eyes and it did not cause him any mental issues. As for Fallen blood, it tasted better. When Kokabiel saw Kurayami do that, he started to crawl away with his one arm in agony.


Kurayami glanced at the arm in his hands and decided against eating Kokabiel. Those days were behind him so he dropped the arm to the ground. He walked toward the crawling one-armed annoyance.

"I was going to kill you in one go Kokabiel. When you brought my family into it, things got personal."

At that moment the swordsman drew his sword as he stood in between Kokabiel and Kurayami. The guy was shaking and he could barely get a sword stance in between them.

"I won't let you kill him. Not after you took everything from me. Do you even remember me?"

Kurayami vanished and he drove his hand into his chest. His hand went out his back with his heart in his hands. The swordsman dropped his sword as Kurayami leaned in before he died.

"No, I don't."

He ripped his hand out and dropped the corpse and heart. Emerson's last thoughts were about how unfair the world was. This would be his last thought as anything Kurayami killed stayed dead. Once he was dead, he had Kokabiel to kill.

"Now that is out of the way, I will give you a quick death."

Kurayami grabbed him by his long hair and pulled him up to look into his eyes. Kakabiel tried to scream for Azazel to save him.


Kurayami grabbed both sides of his head as Azazel was watching from the camera. He activated the speaker and gave him a final farewell.

"Goodbye, Kokabiel."

Kurayami crushed his head as he at least allowed Azazel to say farewell to his friend. Kurayami extended his hand as he dragged out Kokabiel's soul. It was a white and black large flame the size of a basketball.

"Now what to do with this?"

Submission and Rebellion gave him some advice equally. Rebellion was the first to speak as she was more chipper.

"Master, you should eat it. Eating souls grant great power and this is a good opportunity."

Submission was colder and more reserved, but still helpful.

"She is right. Eating a soul allows you to gain the experience of the one devoured and their power. Along with making your own soul stronger."

He decided to listen to the advice of his two swords. He trusted them more than anyone as they were linked to his soul. He devoured the soul and when he did that he felt as if his soul just got a boost.

He entered his soul scape and saw how his soul absorbed the soul of Kokabiel. When it did that he closed his eyes as he went through the important events in Kokabiel's life. His experience with swords, how he fell, his power which was not much.

All in all, it was not really worth it in his opinion except for the growth of his own soul. He forgot that his Longinous, swords, and familiars were connected to his soul as they all got a small boost from it.

"Now that is out of the way, I will take this."

He pointed at all the blood as he drained it from the floor and corpse. The body of Kokabiel became dry as a corpse as Kurayami now had a large ball of blood in his hands. He condensed it and turned it into a blood crystal.

He pocketed it as all the fallen in this room were going to be used by Azazel in his experiments. Azazel was beginning to accept the orders of Kurayami as he was stepping down. He was going to become head researcher while Kurayami held the fort down.

Kurayami returned to Azazel's lab where all the demigods he had chosen were waiting. Jack looked at Kurayami as he thought it was about the offer he got before.

"Sir, is this about the offer you made me before?"

Clarise and the others listened in as anything Kurayami offered was good.

"It is, I plan on turning the 5 off you into fallen angels. With my blood of course."

Clarise grinned at the thought of that.

"So the special princess is losing her advantage."

Kurayami shrugged.

"Not really. Anyway, before I do anything I should explain why I am doing this. I am making a new death squad kill anyone I want dead. You will be my Abyss Dogs, a team made to kill whoever I say. By agreeing to this, you will get the best gear and weapons along with sacred gears."

Clarise and Jack did not hesitate and stepped forward. They simutaniously agreed.

"We agreed."

Jaime also stepped forward.

"Count me in."

Jannice also agreed as she knew how strong her sister had gotten.

"Count me in. If Annabeth can do it, so can I."

James smiled she also agreed.

"Does not sound like a bad deal at all."

Seeing how the 5 of them agreed he extend summoned Rebellion and cut open his palm.

"From this day on, you are my enforcers and my hunters. My Abyss Dogs."

A magic circle opened under each of them as a large place of his blood flowed from his open wound and entered the bodies of each of them. Just like he said, his blood was highly mutated as a result of his soul and two Longinus.

It was always adapting and improving itself so it was perfect for this. Once it entered their bloodstream it began to assimilate their godly bloodline into itself. They all passed out on the floor so he looked at Azazel as he use his magic to move them onto the couch.

"Find them sacred gears or make them. Take the time you need. I know you have been itching to focus on research. Here is your chance."

Azazel was giddy to start.

"Yes, future Governor-General."