
Light Years Away

Story of best friends, Kang Sola and Xue Guangxi, as they traverse their journey through adulthood, amidst conflicting choices and internal issues within themselves and from their past. Will they be able to resolve their personal struggles and find a common ground towards happiness? Will they have to compromise to achieve it? Will they end up together and overcome the threshold of their friendship into lovers or remain as platonic friends and each other's family? ---- She balled her fists, getting ready to punch the man in the face if the situation requires. They are, after all, alone in the room. Sometimes she forgets that Xue Guangxi was of the opposite gender – a man more than capable of beguiling innocent women when he sets his mind to the task. ‘Perhaps he had been gone for too long that I had forgotten how his charms work. That fact never left my head, but experiencing it firsthand… Well, Nah!!!’ She tried to shake whatever silliness her mind entertains despite her prudence. But what her neutral poker face could hide, her berserkly widened eyes could not conceal. Nevertheless, even if he noticed, the young man did not point it out. He was more concerned and occupied by other matters. Matters of far greater importance… …For example, her safety. She blinked several times, trying to disrupt the connection their locked gazes somehow managed to forge. She bowed her head, still blinking, and darted her lowered gaze to the floor. She straightened up her sitting position and swatted both of the man’s hands on her shoulders without force. But Xue Guangxi held her in place. “Look at me.” “What is it now, Guangxi?” She whispered. Her voice, thin and fragile and barely audible. Perhaps more from the earlier adrenaline pushed a blush on her face. Perhaps, it wasn’t the adrenaline to be blamed. She tried to swat his hands for the second time, but his grip only tightened, making his point more pronounced. Either he obeys or she does. Most of the time, Xue Guangxi always gave in to Kang Sola’s whims. Even when his temper wasn’t too great to be proud of, at the end of every argument, he lets the girl win. But in this instance, he wanted to be more assertive. “You always make me worry, Sola.” He breathed with all solemnity, like a prayer. The clasp of his hands on her shoulders tightened. She could feel it. She winced. Then, without further ceremony or introduction, he pressed her into a tight embrace, full of concern. Any person would be able to discern if a form of skinship was of sincere nature or not. Kang Sola could tell his was of genuine care and concern for her. “You are far more delicate than you think. God, Sola!” He cradled her head with his right hand placed just above her nape. Some of her balayage locks laced his manly fingers. ---- Other Info: Light story about friendship, family, love, and adulting. No offensive, dark themes (just the backstory, hehe), **Can be considered the second book after Milady's Fine Gentleman, but the story is stand-alone. Reference to the first novel is minimal if not only shown in the backstory. BUT THERE WILL BE SPOILER FOR MILADY'S FINE GENTLEMAN (It's inevitable, sorry)** "You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars" -E.E. Cummings "Just like the moon, I go through phases." -Angie Weiland Crosby "Only in the darkness can you see the stars." -Martin Luther King Jr. ----- The author has a discord server and Instagram! Follow, connect, and share your thoughts. IG : author_midnight_bloom email : authormidnightbloom@gmail.com For kind appreciation efforts to the aspiring writer, please go to the following sites: https://www.patreon.com/midnight_bloom Ko-fi.com/midnight_bloom Disclaimer : Cover credits to Pinterest

midnight_bloom · Urban
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233 Chs


It was a gloomy night. The moon reflected what seemed like a red light and clouds hovered around it, protecting it from potential threats looming in the darkness.

Kang Sola had just tucked the twins to rest. The all-time high they had experienced earlier from the triumph of their soul was replaced by a new low.

Just like that, their hearts were shattered in despair.

Considering the events in the afternoon, the Chen Family decided not to join everyone else at dinner. They requested for their food to be served in their suite exclusively.

Their dinner was rather silent and depressing. No one bothered to open up the topic for a potential conversation starter.

The two kids were bathed and prepped up for bedtime. Before they closed their eyes, Chen Lihua, asked her aunt about the incident that afternoon. "Aunty, are you mad at us? We will understand if you are. We did something wrong..."

"Xiao Lihua and I are sorry, Aunty, Uncle." Xiao Lingtian butted in.

Xue Guangxi leaned at the wall near the open door with crossed arms on his chest. His eyes mellowed significantly at the little kids' words.

"We're not mad at you little darlings." Kang Sola gave them a sad smile. Then she sighed. "We cannot promise that you won't encounter the same incident again, but when you do, I hope you won't get into a fistfight again."

"But it's okay to defend yourself." Xue Guangxi interrupted.

"Yeah. Or better yet, keep silent for a while then think if it's worth your time and your energy to rebuke."

"Choose your battles wisely." The young man interrupted again.


It seemed that Kang Sola and Xue Guangxi were on the same page.

The lady added, "If the situation is not favorable, try to take a step back. Then, when the headwinds lifted, take two steps forward. In the end, you're still one step ahead."

"And if it's not in your limited power to answer to a situation, there's the courage to seek help from others, too. Tell us." Xue Guangxi straightened up his stance and approached the twins' bed. "Get it?"

"Yes, Uncle."

"But for me, personally, I don't condone retaliation." Kang Sola said slowly, emphasizing her words. He glanced at Xue Guangxi first, then at Chen Lingtian and Chen Lihua. "Bad guys get their due punishment. It doesn't have to come from you."

Xue Guangxi arched his brows but did not say anything more either to agree or argue.

"Yes, Aunty." The twins nodded in unison.

"Thank you for looking out after us. Both of you, Aunty, Uncle." The little boy showed a maturity level more advanced than his age.

Kang Sola stretched her lips in a warm, doting smile, and managed an "I love you, sweetheart. We will do whatever it takes to make sure you two have the best."

"Only the best." Xue Guangxi echoed. "Okay, that's enough for tonight! Let's call it a night, shall we? Good night, kids!"

"Sweet dreams." Those were Kang Sola's words before she turned off the lights. The incandescent lamps on either side of the twins took charge.

As soon as she closed the twins' bedroom door behind her, Xue Guangxi invited her to chill out under the midnight sky.

"It's smothering in here. Want to enjoy the breeze outside?" He lifted the booze he carried with his right hand.

Kang Sola's face lighted in amusement. "You brought those here, huh?"

"No, I bought it from a nearby store. It's not much, more like a sparkly juice."

Kang Sola arched a brow. "How did you know?"

"I already had some this afternoon." He confessed.

"Hehehehe. You're so funny, Guangxi."

They went outside, Xue Guangxi leading the way. They laid on their backs on the vast grounds where the games occurred that day.

Both gazed at the ruddy silver moon and its protective walls of puffy clouds.

"I wish there were more stars." Kang Sola breathed in solemnity.

"Remember the day when we last laid on our backs in a field just like this?" Xue Guangxi asked, already driving into the memory lane. He curled his arms behind his head in a makeshift pillow.

"Mhmm… I can't remember." She seemed trying hard to dig into her chest of memories.

"Ouch, That's harsh." He chuckled slightly. He was feigning it. The lady laughed too.

"Wasn't it like around a decade ago? That's the first and last, I think." She retorted. She lifted her eyes onto the starless sky.

The midnight wind howled as it passed by them. Some leaves flew with it.

"It was the day you got dumped by your boyfriend. We visited a dog and cat café--" The young man narrated, in an attempt to ring any bell into the lady's head.

"Excuse me, I dumped him." She cut him off in a haste.

"Hahaha! So you say! So you say, Sola." Xue Guangxi loves teasing her. He could tell she was flustered. Small things such as these little teases irked her. "Seems like your memory has come back. Hahaha!"

Kang Sola's face felt like it was plunged into a steam bath. Xue Guangxi poked right at the sore spot. Her embarrassment was over the roof as she remembered. But, as the heat on her flustered face subsided, she also remembered, with familiarity how much of a good friend Xue Guangxi played at that particularly crucial moment of her life.

She had just ended her fickle long-distance-relationship with her first boyfriend, James. They fought over the phone, and things simply turned awry until they both decided to call it quits. At the time, she felt no better like trash, but Xue Guangxi never left her side, and never treated her like one. Both of them cut classes that afternoon only to visit a dog and cat café. That night, they laid on the field in the university grounds and gazed at the stars until her heart had lulled into a calm.

It was a fond memory for her. 'How can I forget?' She thought. She could feel her cheeks blush as the heat, this time more bashfully, crept to her face.

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