
Vow of Flames

As the realization that the rift had opened inside the school set in, panic began to spread among the students. Some were crying, some were screaming, and some were frozen in fear.

I knew I had to act fast. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down. I couldn't let the fear consume me, not now.

I stood up from my seat and scanned the room, trying to find a way that we can escape. But there's no windows in this room, due to it not being near any of the outer walls of the school.

I take a look at the door covered in blood, I knew that the only way out of the classroom was through the door. I took a deep breath and stepped forwards towards it, my shoe sinking into the pool of blood on the ground. The smell of iron and decay hit me like a wave, making my stomach churn. As I approached the door, I could see the holes that the pincers had pierced through. The wood was splintered and broken, and I could see the twisted metal of the lock hanging uselessly from the door.

I leaned forward and looked through the hole, my eyes widening in horror at the scene outside. There were bodies strewn about the hallway, some missing limbs and entire section of their body. I could see a body collapsed on the other side of the door, barely recognizable, but I know it's Yuki from how close it is to the doors. Most of his body looks like it's been gnawed on, with exposed bone and tendons covered by a black substance. The entire body was crudely torn in half, with only a bit of connective tissue holding it together.

I feel sick to my stomach, and try to compose myself. I reach towards the handle to try and open the door, but it wouldn't budge. I knew the door was jammed, and the lock damaged beyond repair. I needed to find a way out, and fast. The thought of being trapped in a room knowing what's taking place outside is too much to bear. I took a deep breath, and held my hand slightly above the door handle. A faint glowing fog enveloped my hand, it's ghostly light illuminating the room slightly. I focused and the feeling of wanting to escape, my desire to help everyone and escape and find Hina and Akio.

The light begins to display signs of shifting, with glimmers of orange and cinders becoming mixed within it.

After a brief moment, I could feel the heat building, and the light was now a faint orange, with embers being scattered throughout it. I let these feelings overflow in a quick surge, and a burst of flames shot out of my palm, striking the handle and lock with intense heat.

The flames flowed gracefully, and seeps through my fingers as a few of them blew back at me. Fortunately, they couldn't burn me.

The metal began to melt and warp under the intense heat, the lock and handle turning into a molten mess that dripped onto the floor. I could feel the heat radiating off the door, the flames growing hotter and brighter with each passing second.

I may not be a guardian, but my affinity for fire has always been higher than the others, letting me wield it efficiently enough for situations like these.

The teacher and the students were shocked when they saw me melting the lock with my flames. Even though everyone knew I was a light-bearer, seeing someone wield the light is a sight to behold for many people.

And then, the handle completely collapsed, the molten metal splattering onto the floor. I then placed my foot on the door, and tried kicking the door, it budged slowly, becoming less and less lodged into the frame with every kick. Blood from the bottom of my shoes splattered as it made contact with the door, some of it getting onto me, but I worked through it, trying to free us before the monsters came back through here from the noise.



As I keep trying to kick down the door, the students around me stared at me in disbelief. I could see the fear and confusion in their eyes, and I knew that they were desperate for any kind of reassurance.

One of the students, a human girl with curly brown hair, spoke up. "Is it safe to go out?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

I turned to her, my eyes meeting hers. "You guys need to be ready for what you're going to see," I said, my voice firm. "But it looks like the monsters have moved on for now. This is our chance to escape."

The students nodded, their faces determined as they prepared themselves for what lay ahead. I could see the fear in their eyes, but I could also see the glimmer of hope, the hope that maybe, just maybe, we could make it out alive.

As I continued to try and kick down the door, the teacher got up and started doing a headcount of the students. She was trying to make sure everyone was accounted for, so that we can ensure that everyone

At the same time, a tiger beast-folk got up and began to walk towards me. He was definitely taller, and stronger than me physically.

"Let me help you," he said, his voice deep and gravelly.

I nodded, grateful for the help, and we both stepped forward to kick down the door. Together, we put all our weight and strength into the effort, and finally, with a loud crash, the door gave way.

As we finally managed to break down the door, and we stumbled out into the hallway.

As we looked around, the scene that greeted us was one of utter chaos. The hallway was littered with debris and broken furniture, and the walls were stained with blood and gore.

Outside, we could hear the sound of gunfire and screams, and the air was thick with the smell of smoke and burning rubber.

The students around me peered out into the chaos, their eyes wide with terror and disbelief. Some of them began to hyperventilate, while others clutched their stomachs and vomited.

But I knew that we had to keep moving forward, no matter what. We had to find a way out of this nightmare, and we had to do it fast.

I took a deep breath, and motioned for the others to follow me. As the others stepped out, they looked away from Yuki's mutilated body. Quiet sobs filled the air as people took in the horrors before us.

As they all slowly walked out, I look around, and notice that the door to Akio's classroom hasn't been opened, meaning that they were still inside, trapped and in potential danger.

I turned to the teacher, desperation in my eyes. "Take everyone to the emergency exit," I said. "I need to help the class over there."

The teacher looked at me in disbelief. "Are you crazy?" she asked. "You can't risk getting caught by the monsters alo-"

I locked eyes with the teacher, my gaze burning. "I have to try," I said. "I can't leave him behind."

The teacher opened her mouth to protest, but then she stopped herself mid-sentence. She looked at me, and then at the other students behind her, and then she nodded.

"Be careful," she said. "And come back with them alive."

I nodded, and then I ran towards the door of the room Akio was in.

As I reached the door, I took a deep breath, and then I melt the handle. I then try pushing the door, and it opens easily. Inside, I could see Akio and a few of his classmates huddled in the corner, fear etched on their faces. They looked up at me in surprise, and then relief flooded their faces.

"Kane!" Akio exclaimed, his voice shaking. "Thank god you're here."

I nodded, motioning for them to come out. "Come on, it's safe right now," I said. "You guys can escape through the emergency exit."

As the other students walked out of the classroom, led by the teacher, Akio turned to me, his expression serious.

"Kane, did you see Hina?" he asked. "Is she okay?"

I shook my head, my heart sinking. "I didn't see her," I said. "But we'll find her, I promise."

Akio nodded, determination in his eyes. "We have to find her," he said. "We can't leave her behind."

Before I could say anything, he turned and ran back into the classroom, calling out to the teacher. "I'm going with Kane to find Hina," he said. "I can't just leave her behind."

The teacher looked at him, concern etched on her face. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" she asked. "It's not safe out there."

But Akio didn't listen. He grabbed two swords from his bag and then ran back out of the classroom, handing one to me.

Take this," he said. "It's not much, but it's better than nothing."

I looked at the sword, a generic broadsword made out of bronze, and then nodded. "Thanks," I said. "Let's go find Hina."

Together, we ran towards to outdoor section of school, where Hina was having one of her classes.



As we stepped out to the outdoor section of the school, my heart sank at the sight before me. Bodies were scattered everywhere, a gruesome sight that made my stomach turn. Akio was trembling beside me, his face pale. He dry heaved at the sight, unable to take it all in. The air was thick with the stench of blood and death, a putrid smell that made me want to gag. The ground was slick with blood, making it difficult to keep our footing. The sky was dark and overcast, casting a sense of gloom over the entire area. Instead of gunfire, screams now echoed in the distance, a constant reminder of the danger that surrounded us. The the taste of fear was thick in my mouth, making it difficult to breathe.

I looked around, trying to take in the scene before me. Everything was in ruins, destroyed by the monsters that had made it out of the rift. The buildings were in shambles, the windows shattered and the walls crumbling. The trees were collapsed, and some even uprooted. But amidst the destruction, I still felt hope. We had to find Hina, to bring her back to safety and ensure that she was okay. We couldn't let the monsters win, not now, not ever.

As we searched for Hina amidst the destruction, an ant suddenly scurried towards us. Akio froze, his eyes wide with terror.

But I wasn't going to let the monster get the best of us. I swung my sword at the ant, hoping to take it down before it could do any harm. But the sword wasn't able to get through the ant's tough exoskeleton. Although I momentarily knocked the ant back, it bounced off harmlessly, leaving the ant unscathed.

The ant hissed at us, and then scurried towards us, its sharp mandibles snapping. Akio was still paralyzed with fear, unable to move or react.

I knew that I had to act fast. I swung my sword again, this time hoping to block the ant's attack. The sword managed to block the attack once more, but I could feel the force of the ant's mandibles pushing against it.

I tightened my grip on the sword, and then swung again, hoping to find a weak spot in the ant's armor. But the ant was too quick, dodging out of the way and then scurrying towards us again. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, fear and adrenaline coursing through my veins. But I knew that I couldn't give up. Not now, not ever.

As the ant approached me once again, I infused my sword with light, and it suddenly began to glow faintly, and was surround with a gentle white aura.

I wound up once again, and delivered another strike, the glow of my sword leaving a faint trail behind it. This time, the sword connected with the ant's head, causing it to stagger in pain. I swung again, aiming for the weak spot in the ants head. The sword hit its mark, and the ant hissed in agony.

But the ant wasn't going down without a fight. It charged towards me again, its mandibles snapping. I could feel its breath on my face as I swung my sword one final time.

The sword hit the ant's head once again with a satisfying crunch, and the creature fell to the ground, dead.

I stood there, panting and covered in sweat, my heart still pounding in my chest.

As I stood there, panting and covered in sweat, I looked down at my sword, which was still glowing faintly. I couldn't help but feel relieved that I at least knew how to infuse weapons with light quickly enough to use it in a fight.

But there was still work to be done. We had to find Hina and bring her back to safety, and we couldn't let our guard down for even a moment.

I turned to Akio, who was still paralyzed with fear. "Come on," I said. "We have to keep moving."

Suddenly, something seemed to snap within him, and he shook himself out of his terror.

"Thank you," he said, turning to me with a grateful expression. "Thank you for killing that ant. I don't know what I would have done without you."

I smiled at him, relieved to see that he was finally coming out of his fear. "You don't have to thank me," I said. "We're in this together, and we have to look out for each other."

Akio nodded, his eyes shining with newfound determination. "You're right," he said. We both look at the dead ant before us, "We have to find Hina."

I nodded, and we continued foward.

As we continued to walk cautiously, Akio looked down at my sword and asked me a question that I had been expecting.

"What exactly does infusing a weapon with light do?" he asked.

I paused for a moment, gathering my thoughts. "Infusing a weapon with light gives it a boost of power," I explained. "It makes it lighter and, sharper, and it lets them be more effective against monsters."

Akio nodded, his eyes bright with curiosity. "But how does it work?" he asked.

I looked at him, thinking of how to explain. "It's hard to explain," I said. "But essentially, when you infuse a weapon with the light, you're using the weapon as an outlet for it, and it lets you wield the light via a weapon, instead of just spells, like mages do. It's really just a different form of utilizing it."

He nodded, and remained quiet as he looked at his own sword. As Akio looked down on it, I could see the disappointment in his eyes. He let out a sigh and said, "I don't think I can really help. I couldn't even move when I saw that thing. And even if I did, I wouldn't have been able to damage it, let alone kill it like you did."

I put a hand on his shoulder, trying to offer some reassurance. "Don't worry about it," I said, "You don't have to be a light-bearer to help others."

Akio looked up at me, seeming a bit more cheerful . "Yeah.... yeah, I guess you're right."

I nodded at him, and we continued to search.



As we continued our search for Hina, we suddenly heard a commotion coming from around the corner. We slowly approached the corner, and the noise grew louder, and we could hear the distinct sound of chittering and scuttling, accompanied by the sound of something being struck repeatedly.

Slowly, we peered around the corner, and we saw a mage in action near a rift. Her ice spells creating a dazzling display of light and power. Ice crystals formed around the ants as they approached her, freezing their legs in place and causing them to shatter when a barrage of frozen needles hit them. The mage's movements were graceful and fluid, her long blue robe billowing behind her as she moved. She was wielding a silver staff, covered in intricate and exotic patterns. The end of the staff had a light-blue gemstone, in the shape of a sphere.

As the ants closed in on her, the mage raised her staff, and a blast of ice shot out from in front of her, freezing the creatures in their tracks. The ice crept over their bodies, encasing them in a glittering layer of frozen crystals.

Suddenly, one of the ants broke free of the ice, scuttling towards the mage with a sharp clicking sound. The mage remained calm, her eyes focused on the creature as she raised her staff once again. A blast of ice shot out, striking the ant directly in the face. The ant let out a high-pitched screech, its movements slowing as the ice crept over its body. Finally, it fell to the ground, its body encased in a layer of glittering ice.

The mage turned to us, her eyes flashing with recognition. "More students?! You guys need to get out of here, the rift has broken open, and monsters are flooding out!"

Before we could even respond, Hina appeared from behind a toppled tree where she had been hiding. "Wait," she said, her eyes wide with fear. "Guys, I'm over here!." Her voice was shaky, and it was clear that she terrified.

Relief flooded through me as I saw her, and I stepped forward to greet her. "Thank goodness," I said. "We've been searching everywhere for you."

Hina looked up at me, her expression uncertain. "What's going on? Why are monster coming out of the rift?! Aren't they supposed to stay inside?!" She cried, tears running down her face.

"I- I don't want to die! I want to go back home! I don't want to die he-"

I grab her by the shoulders, ""We have to go," I said urgently. "We can't stay here. It's not safe."

As we made our way towards the exit of the outdoors section, I grabbed Hina's hand, feeling her knees tremble beneath her. I could feel her fear, and I could feel my own heart pounding in my chest.

Akio was waiting for us at the exit as we ran. But just as we were about to reach the exit, I felt an immense pressure building in my chest. It was like a weight pressing down on me, making it hard to breathe. I stumbled to a halt, trying to catch my breath. Hina looked up at me, her eyes still filled with tears and panic. "What's happening?" she asked.

The mage turned back her attention to the rift, her expression grim. She raised her staff, and a massive glacier rose up from the ground, blocking off the rift. The ice was thick and solid, and it glimmered with the light, as if it were alive.

But even as the mage tried blocking the rift off, I could feel the pressure building, threatening to overwhelm me. I stumbled backwards, my legs weak and unsteady.

Hina clung to my hand, her tears streaming down her face. "We have to get out of here," she said. "We can't stay."

I nodded, my throat tight due to an uneasy feeling. "You're right," I said. "We have to go."

With that, I got up and we continued to run towards the exit, our footsteps pounding the ground beneath us. Akio was yelling at us to hurry, pointing at the glacier cracking. We looked behind us, and realized the guardian was struggling to hold back whatever was trying to get through the glacier and we quickened our pace

But as we got closer to the exit, a deafening crash echoed through the air. The glacier shattered into large chunks of ice flying in all directions. Hina and I stumbled backwards, our bodies thrown off balance by the force of the explosion.

I looked up, my heart racing, and saw the outline of a massive monster veiled in the cold fog that was caused by the glacier being destroyed. I saw the mage begin to step back, preparing to launch a spell with the raise of her staff.

The dust it had kicked up settled around us, obscuring our vision. We stumbled through the cloud of dust, coughing and gasping for air. And then, as the dust began to clear, I heard Hina cry out in pain.

"HELP! PLEASE! I CAN'T MOVE!!!" Her voice was strained and ear piercing, and filled with pain.

I turned to see her lying on the ground, trapped beneath a massive chunk of ice, "Hina!" I yelled out.

Without thinking, I ran towards her.

Akio began to run towards us as well, leaving where he was near the exit as he yelled to himself. "Oh no! Shit!" His voice was filled with panic as he ran towards us.

Together, we tried to lift the ice off of Hina, but it was too heavy. We strained and pushed, but the ice wouldn't budge.

Hina cried out in pain, tears streaming down her face. "Please," she whimpered. "Help me."

The Mage turned around, and saw our predicament. She reached her hand out, staff still pointed at whatever monster was still hidden with the other hand, but before she could do anything, a pair of glowing grey eyes flashed through the mist, and a pair of pincers pierced through the frigid curtains, grabbing her.

She let out a piercing scream, and I could see the terror in her eyes. The pincers were massive, each one the size of a car, and they were slowly crushing her.

I could hear the sound of her bones cracking, and the sickening squelch of her flesh being squeezed. Frigid mist seeped from her, and it seemed like the light was attempting to heal her, but the damage being done to her was far too great, and she was slowly being crushed to death. I could taste the bile rising in my throat as I finally reach my breaking point, struggling to take in the horrific scene unfolding before us.

The mage's screams grew louder, and I could see the life beginning to drain from her eyes. Her body writhing in pain. The pincers were grotesquely serrated, and looked like they were made out of jagged metal. They suddenly closed a bit more, and we could hear cracking, followed by a small burst of blood. The mage screamed in pain, causing Hina to squirm beneath the ice.

The mage looked back at us weakly, "I'm so sorry," She mouthed, not being able to get her voice out." And with that, the pincers snapped together, severing her body.

We watched as the two pieces of her body hit the ground with a splatter, the light escaping her body. There's a moment of silence between everyone as the massive, metal ant takes in its new surroundings.



I hear a sniffle from Hina, and she began to gasp for a bit more air before speaking. "Guys..... go without me... please." I could hear her lungs squeak as the ice pressed down on her, squeezing the air out of her lungs.

Akio looked at me, his eyes filled with despairs, "Kane, melt the ice!" He yelled.

I shook my head, knowing that I can't melt it enough without burning her. "I already thought of that, but.... Hina would be burned alive before enough of the ice melted to get her out.... besides..." I look over to the metal ant, it's gaze now fixed on us. "We won't have enough time..."

Akio begins to tear up as well, realizing just how hopeless the situation is. He shook his head, and stood up. "I'm sorry Hina...." he began to run away from us, wiping his eyes as he runs through the exit.

Hina turns her attention back to me after he's out of sight.

She looked up at me, her eyes filled with tears. "Kane," she whispered, her voice weak with pain. "Thank you for always being there for me. You've been such a good friend all my life."

I felt a lump form in my throat as I looked down at her. "Hina, don't talk like that," I said, trying to keep my composure. "We'll get you out of here, I promise."

Hina shook her head, her eyes fixed on the metal ant that was slowly approaching us. "No, Kane," she said firmly. "You have to leave. You have to survive, and you have to tell my family what happened to me."

I felt a knot form in my stomach at her words, and I tried to protest. "No, Hina, I can't leave you here like this-"

But she cut me off, her voice growing weaker with each passing moment. "You have to, Kane," she said. "It's the only way. You have to tell them what happened, and you have to tell them that I love them."

I feel a tear trying to escape my eye as her words hit me. "Hina, please," I grab the one hand that isn't stuck beneath the ice. "Please don't do this."

She shook her head again. "It's too late for me, Kane," she said. "But it's not too late for you. You have to get out of here, and you have to survive. You have to live for both of us."

I felt my heart break as I looked down at her, knowing that she was right. I knew that I had

to leave, and I knew that I had to survive. But it was so hard to leave her there, trapped and alone.

"Hina, I-"

But she cut me off, her voice barely above a whisper. "Go, Kane," she said. "And don't look back."

I look over at the dead mage, her body scattered across the ground. I look back at Hina, who nods to me. As she does, I begin to get up and slowly walk away.

As I began to run, something caught my eye. My sword, the one that I had dropped in my haste to help Hina, was lying on the ground beside me. Without hesitation, I reached down and picked it up, feeling the weight of it in my hand.

As I held the sword, a faint glow emanated from it, infused with light once again. I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to regain my resolve.



I opened my eyes and looked back at Hina, who was now only a few feet away. She was watching me with a sad smile on her face, knowing that I had to leave. But I also saw a glimmer of hope in her eyes, knowing that I had the light with me.

Seeing that spark in her eyes, it pushed me to try and fight, despite knowing that it was suicidal. I couldn't just leave Hina here, trapped and alone. I had to do something, I couldn't let that spark die out. My resolve strengthen once more, I turned back towards the metal ant, my sword still infused with the light, and charged towards it.

Hina screamed at me to go, but I ignored her, knowing that I had to do something. As I got closer to the metal ant, it seems to have finally completely adjusted to the new surroundings, and it screeches at us. The ant towered above me, its sharp metal pincers glinting. I swung my sword, and struck the ant, but it barely made a dent. The ant retaliated, swinging its pincers at me, and I barely managed to dodge out of the way. I swung my sword again, but it still wasn't enough. The ants armor was far too strong.

I felt a sharp pain in my side as one of the ant's pincers stabbed me, and I stumbled backwards, my sword clattering to the ground. I looked up, and saw it closing in on me, ready to strike the final blow.

I managed to get up despite my pain, my body shaking with the effort. The ant swung its pincers at me, and I rolled out of the way, feeling the air whoosh by where my head had just been. I scrambled to my feet, my eyes fixed on the ant, and picked up my sword.

I swung my sword with all my might, to the point where I stumble forwards, but it simply deflected it, creating sparks as my sword bounced off. The ant screeched, swinging its pincers at me once again, and I dodged out of the way, feeling the wind from its attack brush against my skin.

Before I get the chance to make my next move, the ant speeds up, with it's jagged metal mandibles still extended like a pair of scissors. I felt its pincers closing in on me, ready to crush me, I heard Hina's voice, screaming at me to go.

I refused.

I managed to dodge death once again, ducking below the pincers. I can hear a deafening metal crash as the pincers snip the air above me. I try to regain my footing after ducking, but the ant immediately followed up with a swing, slicing me and sending me flying through the air.

I hit the ground hard, my body shaking with the impact. I looked up at the ant, my vision blurry, and saw it closing in on me once again, ready to finish me off.

I can hear Hina screaming, her voice slowly getting muffled as my vision begins to fade.




I saw myself as a child, running through the fields with my siblings, laughing and playing. I remembered the way the sun felt on my skin, the smell of fresh grass in the air, and the sound of my siblings' laughter.

I saw my parents, sitting by the fire, telling stories and singing songs. I remember sitting by the fire with my parents, listening to their stories and singing their songs. The warmth of the fire, the comfort of my parents' embrace, and the sound of their voices were all I needed.

"Kane, do you know what a guardian truly is?" my father asked me.

I shook my head, not sure what he meant.

"A guardian is someone who protects people from danger," my mother explained. "They are brave and strong, and they fight for what is right."

"Remember, Kane," my father said, "you don't have to be strong to be brave. Sometimes, it's the smallest and weakest who have the biggest hearts."

My mother added, "Just like this fire. It may seem small and insignificant, but it has the power to light up the night sky and warm our souls. It symbolizes the will to live, to keep fighting, to keep the fire burning."

I looked at the flames, dancing and flickering, and felt a sense of inspiration. If a small flame had the power to light up the world, then surely, I could make a difference too.

My father placed a hand on my shoulder and said, "Kane, you have the light within you. It burns brightly, like this fire, and it will guide you through even the darkest of nights. It will give you strength, courage, and hope. Never forget that."

And as I sat by the fire, listening to their words, I felt the fire within me burning brighter than ever before. I knew that I would be a guardian, not just in title, but in spirit. I would protect those who needed it, fight for what is right, and keep the fire burning within me, always.



As I lay on the ground, broken and battered, my life flashing before my eyes, those words echoed in my mind. "I would protect those who needed it, fight for what was right, and keep the fire burning within me, always." They were more than just words, they were a promise, a vow that I had made to myself as a child, a vow that had never left me.

I thought of the ant, its sharp pincers and its gleaming metal exterior, and felt a sense of disappointment. I had failed to kill it, to protect those who needed it, to fight for what was right. But as I lay there, I realized that I had still fulfilled my promise, in a way.

I had protected those who needed it, not just by killing the ant, but by trying my best, by putting myself in harm's way, by risking my life for others. And even though I had failed, I had still fought for what was right, for the greater good, for the light that burned within me.

And the fire within me was still burning, brighter than ever before. It was a fire of determination, of courage, of hope. It was a fire that would never truly go out, no matter how many times I stumbled, no matter how many times I fell, no matter how many times I failed.

As I took my final breath, I felt a sense of peace. I had fulfilled my promise, to the best of my abilities. And even though my life was slipping away, I knew that the fire within me would live on, inspiring others, guiding others, and burning bright, always...

I slowly begin to slip away, content with the vow that I've made. But as the last bit of my life begins to fade, I hear Hina's soft sobs, and the sound of the large ant approaching.

I felt something stirring within me. It was a feeling I had never experienced before, a feeling of power and energy that surged through my body. It was as though a switch had been flipped, and suddenly, everything was different. The fire within me was roaring, and I felt a surge of strength and determination. I could feel that something within me had changed, and I was ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.

I struggled to my feet, my body aching and my vision blurry. But an indescribable feeling compelled me to keep going.

I stood up, my pain fading slowly, feeling every inch of my body come alive with energy. I looked around, seeing the world in a new light, as though everything was sharper, clearer, more vibrant.

And then, I felt it. The light coursing through me, filling me with power and purpose. But this time, it felt different. Instead of feeling gentle and calming, it felt like it was burning within me.

It was as though every cell in my body was on fire, as though my very essence was being consumed by the light. And yet, it was not a painful sensation. It felt empowering,

I felt as though I was being reborn, as though I was shedding my old skin and emerging as something new, something powerful. The light flowed through me, filling me with strength and courage.

I stood there, feeling the fire within me burning hotter and hotter.

As my hand gripped the hilt of my sword, a sudden surge of power raced through me, and the blade erupted into flames. But these were not ordinary flames, for they danced with an intensity and ferocity that seemed almost otherworldly.

The flames were a deep amber, tinged with orange and red, and they seemed to flicker and dance with a life of their own. They were not mere sparks or flickers, but rather, they were alive with a power that seemed to emanate from the very core of my being.

As I lifted the sword, the flames grew in intensity, leaping and crackling like a living thing. They licked at the air around me, casting a warm and comforting glow that seemed to fill me with a sense of strength and purpose.

I held the sword aloft, and the flames roared and crackled, their intensity growing with each passing moment. It was as though they were feeding on the very air around me, consuming it with a voracious hunger that threatened to engulf everything in their path. I take a slow step forward, before a burst of speed accelerated me towards the ant.

As I charged towards the Ant, my sword held high, I could feel the light within me continue to burn, fueling my every move. The Ant was a formidable opponent, its metal exterior gleaming in the light. But I was not afraid.

My sword swung with all the might I could muster, the flames licking at the Ant's metal exterior. It retaliated with a swift swipe of its pincers, but I dodged to the side and swung my sword once again, leaving a trail of scorch marks in its wake.

The Ant seemed surprised by my sudden burst of speed and agility, but it was not deterred. It charged towards me, its pincers snapping dangerously. I met it head-on, swinging my sword with all my might. The two clashed, the sound of metal on metal echoing through the air.

The battle raged on, each of us pushing the other to our limits. The heat within me burned brighter and brighter with each passing moment, fueling my every move. The Ant was a formidable opponent, and it seemed as though we were evenly matched.

We circled each other, each one looking for an opening. I moved with a speed and agility that surprised even myself. I was faster, stronger, and more powerful than I had ever been before. My footwork and swordplay was rough and awkward, but I could fight.

The Ant struck , its pincers snapping towards my head. But I was ready. I leapt back, swinging my sword in a wide arc. As my sword made contact with the ant's exoskeleton, it immediately melted, leaving behind a deep gash of molten metal and blood.

The Ant charged towards me once more, its size belying its speed. I met it head-on, our swords clashing with a sound that echoed through the air once more.

The battle continued, each blow more devastating than the last. The heat within me grew more intense with each passing moment, but I pushed on, determined to emerge victorious.

And then, with a sudden burst of energy, I charged towards the Ant, swinging my sword with all my might. The flames on my sword grew hotter and brighter, until they burst into an inferno. The Ant's metal exterior melted under the intense heat, leaving it a smoldering wreck as I cut through it. My sword stopped midway through its neck, but I tightened my grip, and put all my strength into a follow up swing, completely severing it's head in a flash of flames.

Finally... the metal ant was dead.

Panting and exhausted, I stood there, my sword still glowing with an orange light surrounded my now faint embers.

As the last embers of the fire within me flickered out, I collapsed from exhaustion. My body ached, and my muscles burned with an intensity that was almost unbearable. The world around me began to fade, the colors and shapes melting into one another until everything was a blur.

I felt myself slipping away, my mind floating in a sea of darkness. I tried to fight it, to hold on for just a little while longer, but it was no use. I was too weak, too tired, too exhausted to go on.

As I lay there, the world fading around me as I slip into sleep, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. I had fought a good fight, and I had emerged victorious.