When Akuma was born it was said he would bring tragedy. He was abandoned and the name Akuma is all he had. As an adult he wanted to help, so he killed the evil. What thanks did he get, but death? Good thing his mother was there to help him in the end.
For the next 2 weeks, Azazel sent out scores of Fallen Angels around Japan to search for the tracks left behind by the Utsusemi organization. It was the largest mobilization of Fallen Angels since WW2 when a second Great War had almost begun.
While he was hard at work Kurayami was spending his time reflecting on his powers. He had taken a more relaxed approach as he read through Akeno's massive collection of Grimoires.
Of course, he did not just spend his time reflecting as he also was challenged to group spars by his female companions. They all felt they were not doing enough and wanted to get stronger to match him.
He was going to not use his fused Longinous, but they had pretty much demanded him to use it. If they were still willing to take the risk to train with him who was he to stop them? This brought Kurayami more chances to use it so he could refine his use of it.
Esdeath and Raynare as warriors took the hard route and fought him blade to blade. To be a little fairer he did not use Rebellion or Submission and instead used some swords made from Shin's powers.
No matter how many times he defeated both of them, they just never quit. They both believed that the only way to maximize your potential was to fight the strong. The fact they had Kurayami around them 24/7 made him a valuable treasure in their eyes.
They also dragged along Akeno, Kuroka, Lavinia, and Natsume who had begun to hang around the more often. Even 1 on 6, they still lost, but that was the expected outcome.
Lavinia found the experience useful as she could use her own Longinous and magic alongside Esdeath. Absolute Demise and the Demon Extract were two Ice-related Longinous, but total opposites.
As for Natsume, she got experience and training from some of the most talented people her age which caused her own experience to increase. Through this repeated cycle of reflecting, sparring, and conversation they all gained.
Kurayami was quite pleased when he saw Lavinia and Akeno spending more time exchanging pointers on magic. Both were incredibly skilled in magic and they seemed to always be stuck in a discussion.
He was a skilled mage in his own right, but he had always focused more on straight-up melee. The same applied to Raynare and Esdeath as they both pursued the path of the warrior.
As for Natsume, he did not dare to use his Balance Breaker for her and simply defended against her attacks while giving her pointers. Griffon was the one who fought the most, but she had started to use a crude form of Mana Enhancement to get in close.
That brought some annoyance to Annabeth who only trained even harder to unlock more of her mother's power.
As usual, everyone had gathered in the Underworld in a zone set up by Azazel for Kurayami so he could not destroy everything when he fought. He and Shin were looking at Raynare and Esdeath who seemed to be a little more confident today.
They had turned away help from Akeno, Kuroka, Lavinia, and Natsume for some reason. He also sensed smugness from them. Normally they were serious and looked like they were going to head to war. Why did they look like they got something new?
"So what gave you the confidence to try again and smile?"
Raynare walked forward and twirled her scythe Asmodai.
"Well, thanks to having to fight your Balance Breaker for the last two weeks I managed to get something that will put you in your place."
Kurayami rested one on his constructed greatsword on his shoulder as he looked at her.
"You have been training hard, so let's see what you unlocked. Esdeath, it is unlike you to rely on someone else so you must have something extra as well."
The blue-haired girl told him as she finally achieved something better.
"I am not telling, going to surprise you with it during the spar."
Raynare walked forward as Viritra coiled around her. The Dragon King looked at Kurayami and flicked his tongue like a serpent. In his ruby-like eyes, there was some excitement in his gaze, but some fear as well.
"Raynare, I don't think you still have much hope to win. However, that would not be the way we Dragons fight so do your best."
She looked at Vritra with a glare in her eye.
"You're doubting me now after all these years? I guess I will have to prove you wrong Vritra."
The Dragon King flicked his tongue as he grew to giant proportions. All around his giant body began to radiate black flames, lashing tentacles, shadows, and ability-blocking spheres.
Raynare took a deep breath as her veins started to turn black while the whites of her eyes turned bright yellow. Vritra coiled around her blocking her from Kuryami's gaze, but he could still feel the power she was gathering around herself.
"Balance Breaker, Prison of the Enveloper."
The giant mass that was Vritra covered her from head to toe as it solicited in black and purple armor. A giant explosion-like mushroom cloud rose from where she stood while Kurayami did not even budge. They both watched with interest as the dust went away revealing her new armor to them.
Her aura shot through the roof as the power of Vritra coursed through her body. Coiling tentacles lashed from her back as she twirled her scythe ready to charge at Kurayami.
He looked on and saw that everything about her was strengthened. Whether it be her strength, flames, or ability to absorb his power and block some of his abilities.
"Impressive, truly impressive."
Seeing Raynare's balance breaker made Esdeath show her subspecies.
"Subspecies Balance Breaker, Niflheim's Decent."
The demonic blood of the demon sealed away began to pump through her veins as she began to drain the power straight from the source. Her relationship with her demon was bad as they were fighting a war to devour each other.
This time she had one up as the power of the demon was stolen right under his nose. This terrified the demon that at one point was comparable to a Heavenly Dragon.
Once the knight armor appeared around her a layer of ice covered her Rapier. She pointed her weapon at Kurayami and rushed him.
"Hurry already. We won't last long in this state."
Kurayami did not hesitate and began to recite the chant needed.
"Behowlest the slaying of one thousand mortals, Besingest the slaying of ten thousand goblins, My name, immersed in the deepest darkness of death, The Imitation of God traversing the Abyss, Perish by mine own black blades, By the god of Death. Balance Breaker, Death Dog of the Burning Night Sky."
In a split second, his armor formed around him once again. He slammed a foot down on the ground causing cracks to spread all around from the impact of his blow. He leaped at Raynare as he swung his right sword down on her head. His blow was blocked by some barriers formed from Vritra's cursed flames and Delete Field. They did not last long as his balance breaker allowed him to cut space open.
However, it slowed him down by an instant that Esdeath needed to appear behind him. She was already strong and fast as a human and ever since she became a Fallen Angel her power was even stronger.
She stabbed at his head, but the tails behind him were under his direct control. She was surrounded by 9 of them so she leaped back out of their range, but she left him with giant pillars of ice falling from the sky.
He found his legs frozen in place while Raynare attacked over and over with her scythe trying to land a hit. Despite the size of his weapons, he moved them like they were weightless so he continued to counter her blows.
Each one caused shock waves from the impact that rattled her bones. Seeing that made Esdeath drive her Rapier to the ground.
A blue aura froze time around but left Raynare unaffected. They froze Kurayami solid, but he knew a way to counter her power.
"Kavacha and Kundala "
As Incinerate Anthem was the opposite of Demon Extract he tried to copy the abilities of Karna the demigod and covered himself in his flames. Not only that he reversed the power of Esdeath's ability to freeze time in place by burning time to speed it up.
A wave of purple flames countered her spell shocking her as he had never shown this to anyone. His reflection had made him understand his flames once more. Around him, the purple flames solidified as an imitation of the legendary demigod's armor.
It was nowhere near the original, but it served its purpose. Now that his time was faster he appeared in front of Raynare before she could react and drove his knee into her stomach.
The impact launched her for over a mile before she stopped. She spat out the bile on her stomach as she cursed.
He did not stop and landed a kick on Esdeath's ribs sending her flying toward Raynare.
Both girls had only one thought at that moment.
Akeno, Kuroka, Annabeth, Natsume, and Lavinia, looked away as Esdeath and Raynare's balance breakers wore out. Both girls groaned as they were in a small pile, but they could not wipe away the smiles on their faces.
They had forced Kurayami to show a bit more of his hand that he did not even show them. Kurayami dispelled both his Balance Breaker and his copy of the demigod's gear.
Akeno walked toward Raynare and Esdeath as they kept getting hurt. He had a hard time holding back, but they did not mind it. The more serious he got the more challenging things got.
Akeno shook her head as she opened up a massive healing circle under them healing their wounds.
"Honestly, you two are some of the most addicted to pain I have ever seen. You keep having him spar with you despite that you will end up hurt."
Esdeath got off Raynare as she flipped to her back.
"Worth it."
Raynare could not even nod so she just gave a thumbs up.
"Try it."
They both passed out of exhaustion as Akeno used her recovery magic on the two of them.
"I will help you."
Lavinia next to her did the same so these two battle junkies would not be ready for tomorrow. As for Kurayami, he sighed as while they were fine with it he did not like hurting them.
"I am getting better at controlling this power, but it isn't perfect."
Annabeth who had begun to join them for training started to feel bad. Despite being a Fallen Angel Demigod she still felt inferior to Kurayami and the girls. Despite having unlocked her mother's power why was she still so weak? Seeing that made Kurayami shake his head at her.
"Do not compare yourself to us Annabeth. You are not as weak as you think, you just are surrounded by one-in-a-lifetime geniuses."
Kuroka standing next to her patted her on the shoulder.
"You are growing stronger just fine, just like he said you are comparing yourself to Longinous users. Akeno might not have one, but she is Kurayami's twin and has her unique spear."
Annabeth sighed as looked away.
"I will take your word for it then. I will still keep working hard to measure up to my mother."
Seeing that her drive was still ongoing made Kurayami respect her more.
"Well done, this is not the time to get discouraged."
A teleport circle appeared which belonged to Azazel. When he appeared he looked around them as he looked rather happy.
"Well seems you all are getting stronger. Keep that up, but I found those rats at last. I managed to find the main base of the Utsusemi organization. You don't have to bother as I am Azrael volunteered to head out."
Hearing that made Raynare sit up a little confused.
"Why is my grandfather going after someone so weak?"
Azazel shrugged.
"All he told me is that people have forgotten him so he is going to announce his return. This is a trick to get more benefits for Grigori as people will take us more seriously. Now, I was watching and how did you do that?"
Kurayami decided to tell him.
"The fact that I copied Karna's armor?"
Azazel nodded.
"Yeah, the effect was only 45% of the original, but that was still a legendary feat by itself. How did you do it?"
"I was trying to counter Esdeath's ability to freeze space and time by doing the opposite. I have also been reading up on Karna and tried to copy him."
"Did you do it on the fly?"
Kurayami shook his head.
"I have been reflecting on my power and reading Akeno's grimoires and it came to mind."
Azazel smiled.
"Good. When you turn 18 you can take over for me as Governor-General. I will teach you all you need to do, leave the paperwork to Shemhazai and focus on the important stuff. Be ready for the devils to contact us very soon once Azrael is finished."
Once he finished his little speech Azazel left them alone. Not that he was gone made Kurayami forget about the Utsusemi organization for now. If Azrael was handling it, they were lambs to the slaughter.
Kuroka stood next to him as she looked up at him.
"I guess there is no need for you to do anything then."
"It would be pointless for all of us to go. Azrael will end it quicker."
Esdeath woke up once her ribs were healed and her magic recovered.
"I mean he has been cooped up, I say it is a good thing for him to do."
Raynare nodded.
"My grandfather loves to fight so this is a good way for him to get rid of some of the rust."
Kurayami decided to head home as they had nothing to do.
"Let's just go home. I need to eat."
Hearing that made Akeno smile with a smile.
"I can cook for you brother. I don't mind."
He walked to her and pecked and patted her on the head.
"Thank you."
He teleported to his home as while Annabeth was not staying there, she did like to visit often.