
Chapter 7 - Fate

I quickly went to my inventory, click on the new item that replaced the gift box and read the description. The words that were written there went,

[King Crimson: King Crimson is a part of the Stand set. A Stand is an entity psychically generated by its owner, referred to as a Stand user. King Crimson is invisible to non-stand users and has the following abilities. Strength: It is strong enough to slice off limbs and impale people in an instant. Speed: It can deflect bullets. Range: It has an effective range of 3 meters. Time Erasure: King Crimson's signature ability is to erase a given frame of time; it starts from the instant the ability is activated and can be made to last up to around 10 seconds. Epitaph: Epitaph gives the ability to see several tens of seconds into the future and project it as an image.]

Bachira: "What is that, what is it? Tell us"

JoJo: "Yeah, what is it."

Raito: "It says it's from a 'stand' set, it's just an invisible bodyguard. Nothing remarkable, it's just slightly faster and stronger than a human."

Bachira: "Cool. I'd love to talk with you guys more, but I've got to train. Especially now with my new eyes. I'm gonna be number one in the world now."

JoJo: "I took have to leave, I'm supposed to meet up with Granny Erina, and I Do Not want to piss her off."

Rui: "I've got to go to bed, Night."


"KEEP IT DOWN!, Onii-chan you're being creepy again. Stop laughing and get ready for bed. Stupid Onii-chan, what would you do without me." Hina opened my door and shouted, breaking me from my uncontrollable laughter.

"Okay I understand, I'm in the middle of something so leave me alone," I responded, not paying her any attention. All my focus was on the being I was looking at, something Hina couldn't see.

"Meanie!" She exclaimed and then stormed out, a pout on her face from being ignored.

The being, also known as King Crimson, was standing right in front of me. It's a humanoid being of a height and build similar to my own, which is approximately 5,11 and still growing. Its body is covered by a raised diagonal grid; except for a couple of areas, including the face, abdomen and hands. From its forehead emerges a raised level that bears a smaller, oval face and its teeth are constantly barred through a small mouth. Its colour is red and silver, with red being the base colour and silver overlapping.

I started experimenting with it; seeing as the description, whilst helpful, only gave a vague idea of how strong it is. I first checked out its speed by making it punch the air. The result, the fists were moving so fast after images appeared, and the strength behind the punches created mini shockwaves in the air. Whilst that may not seem incredible, the truly shocking thing is I wasn't even using its full power, only about 20%.

Next, I tested out its weakness, the range. The description was correct, it just stopped moving after reaching the 3-meter distance from me.

'three meters huh, that's a weakness that I'm going to have to work around, but if the time-related abilities work as I think they do, then this weakness is very worth it.'

I sat back down on my chair and picked up a pen, then I used the ability 'Epitaph'. Suddenly the mini face of the King Crimson appeared on my head and an image of a pen stabbed through my hand showed on my glasses. I then activated my stand's main ability, 'Time Erasure', and suddenly the pen started moving toward my hand. I quickly let go and moved my hand away, but the pen kept moving without any interference, and when it reached where my hand was previously, it... Just stopped. Staying in that same position until the ten seconds were over.

"So Fate is real huh? And... And I can control it, Hahahahahaha. My fate, my destiny, in the palm of my hands. An elusive concept is proven and controlled with this stand. My luck is phenomenal, but now I don't need to rely on it, I will build my strength and become unmatched; Bringing piece to the world.

A God. a true God, is a viable path I can take. But I need to remember, given strength can be taken away, so I need to gain strength on my own. There are bound to be countless opportunities in these 'missions' so I must go on everyone I can, even if there is a risk of death. I would rather die than be ordinary." I whispered under my breath what I was thinking, not wanting anyone to hear.

I did a couple more tests with my newly gained stand, trying to become comfortable with how it works. By the time I had finished, it was already 1.30 AM, and way past when I was planning to go to bed. But with the group chat and adding to that, my new stand, I don't think I'm going to get any sleep tonight.

Finally content with my tests, I decided to fully inspect this group chat and all its functions. There are four different buttons at the bottom of the screen, the first being [Profile], and the second being [Inventory], but the other two I haven't checked yet. I first started with the third one. Clicking on it brought me to a page that at the top said

[Daily Sign-in]

And below it had all the days of the week with Monday highlighted, which made sense as it was Monday tomorrow. But even further below that, right at the bottom, a red button with the words 'sign-in' in Bold letters, was there.

I pressed that button, and the screen suddenly changed to show the number 88, and then went back to my profile. Looking for any changes, I saw that next to my name there was the exact number that I had just received. It looked something like this,

[Name:Raito (Points:88)]

Not knowing what these points were meant for, I decided to check the last function in this mysterious group chat.

Finally, I clicked on it, but the only thing that happened was a pop-up with some text in it appeared, saying,

[The function 'Shop' is currently closed at the moment. Please complete the first 'Mission' given to unlock the 'Shop']

-authors note-

Truth be told, whilst I have seen the first 2 parts of JoJo, I haven't seen or read anything after that. This means my knowledge on King Crimson isn't very great, but I have watched a couple videos explaining it. Just write in the comments if anything about it's abilities are incorrect.

Another thing is that I was going to have it so bachira had knowledge or could just Google about the others anime worlds, but I thought that without Raito having the same knowledge it would kind of ruin the story. So they are just going to have to go into different worlds for missions blind.