
Embers of Potential

The journey through the rift continued, our group making swift progress despite occasional interruptions by the relentless black ants. With each encounter of these particular ants, I would strike them with my blade imbued with flames, cleaving them clean in two and burning them away.

After each strike, my sword set ablaze, a surge of energy coursed through me. The strength and speed of my attack would increase dramatically , but it also left me momentarily vulnerable, unable to follow up with immediate attacks. It was as if the magic exacted its toll on my body, demanding a momentary respite.

The rest of the group quickly adapted to this pattern, their movements synchronized to cover my brief moments of vulnerability. Aria's wind arrows found their mark, temporarily incapacitating the ants. Sylia's elemental powders created distractions, diverting the attention of our assailants. Amaya stood vigilant, her eyes scanning the surroundings to ensure no enemy crept up on me, and killing any that were.

Raegar, the tank, took charge of coordinating our defense during those moments. With a commanding presence, he positioned himself strategically, shielding me from any potential threats. His imposing figure acted as a deterrent, dissuading the ants from exploiting my temporary weakness.

As we pressed forward, the encounters with the ants grew more frequent, their numbers increasing as if in response to our progress. We navigated the dense forest-like terrain, its eerily tranquil ambiance contrasting with the constant threat that lurked within. With each passing skirmish, our cohesion as a team deepened, our bond strengthening during our trial.

However, the burden of my own magic weighed on me. The intensity of the fire coursing through my sword demanded more than just physical endurance; it demanded mental fortitude as well. The focus required to grab onto that spark and ignite my light into magic was intense, limiting me to only being able to focus on a single enemy while using my magic.

In the rare moments of respite, I found myself reflecting on the nature of my magic. It was a double-edged sword, because although it was far more powerful than anything else I possessed, the toll it took on my body was intense. I knew that if I wanted to fully harness its potential, I would need to train in order to better adapt to my newfound abilities.

As we took a breather, sitting on fallen logs and catching our breath, Sylia playfully nudged me with her elbow. "Hey, Kane, you holding up alright there? You've been dishing out those attacks more and more!"

I chuckled, wiping a bead of sweat from my forehead. "Oh, you know me, Sylia. Just trying to keep up with everyone else."

Amaya, always secretly eaves dropping, chimed in. "Well, I think you're doing just fine. No one else other than you can deal with the armor that some of them have, so covering you from the small fry while you focus on them is the least we can do."

Raegar, a hint of pride in his voice, added, "That's right! Kane's our resident armor-cracker! I've seen those flames cutting through those tough exoskeletons like a hot knife through butter. Keep doing what you're doing mate!"

Aria, her eyes sparkling with admiration, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Kane. Your ability to dismantle those heavily armored foes is crucial to our success. We'll continue to provide you the support you need while you continue to improve your abilities."

I flashed a grateful smile at each of them. Their unwavering belief in my abilities lifted my spirits and fueled my determination. I rubbed the back of my neck "Thanks, guys. Knowing that you have my back makes all the difference. Hopefully i'll get to the point where I can use magic without issue though."

We shared a moment of lighthearted laughter, the tension of battle momentarily forgotten. But soon, the urgency of our goal resurfaced, and we resumed our journey towards the core monster lurking nearby.




As we cautiously navigated through the twisted paths of the forest, a sense of anticipation grew within each of us. We knew that the core monster, the objective of this trial, awaited our arrival. With every step, our determination intensified, our focus honed.

Suddenly, a loud rumble echoed through the air, reverberating through the very ground beneath our feet. Our hearts skipped a beat as we exchanged glances of curiosity and urgency. Without hesitation, we quickened our pace, drawn to the source of the disturbance.

As we emerged from a dense thicket, our eyes widened in awe and disbelief. Before us stood a colossal creature, unraveled from what appeared to be a massive rock. Its jagged carapace gleamed in the ambient light, and its horned head towered above the surrounding trees. It was a behemoth of a creature.

Sylia gasped, her voice barely above a whisper. "Is that... the core monster?"

Raegar, ever fearless, clenched his fists. "Looks like it. But don't you worry, we'll take it down together"

Aria, her eyes narrowing, analyzed the colossal beast. "Its exoskeleton looks incredibly sturdy. We'll need to find its weak points if we hope to overcome it."

Amaya, her excitement barely contained, grinned mischievously. "Well, Kane, looks like you've got another armor challenge ahead of you. Ready to crack that shell?"

I nodded, gripping my sword tightly.

With a shared understanding and unspoken camaraderie, we moved into a strategic formation, positioning ourselves strategically around the colossal rhinoceros beetle. The air crackled with anticipation as we prepared to face our greatest trial yet.

Sylia, ever resourceful, threw a swirling powder infused with magic. As she flung it towards the creature, a brilliant flash of lightning illuminated the battlefield, momentarily dazzling the colossal beetle. It stumbled back, disoriented by the sudden burst of energy.

Seizing the opportunity, Amaya and I dashed forward, our footsteps blending into a synchronized rhythm. Amaya, agile as ever, attempted to find a gap in the creature's armor, but the sheer strength of its defenses proved insurmountable. She fell back, gracefully rolling to safety.

Undeterred, I focused my attention on the behemoth before me. Aria, her bowstring taut, provided supportive cover from a distance, her arrows soaring through the air with deadly accuracy. She skillfully dispatched the incoming ants, ensuring they would not interrupt our assault.

With adrenaline surging through my veins, I gripped my sword tightly, flames flickering along its edge. I circled the colossal rhinoceros beetle, studying its movements, searching for an opening. Each swing of my blade carried the weight of my resolve, as I aimed for the creature's weakest points.

As I launched my attack, the flames roared to life, illuminating the battlefield with their radiant glow. The blade connected with one of it's front legs, and for a fleeting moment, the creature recoiled from the impact. It was a small victory, a glimmer of hope.

The flames began flickering along the blade of my sword, but I pushed forward, determined to overcome the temporary weakness that followed each of these attacks. But despite my resolve, my body refused to respond, leaving me momentarily immobile, vulnerable to the colossal beetle's counterattack.

The beetle, sensing an opportunity, swiftly turned its massive form towards me, its horn gleaming with a deadly intent. Time seemed to slow as the impending strike drew nearer, my heart pounding in my chest.

Just as the beetle's horn was about to descend upon me, Raegar, ever vigilant and ever protective, stepped in with his towering shield. The clash reverberated through the air as his shield intercepted the beetle's assault, buying me the precious seconds I needed to recover.

Gritting my teeth, I mustered my strength, refusing to let my momentary setback define me. With a surge of determination, I pushed myself back onto my feet, my muscles coiled like a spring ready to strike.

As the beetle recoiled from its failed attack, I seized the opportunity, charging forward once more. With Raegar at my side, his shield acting as a stalwart barrier, I unleashed a flurry of strikes upon the beetle's vulnerable underbelly.

The beetle recoiled from my assault, and I swiftly stepped back, narrowly evading its looming counterattack. Sensing an opening, I took a deep breath, my focus narrowing on the creature's vulnerable leg. The flames of determination burned brighter within me as I prepared another magic-infused attack.

Gathering my strength, I channeled my light into magic, causing my sword to burst into flames. As I ran closer, the flames intensified, flickering with an intensity that matched my resolve. With a swift and precise motion, I lunged forward, aiming directly for the beetle's weakened leg.

The blade connected with a resounding impact, slicing through the creature's thick exoskeleton and severing its leg. The beetle let out a thunderous cry of pain, its massive form buckling under the weight of the strike.

Due to the beetle momentarily being dazed, I had enough time to recover and so I quickly disengaged, retreating to a safer distance. The creature, now compromised and enraged, thrashed about in a desperate attempt to regain its footing. I watched intently, waiting for the opportune moment to strike once more.

As the beetle struggled, Raegar stood resolute, his shield acting as a wall against any retaliatory strikes. His unwavering presence provided a sense of security and allowed me to focus on my next move.

Aria, her bowstring taut, unleashed a barrage of arrows, each one finding its mark and further weakening the beetle's already taxed defenses. Sylia, her keen intellect at work, threw another powder, this time infused with a chilling frost , creating a patch of ice beneath the creature's thrashing legs. Causing it to completely collapse.

The opportunity I had been waiting for presented itself, and I seized it without hesitation. I sprinted forward, my blade ablaze with swirling flames. As I closed the distance between us, I launched myself into a powerful leap, aiming to strike at the beetle's lowered neck.

In a single fluid motion, I swung my sword with all my might, guided by the synergy of my training and my magic. The blade connected with a resounding impact, slicing through the thick sinew and flesh with an unstoppable force. A burst of fiery energy erupted from the point of contact, engulfing the neck in a blaze of flames.




As the glow of the flames subsided, I sheathed my sword, its edge still shimmering with residual heat. Turning to face my companions, their faces illuminated by the remnants of the spectacle, I saw reflections of determination, relief, and a newfound sense of unity.

Syria broke the silence, her voice filled with admiration. "Kane, that was incredible! Your swordplay and use of magic was amazing!"

Sylia nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Kane. Your ability to channel the light into magic while still maintaining your focus is incredible."

Amaya grinned mischievously. "Well, well, Kane. Looks like you've truly unlocked your potential. It's a good thing we're on the same side."

Amaya's mischievous grin faded as a rift exit shimmered to life nearby, and Crimil's stern voice echoed through the air. "Congratulations, team. You have successfully completed your trial. Your performance was satisfactory, but remember, there is still much to learn and improve upon."

We exchanged glances, a mixture of relief and anticipation flickering across our faces.

As we stepped through the rift, we found ourselves back on the training grounds. Crimil stood there, his imposing figure exuding an air of authority and unwavering discipline. He eyed each of us, his gaze piercing, as he assessed our progress.

"Your teamwork showed promise, but do not mistake this trial as the pinnacle of your abilities," Crimil's voice resonated through the chamber. "The path ahead will be treacherous, and the challenges you face will test your limits. You must continue to push yourselves, to evolve and adapt."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing, "I must remind you that this trial was equivalent to a mere E-Tier rift. You have shown potential, but the true tests lie ahead. The realms of higher tiers will demand greater strength, skill, and resilience."

His words hung in the air, serving as a stark reminder that we were still at the beginning of our journey. There was much ground to cover, many obstacles to overcome, and a long way to go before we could truly call ourselves guardians.

Crimil's expression softened slightly, a glimmer of pride flickering in his eyes. "But do not be disheartened. You have the foundation upon which to build. With dedication, discipline, and, training, you can ascend to greater heights."

He gestured towards the chamber's exit, his voice resonating with both challenge and encouragement. "Go forth, continue your training, and strive for excellence. The path of a guardian is one of constant growth, and it is within your reach if you persist."

With those final words, Crimil stepped back, granting us the freedom to go back to our dormitory. We exchanged glances as we all began to walk back, acknowledging the weight of Crimil's expectations. The realization that we had only scratched the surface of our potential fueled a fire within us, driving us forward.

As we left the chamber, anticipation mingled with a newfound resolve. The challenges of higher-tier rifts awaited me.

The echoes of Crimil's words lingered in my mind, serving as a constant reminder that the path ahead was long, treacherous, and filled with trials yet to be conquered. But I will prevail.