
Light of Returning Darkness

Reincarnated with a mission, where failure means total annihilation. Young Emperor Feng Luotian faces an impending catastrophe that threatens to engulf the universe in darkness. With no one left strong enough to combat the evil, Feng Luotian and his father perform a daring ritual to travel back in time, aiming to stop the disaster before it begins. Can they change the course of history and save the future? Embark on an epic journey with the reincarnated Young Emperor as he conquers the universe to protect all life within it. Witness his struggles and triumphs as he battles formidable foes, forms powerful alliances, and masters incredible abilities. Follow Feng Luotian in his relentless quest to avert total destruction and forge a destiny filled with hope, strength, and unwavering determination. This is a story of courage, redemption, and the fight to save the universe from ultimate doom.

Malpharyx · Eastern
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272 Chs

Blood and Flame

First Elder ashamedly shook his head at his disciple's hotheadedness. It was because he only gave this disciple harsh training, not mentioning anything about how to control his emotion. And this could eventually lead to his own demise.

Wei Ci walked up the main platform and took his seat as the new Sixth Feather while the rest of his clones were standing behind him.

He turned to Feng Luotian: "I didn't expect Brother Ying to be this confident. Is he not afraid of anyone or anything?"

Feng Luotian chuckled: "It's his style. There's no changing it. By the way, Brother Wei, have you learned any other disabling skills? I swear I saw you used it on Senior Sister Fang before the last move. What kind of skill is that? Care to share?"

It was his same old amicable probing, which was responded by Wei Ci's usual friendly excuse: "Oh? What are you talking about? I think the previous Sixth Feather was just underestimating me too much. That's why she made an error."