When Akuma was born it was said he would bring tragedy. He was abandoned and the name Akuma is all he had. As an adult he wanted to help, so he killed the evil. What thanks did he get, but death? Good thing his mother was there to help him in the end.
The moment Kurayami was returned to his body he looked at the aura venting from his body. It was a massive stream of Death Energy, Lightning, and Fire to match it. All around him, it seemed that his surroundings were starting to simply be corrupted.
It was so extreme that a massive growing area around him seemed to die, burn, and crumble all at the same time. Amaterasu as the only being around teleported away several miles away as she fear near him.
As for Kurayami, he still held both Rebellion and Submission in his hands as both blades continued to absorb his Soul Essence. They were having a buffet as his soul recovered what they consumed just as quickly.
'Seems all those souls had a purpose. Time to test it out.'
He raised Rebellion and cleaved down with all his strength launching a wall of destruction that appeared instantaneous. Space and TIme distort everywhere that slash went, but that was just power.
'Was that the power of my Soul of Canis Lyacon?'
'Master, what did you do?'
The voice of Rebellion entered his mind like always.
'I guess this is just a boon of my might. All thanks to you.'
'Of course. I followed you through hell in our first life and I have followed you in this one. Now though, we have another partner.'
Submission answered.
'Of course. We both underwent the baptism of our master. Now then, shall we see what we can do now.'
Kurayami nodded.
"Time to push this Balance Breaker to the limit."
Both blades warped slightly, but overall kept the same.
He gripped both greatswords one curved the other long and charged forward as he began to shadow-fight a made-up foe. He growled like a beast as the influence of Shin was heavy in this state. He swung both swords in quick succession despite the weight of both.
Every second he caused several thousand sword swings with each swing massive slashes of destruction devastated everything for miles. He tested his footwork as he imagined a foe that looked like Harold.
In his mind, Harold was all he knew for many years so his mind loathed and respected him. Loathed him for the torture and enslavement, but respected him for the skills he got out of it.
He would kill Harold again if he could, but it did not take away from the experience he got from it. His eyes got serious as he swung Rebellion and took off Harold's arm. He swung up with Submission and removed his other arm before he swung both in an x shape.
He continued his mad rampage for over 30 minutes before he stopped moving. He dispelled his Balance Breaker as he was running on empty. His entire mana stores were empty and all around was devastation. Unstable space surrounded him as each of his attacks had cut space apart. He fell to his knee as he used Rebellion to not fall.
"How was that?"
Shin was sitting right in front of him with his tail wagging. He was truly happy about being able to be useful. Shin was huge now, but now that Kurayami thought about it he was sure he caused too much commotion.
Shin licked his face covering it in drool as he was happy to be accepted.
"Good job, buddy."
He looked at both of his swords and willed them to enter his arms again. The tattoos went from his wrist up to his shoulders The one for Rebellion was black and the one for Submission was purple.
He looked around and found Amaterasu sitting on a rock as she waited for him to finish acclimating to his new power. Now that he was done and exhausted she decided to walk over and help him.
"Your power continues to amaze me Kurayami. Not just anyone can go all out and cut space with every one of their attacks. I could teach you how to do it more efficiently."
She reached down and helped him stand. She placed his arm around her shoulders as he was drained of mana completely. Thanks to his soul, mana from his atmosphere began to be drawn toward him thanks to his wings.
Which was their job and now that he had 12 he was in a better state.
"Thank you. I would appreciate such advice, but you can cut space?"
She nodded.
"I was young once, and I practiced the path of the sword for a long time. This level of destruction is normal for a god. When we train, we normally set up a way to protect the land or all this world would have been destroyed already. This reminds me of my youth when I was first learning to use the sword."
He looked down at her as he saw she was remembering those millennia ago. She shook her head as she looked up at Kurayami. He was not looking at her, but he was looking out at the destruction he caused.
"I should not become arrogant yet. One should always try to improve oneself even when they think they are finished. I am a simple Seraph, not a Super Fallen Angel just yet. Until then I won't be satisfied."
Hearing those words caused her to remember how she had once said the same thing.
"You know something, you are right. I have been neglecting what made me who I am now for years. Ever since I failed to kill Zeus in that war, I got annoyed and stopped training. I should pick it up again. Show the world I am not just a pretty face."
Kurayami had to agree as very few Greek gods seemed to have a brain other than their lower ones.
"I feel that would be a good thing. Even with peace ongoing, there are still fools like the Greeks in this world after all. Knowing Zeus he won't let this sitting down."
She chuckled at his words. The Greeks were not well-liked by any pantheon. The only reason Zeus still drew breath and made sperm was that Athena managed to save him just before she took his head. She still regretted that as the world would be better off without him.
"Your right. Do you want me to take you back home first? I don't think you will be able to do so at least for a few minutes. When you are completely spent on mana, it takes a while to recover it. You are lucky to have your mighty soul and wings.
He shook his head while his cells were dried off mana he was confident in his recovery speed. The reason he was so empty, was that cutting space was not easy at all. It was like breaking a steel pipe with your bare hands. It took a lot of power to cut space, even with Shin and his two swords.
He was truly exhausted so he closed his eyes and slumped on her so she held him a bit tighter to keep him up. He had passed out as he was far too tired to stay up. As her hands held his waist and shoulder she felt just how durable his body was.
'He truly does have the body of a god. I bet he will grow even taller now that his Fallen Angel blood has been pushed again. And bigger, and more muscular.'
She said the last part with a slight blush. She looked up at his face and saw he was out cold slightly snoring. It was a shame the clothes he wore were thick leather. But, even through it, she could feel the power of his physique.
'Oh dear, what an incredible physique. Far more than my ex.'
She reached up and touched his chest feeling like she touched a steel plate.
'Awesome. He won't mind right?'
She was a little red in the face as she was ashamed that she had taken advantage of him while he was asleep. However, she did not stop touching his abbs while he slept.
She stopped herself before he woke up as it would be embarrassing to be seen like that. She teleported him back to her mountain where the girls were enjoying some tea to try to relax.
Her attendant was standing over them giving them tea and snacks. When the girls saw the ray of sunlight they jumped to their feet as they wanted to see Kurayami. When they saw how she was helping him up and that he was snoring showed he was tuckered out.
They sighed in relief that he was fine so they all walked toward him. Akeno was the first to take him in her arms as he opened his eyes. He looked toward Amaterasu with a knowing look in his eyes.
Amaterasu feigned ignorance as she did not want to admit that she had touched him like that. Akeno hugged him tight as she could feel his emotions seemed more stable. As she had said, now that he as a Seraph he had gotten closer to controlling his soul.
"You have no idea how worried I was. I thought you would have gone all berserk like that anime."
"I know the one."
Akeno smiled, but as she looked into his eyes she noticed something. His sclera was not white anymore, it was completely black with not a bit of white in it. As for his dark violet eyes, they remained just like before.
"Brother, your eyes are captivating. What happened?"
Raynare, Esdeath, Natsume, and Kuroka looked at his eyes as they noticed the change in them. Raynare as a fellow Death Mage could feel his own got stronger.
"Hey, why does your Death magic feel so strong now? Like my grandfathers."
"Because it is."
He raised his hand death magic flowed around his hand like a snake. He willed it to look like a snake that curled around his neck like a pet. Raynare was left slack-jawed, but more jealous.
"How did you do that? I have never been able to control it that well."
He shrugged as he looked at his snake construct. He gave it small red eyes made from some fire magic.
"Death Magic is part of my soul as you saw, when I came in contact with it I got closer to it. I bet I could even do necromancy now."
Kuroka did not exactly find that fun.
He shrugged.
"It's a power of Death Mages isn't it?"
"I guess, but are you going to delve into that branch of magic?"
Kuroka sighed.
"Whatever you decide, but now then. I want to test this out."
She lunged at him and hugged him tightly. She pressed all over his body as she sensed something.
"Every time you gain a new pair of wings you just get even tougher. Will he grow taller?"
Akeno nodded.
"He will. The more wings he gets as a young man will cause his height to be pushed forward. In essence, he will get taller, and so will I. Aren't I tall enough?"
She was the tallest girl in their group as she was related to him. As for Esdeath, she squinted her eyes as she probed into his power. He was running on fumes right now, but even then he felt entirely different.
"You certainly are a monster. Even though I am starting to want to quit trying to surpass you, that is the easy way out. Even if you surpass God himself, I will be right there."
He flashed her a small smile which was easier than before.
"Good luck."
Esdeath sighed.
"Good luck he says."
Raynare shrugged.
"Now that you are stronger Kurayami, you should help us out."
"Sure. You are all powerful in of yourselves so it will just take effort from you. Effort that you already put in. I am just lucky."
Natsume had to say it was true.
"From what I have seen you certainly are blessed with talent."
That was an understatement. Amaterasu seeing how he got so well along with the girls around him smiled at him.
"You sure are popular."
Kurayami looked at her and sent her a telepathic message.
'I did get your attention after all. Miss Abb toucher.'
'Please forget that.'
'I will not.'
He looked away as he decided it was time to stop bothering her.
"Well, I thank you for the help you gave me. It seems that I did not have to go to Yomi after all."
She smiled as she was glad to be of help.
"Come back anytime."
He pointed at Natsume and had her float into his arm. She did not know how to react as he was holding her up with one arm.
'In more ways than one hopefully.'
He teleported away in a burst of shadows that made her touch her face. A small smile was on it. Flirting him would be weird as she accepted him as family, but she was a god. Incest was just another word to her so she would not mind it.
Maybe she could guarantee peace that way and an alliance with Grigori.
'And touch that body any time I want. This time I choose and not people around me
Her attendant looked at her and bowed.
"My lady, has your descendent caught your eye? Would you marry once more?"
Amaterasu thought about it as it had truly been a long time since she was married.
"Well, that is a hard question to answer. While yes he is my type, what will the other gods think? If I am being honest I would probably do it as long as he does not mind it."
Her attendant shook her head.
"None would reject you, my lady. Only a fool would do so."
Amaterasu looked at the sun and made a decision.
"I will talk to him again when he grows a little more. He is only 15 so who knows how big he will get."
"My lady, I think you just want to play with his muscles when he gets older."
Amaterasu did not deny anything as she retreated to her private chambers to think about how she would go about approaching Kurayami about this. She would give him some time before as he was young.
16 was when people were adults in the clans, but she decided to give him the time he needed.