
Brave Saints, Jack's Rage, New Governor-General.

Once the discussion was over, Latia and Annabeth wanted to take him on a tour of the Moonbase. Currently, only the important assets had been moved here from the Underworld like the Sacred Gear research, Azazel's lab, and most of the demigods.

The Underworld was where most of the mass-produced magic weapons were forged from the special effects that Raynare's flames provided. As long as they had flame cores they could use the flames of Vritra in the forging.

Kurayami did not spread out his sense as he knew that they wanted to give him a tour. He smiled as he got up with Ophis following not far from him. They were stronger when they were close and they both liked to be near the other.

"Alright, time to see what you all did while I was gone."

Annabeth got between him and Ophis which the Dragon God back off. She was not worried that he would forget her as their connection was a level above the others. Kurayami would have given them that same honor, but his soul was much to volatile for something like that.

Even he and Ophis did not understand it all that much so it was better to play it safe. As for Annabeth, she cleared her voice as she drew the large dagger from her side.

"Check this out. Terrence and his brother Charles worked on it. It's not a sacred gear though."

Kurayami took the silver-looking dagger that had a soft shine like it was mixed in with gold. He ran his finger on the edge and noticed a familiar feeling from it.

"This was forged with both my Holy flames and Raynare's Cursed flames. Not to mention that it contained Titanium and Celestial Bronze."

Annabeth nodded as she took it back.

"Titanium is kind of terrible for blades normally, but by adding in those two types of flames and some magical metal the issue was fixed. This type of alloy has become standard among the weaker members. I got one as a collectible though."

Kurayami understood that they began to harvest the giant Titanium deposit he choose to reserve.

"I see that mining has begun. How good is it in your opinion?"

Annabeth had nothing but praise for it.

"They are perfect for arming weaker troops. These weapons are used by those from the Low-to-High Class. Once they reach the Ultimate Class they can request custom-made weapons. As for living weapons, those are reserved for the higher-ups of Grigori and your Death squad."

Hearing about his team made him very interested. He also saw that Raynare and Esdeath had some big grins on their faces. He looked at them as he wanted to know how his team was doing.

"Are they Seraphs? If they are not they will suffer."

Raynare nodded.

"Oh trust me, they trained to the point their bones broke. Ares and Azrael did not let them slack as they were given your blood. If they could not use it to the best, they were obviously not worthy of it. They all reached the Seraph class last month."

Natsume had a bitter look on her face as she was also turned by Kurayami's blood. The best she managed to achieve was 4 pairs of wings which made her angry with herself. She swore to eat that apple and fix her mentality.

Esdeath remembered something and knew that it would interest him.

"They all had special Living Weapons forged for them and their armor was designed to your specifications. They constantly come here to spar with us as they want to put their power to the test. Annabeth kind of has a rivalry with them."

"With Clarise. I can't allow her to surpass me even if she has been given a Sacred Gear and a Living Weapon."

Kurayami now wanted to see his chosen ones. He had to make them his dependents as he was technically a God now. He was not going to do that for the girls as he had confidence they could all become Gods on their own.

"Well let's go see them shall we. What else has happened while I was gone?"

They walked out of the room and began to walk through the halls of the underground base. Akeno had an interesting piece of news for him.

"Oh, the Three Factions came together to make a way to make new Angels. Grigori offered a part of its Sacred Gear Research, Ajuaka gave the plans for the Evil Piece system and Heaven used those to do two things. One repair the damage we caused on the Heaven System."

Before she could explain what she meant by 'we' they were spotted. Some Fallen and Devils who were walking in the base all turned to look at Kurayami as he was back. They all thought he was dead as Ophis took him, but here he was with Ophis. She was even walking next to him making them all bow and praise him.


Kurayami raised a hand and waved them away. He sent his voice to every single member of Grigori on Earth, Underworld, or even the Moon. When Azazel, Azrael, and the higher-ups heard his voice they grinned knowing he was the best thing for Grigori.

A leader should have ambition, power, and a goal in mind.

"This is Kurayami Himejima speaking. From this day forth, I take the reigns and take the title of Governor-General. I want every single Fallen Angel, Devil, or Demigod to train as if your lives depend on it. We have a galaxy to conquer."

Loud roars and cheers singing praise for the new Governor-General filled the halls. The ones who were in his presence looked at Kurayami like he was a god which he was. Divinity and Dragon Force radiated from him which made them all look at him with reverence.

"Show off."

He heard a scoff behind him which ruined his image. He looked behind him and saw that Raynare rolled her eyes. He sighed as she ruined the awesome image he had. From his outfit, numerous eyes with Infinite signs open to looking around.

The girls recoiled in disgust when they saw that the clothes he was wearing were alive. Lavinia looked at it with interest as her eyes closed up.

"What the heck was that?"

Kurayami placed his hand on the coat and explained it.

"I call him Nyro. He does not really think for himself and relies on my will to function. If he is removed from my body he loses any thinking power. Just treat him like an extension of me."

Akeno walked up to Nyro and poked it.

"So he does not think?"

A small tendril held her finger gently as Nyro acted on Kurayami's will mostly. He was his own entity but still had no major thinking power. She seemed curious about the work of Azazel as all his inventions were interesting. Even the gift he gave Kurayami turned into this.

The tendril let go and returned to into normal outfit. Kurayami started to walk out as Latia as they had questions about it.

"You don't have to worry about him looking at you in any way. He is like a symbiote that feeds on my blood from time to time. The eyes were merely a way for him to interact with the world and for me to see out of them. They all have the same properties as my normal eyes."

Latia sighed in relief.

"I would worry if you did not clarify that. I do not want to be involved in some nasty tentacle play."

Ophis and Kurayami recoiled in disgust and even Nyro trembled as he has no such interest. Kurayami knew what it was and it was why Ophis was disgusted by the idea.

"That is never going to happen."

They all laughed at her worries as the one who hated the idea the most was Nyro. There was one piece of information he wanted to know about.

"What do you mean we caused Damage to the Heaven system."

Akeno clapped as she remembered.

"Oh, the stronger we get without sacred gears th more connections we break with it. That causes severe glitches as each Sacred Gear is kind of like an important part of it. Mine, Raynare's, Esdeath, and Lavinia's all broke most of ours. Natsume only broke some of hers."

Kurayami laughed as Michael must hate them by now.

"How did he react?"

Akeno remembered his face as the angel looked terrified and haggard.

"I think he used these 5 months just to deal with the issues we caused. Azrael even went up to see if he could unlock more of its options as he is stronger, but the System refuses to bind to him. Something about him killing God. That is not all we managed to unlock from that."

Akeno reached into her pocket and pulled out 12 magic cards. They got his attention as they were linked to Akeno.

"They managed to make a version of the Evil Piece System for both Grigori and normal Angels. I, Raynare, and Esdeath got them just because. We can now make new Fallen Angels like this, but the blood method seems to have stronger results."

Raynare and Esdeath pulled out their cards as they had not used them at all. Esdeath was confused about what to use them for as she did not desire to lead anyone.

"Apparently we are quite famous and we have some fan clubs. Mine is called the Demon Goddess Fan club. It is full of women who want to be like me and want to join my Brave Saints. A stupid name so I call these cards Demon Cards."

Kurayami noticed a powerful Demonic aura on those cards.

"They feel like Algor?"

Latia explained that she also had her own Evil Pieces.

"To use the Evil Pieces, we charge them with our energy that affects them differently. Akeno's had received the Spade's, but when she touched them they turned into Skulls. Esdeath's was the Club, but it became a Sword. Raynare was the Diamond, but it turned into a Dragon face. They all affected their Cards so much that they are being studied greatly."

Kurayami looked at the stack of cards in their hands as were interested.

"How about you start looking for people you consider worthy? You could get your own followers, but it is up to you."

Akeno looked at her cards and thought about it.

"I will look around. It would be a waste to just let them sit around."

Raynare shrugged.

"Same, see who is worth following me around."

Esdeath put them in her pocket as she had an idea of how to select people.

"Only those wiht the potential to reach the Ultimate to Satan class are worthy of this. This might be more interesting than I thought."

Kurayami accepted it as he had no big reason to do it himself.

"Time to see my team."

He teleported to the surface where the 5 of his team were in an area. As the Moon became a gathering of many factions some disputes were impossible to avoid, so to avoid ceaseless destruction they built a powerful arena that could contain the power of Satan Class individuals.

Kurayami and the girls appeared in the bleachers as a crowd of many races was roaring and chatting at the fight happening in the arena. There were Fallen Angels, Devils, Grim Reapers, Yokai's, and even some Greek soldiers. Even some more interesting ones watched with interest the fight in the arena.

Kurayami recognized one of the fighters at a glance as it was Jack. He was wearing heavy black armor that looked like a rabid dog. He felt a connection to the blood that flowed in Jack's body as it was still his blood. (Like Muzan.)

(Image here.)

He used a giant sword that had the aura of a Living Weapon and all around him golden flames, and spears of light with the same effect hovered him. Jack could conjure different weapons, but he was not even doing that or using his sacred gear.

The ground seem to be the inside of a Golden Volcano as he roared and raged as if the armor he wore was alive. Which turned out to be true as it was another Living Equipment that seemed to be a ravenous beast. The spirit inside seemed to have been forged purely to rage.


The soldier reported as he would say it again


That seemed to enrage Jack even further as a black aura was released from the armor. He was tapping into both the power of his sword, armor, and control over the emotions of battle to make himself even stronger. Pure Divinity radiated from his form as his rage reached new levels.


Jack landed a sickening kick on the shield of the foe he was fighting. The arm behind it seemed to have cracked slightly and pushed him to the edge of the area. Jack rushed forward and swung his giant blade down intending to kill the one who insulted Kurayami.

His foe was a tall man that had the aura of a god. He was one of the soldiers of Indra's faction who had insulted Kurayami in front of the Abyss Dogs. He just barely dodged out of the way and swung his sword at Jack's neck.

The teeth of the helmet opened up and bit down on the sword. The Abyss Dogs had nothing but respect and admiration for Kurayami. He gave them the honor to turn them personally, choose them his enforcers, how could they allow him to be insulted.

Jack sucker-punched the soldier the moment the words came from his mouth. Jack was a Seraph who had inherited the power of his father entirely. Added to the fact he had two powerful artifacts on the level of a Longinus and a sacred gear made him a menace to anyone.

In the stands, Clarise, Janice, Jaime, and James all looked at the spar as they also were pissed about the insult. Clarie had a giant battle-ax on her back and her eyes glowed red as the power of her father coursed through her veins.


Jaime even started speaking Spanish again for how pissed he was.


(Finish this son of a bitch.)

The soldier kicked out toward Jack's chest, but Jack was too nimble. He moved like a jack and he weaved out of the way. He exhaled pure golden purple flames as they all had trace amounts of Kurayami's sacred gears.

He placed his left hand on the ground and looked forward as the spirit of his armor raged. The soldier crackled with the lightning given to him by the blessing of Indra They charged out against the other in a flash.

Kurayami and Ophis saw everything in slow motion and he knew that Jack was going to win. When both Jack and the soldier appeared on opposite sides of the arena a winner was decided. Jack roared to the sky as the soldier lost his right arm.

Jack still had enough control not to kill him, but his career as a soldier was over. Kurayami saw a black flame surge on Jack's sword which was from Canis Lyacon and Incinerate Anthem.

The soldier screamed as the Anti-Divinity in that power destroyed his blessing in that area. The crowd went wild as the ones who bet on Jack cheered. The ones who bet on the soldier all cursed in anger. They drew trash at the injured soldiers who felt his life was over.

This all went silent when they heard the calm clapping. They turned to where the sound came from and they saw Kurayami looking at Jack with a proud look. 16 Black Dragon Wings were behind him as he floated in the air.

"Well done Jack."

Jack removed his helmet and bowed at the sight of Kurayami.

"Thank you for your praise."

Kurayami glanced at Clarise, Jannice, James, and Janice with some smiles.

"All of you have earned your title as my Abyss Dogs. Now, what caused your rage?"

(Tune in next time.)