

Chapter 11


Waking up with my mate in my arms is the best feeling in the world. Last night we stayed up for hours talking. I learned so much about my little mate, and it made me so damn proud to call her mine.

Sabrina is an amazing person. She not only heals but researches new ways to help wolves without relying solely on powers. She has a big heart and to hear her talk about the things she's passionate about is music to my ears.

I look over to the clock on the side table and see that it is ten-thirty in the morning. I didn't think we would sleep this late, but with all that went on yesterday, it's not surprising. I look down at my mate snuggled into my side, and I don't want to wake her from her sleep.

"Sabrina. Sunshine, we need to get up. We slept in late."

Sabrina starts moving around and opens her eyes to look at me. A smile comes across her face, and she looks breathtaking. Her hand comes up and sits on my chest as she looks up into my eyes.

"Good morning Oliver." Her voice is sweet and a little scratchy from sleep.

"Good morning, my beautiful little mate," I say as a smile forms on my face as well. "What do you have planned for the day?"

"I need to get the herbs together for that warrior and check to make sure he's doing ok. I also wanted to talk to you about the clinic and Eva." She says, dropping her eyes to her lap.

"What about it?" I ask, her hoping she'll feel like she can talk to me.

"The clinic looks as if it hasn't been used all that much. There isn't that great of a supply chain going on for it. I would like to either close it and have people come here to me or have the pack help get it up and running. A pack this size should be able to handle their births and injuries. There shouldn't be any reason that our wolves are having to go to the humans for help." She looks at me with that look of passion she was getting last night.

"I also want to know the truth of what Eva's abilities are. I feel like she may not be the healer she thinks she is." She looks down again.

I feel like Sabrina is treading lightly on the subject of Eva. It feels like she is worried about hurting Eva's feelings. I would be the complete opposite if I were in her shoes. I would want everything horrible thing in the world to happen to a person who had been with my mate. It only goes to show how wonderful a person she is.

"You aren't the first to bring this up. If you would like to work with her and see where she's at, you can. If not, we can run an investigation and remove her from duty. I wish I could be of more help, but I'm not all that sure that it was her who was healing me. I may have been healing on my own and just got distracted by her." I hope to see her not upset when I look in her eyes, and thank Goddess she's not.

"What are you doing today?" She asks getting out of the bed and stretching.

"More investigating the rogue attack. There is something about those rogues that aren't adding up. Did you have attacks on your old pack?" I'm hoping to find out something that could give me a clue as to what is going on.

"Not like that. We may have one attack on our pack that I can remember, and the rogues were not a problem. I could call Sebastian and ask if you'd like. He may know more about past attacks that I'm unaware of." She offers, smiling at me softly.

"If I don't find any answers, I may take you up on that. I'm going to check with my dad just in case he has had something like this before. You wanna grab some food and then head to our respective jobs?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows at her.

Her giggle makes me smile and warms my heart. I hope that last night was a turning point in our relationship. It's going to be hard, and I know that it will take a lot of explaining and work on my part. But I know that we can make this work. Not only do we have the mate bond going for us, but I'm honestly attracted to her as a person.

"I'll go make something quick to eat while you get ready." I stand up, grabbing my clothes.

"Don't you always have breakfast at the diner?" She asks, tilting her head to the side in a cute way.

"I do, but that was when I was mateless. Now that I have you, I want to do things together and from time to time cook for my girl." I say and wink at her causing her to blush at the statement.

"I see you in a bit." I walk over to her and push my luck a bit and kiss the top of her head.

As I'm heading down the stairs, I hear her sigh and squeal into her pillow. I smirk to myself, knowing that I have the same effect on her as she has on me. One of my biggest fears is that she was so upset that I did not affect her. The moment I saw her, she made my heart beat out of my chest. She made my wolf howl in lust at how gorgeous she is.

I head down to her kitchen and see she has it well stocked, so I start making us some fast breakfast sandwiches. Since this is her house and she bought everything that's here, I assume she likes all the things I'm using.

I hear her walking into the kitchen as I'm finishing up and turn to her holding two plates with our food. She smiles and goes and grabs the juice out of the fridge with two glasses. We sit down and start digging in.

"So, I um... what I mean is uh..." I feel like a complete idiot.

I want to ask her if she will move in with me, but I don't know if I can get up the nerve. I told her last night that the girls had never been to my home, but I meant my floor in the packhouse. I know that she likes being away from everyone, so I don't know how she would feel about living in the packhouse.

"You can talk to me about anything you know?" She smiles sweetly at me as she says this.

"Would you move in with me?" I spill it out as fast as I can.

"Oh, um. Where do you live?" She asks, crinkling her forehead.

"I have a floor at the top of the packhouse." She frowns.

"Do you have to live at the packhouse?" She asks in a voice so low I almost can't hear her.

"No, I don't have to live there. Would you move in with me somewhere else then?" I ask.

"Why don't you move in with me? I have five extra bedrooms, well four since one is serving as my lab. We can turn one into your office, and that still leaves us with three extra rooms. To be honest, I'm not good with crowds. I know I'll need to get better at it since I'll be with you, but right now I'm not ready." She looks down at her plate and fidgets with it.

"Sunshine, you will be an amazing Luna. I also have no problem with moving in with you." I smile at her, and she gives me one back.

"Just so you know, this doesn't mean that I'm ready for you to mark and mate me yet." She says pointing a finger at me.

I start laughing at the expression on her face and can't believe the look she has going on. Her brows are knit together, and she has her pointer finger up in my direction, looking like a school teacher scolding a student. I fight the laughter that is building up inside me, but I sadly lost the battle.

I burst into laughter, and she narrows her eyes at me. For some reason, this causes me to laugh even harder, and I can see in her eyes that she is confused. I see the moment when she finally figures it out, and then she bursts into laughter.

We finish our breakfast, making plans for how we are going to set up things once all my stuff gets here. While we were eating I, mind-linked Eric, to have him get some people together to pack and move my things. He lets me know that the people are starting right away, and I should be moved in by the end of the day.

As we finish eating, there is a knock at the door, and I open it to find Matt, the warrior from yesterday, and Kyle standing there. I give them both their instructions for the day in helping Sabrina and guarding her.

"I'm heading out. People will be coming later in the afternoon to deliver my stuff. These two will be guarding you and helping you with anything you need to move and get stuff done around here. Let me know if you need anything or if Eva gives you any trouble."

I walk over and kiss her on the forehead and leave with a smirk on my face. I can see the blush creeping up her neck, and it makes me want to laugh at how cute she's being. Now I have to get to work and figure out who or what is after my pack.