
Light Magus of Deception

In the near future, people realized that they are able to harness a new type of energy, mana. Slowly, magic became prevalent in everyday life. Being the son of well established doctors, Flynn was half forced to choose healing magic. As mages become more and more powerful, Flynn wasn't happy with the way normal humans were treated. Trying to help the non-mages, he felt like he was involved with a much larger and sinister plot. Disclaimer: Flynn is not a completely good person, he can sometimes be petty and toxic. Extra chapter for every 5 power stones.

llama_god · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Never judge a book by its cover

"Scalpel," Flynn chanted, the spell forming in his hand. The fireballs set the park ablaze, smoke slowly filling the whole vicinity. Recognizing the signature blue blade of Healing mages, the man kept his distance with Flynn. From a distance, the man began pelting Flynn with fireballs. There wasn't much Flynn could do except for trying not to get hit directly by the scorching flames. The fireballs had quite a large explosion radius when it detonates, so Flynn was slowly being roasted by the fire.

Deactivating Scalpel since he had no way of getting close to the man, he began to repeatedly cast Invigorate on himself, forcing his cells to work overtime. The charred skin slowly peeled off, revealing the new skin on the inside. His eyelids began to feel heavy as he continously increased his regeneration. A large part of his skin was gone, the muscles underneath the skin exposed. "This shall be your demise!" the man laughed maniacally. A large pillar of flames erupted from his hand, directly enveloping Flynn. In a pinch, Flynn forcefully created a barrier from pure mana, trying to block the attack. The barrier slowly cracked, as he felt the scorching wave of heat wash over his body. His arm engulfed by the flames, it was directly evaporated. Just as he thought that it was all over, a sharp sound made the whole park tremble. Flynn fell to the ground, his felt like his head was going to burst from the high pitch noise. The flames also stopped, since the attacker also faced the same situation. The two were on the ground, bleeding from their ears. It was Sherry, with her whistle in hand. Judging from her pale face, the spell certainly drained a good chunk of her mana. The silver whistle was covered in cracks, barely maintaining its shape.

About five minutes passed since the attacker's appearance, the authorities were about to arrive at the scene. Hearing the loud sirens of the officers, the attacking mage disappeared into the night, leaving an unconscious Flynn and worried Sherry in the middle of the park. Several officers and a Warden arrived at the park. Half of the park was turned into a charred wasteland, with several fires still burning down the trees. "Extinguisher mages, put out the fire first. Warden, find the victims. Healing mages, follow the Warden," the officer in charge gave out the orders. Looking at the raging fire, there weren't many suitable solutions for the Extinguisher mages. Extinguisher mages were Water mages that were trained to do the jobs of firefighters. They could easily put out fires without having the need of a water source, since they were their own water source. "Condensation," one of the Extinguisher mages chanted, as the water vapor in the air began to form a thick fog. "Precipitation," the other Extinguisher mage casted, the thick fog turned into droplets of water, pouring down on the fire. Most of the fire was put out by the spell, the Extinguisher mages slowly hosed down the remaining flames with their own spells.

The Warden, connected to Eternity's network, had no problem locating Sherry and Flynn. It walked straight towards the signal, ignoring the remaining flames that fell on its body. The weak flames couldn't do anything to the Warden, as it broke through the burnt trees. Finally reaching the center of the fire, the Warden finally found its target. Seeing Flynn on the ground with Sherry by his side, the Healing mages instantly rushed foward to check on Flynn. The Warden stood silently, constantly monitoring the surroundings in case of another attack. Checking Flynn's vital signs, the Healing mages were shocked. Although Flynn's body seemed to be in very bad shape, most of his skin charred and an entire arm gone, his vitals were in good conditions. "That's weird, the attacking mage should be a fire mage, why is he bleeding from the ears?" one of the Healing mages said, confused. He was in immense pain and had slight trouble breathing, but his heart was still beating just fine. The Healing mages did some emergency procedures, clearing his airways and stopping the bleeding.

Also arriving at the scene, the officer in charge asked Sherry, "What happened?" Although Sherry had already explained the situation on the phone, she was under so much stress that she probably omitted some details. "We were walking in the park. A mage appeared out of nowhere and attacked us. Flynn tried to stop him while I called help," Sherry said, tears streaming down her face as she slightly recovered from the shock. "Was it a fire mage?" asked the officer. "Yes, but his ears were damaged by my spell," Sherry explained between sobs, as she showed him her silver catalyst. "Music mage," the officer thought, raising his brows. "Follow us back to the station, we would like to take a record," he said, as Flynn was carried away by the Warden.

Yen was busy curing the poor, with tons of people still in line waiting for her. Her holophone suddenly rang. Seeing that it was Flynn, she suddenly had a bad feeling. Flynn would know that she was busy with patients during this part of the day, so for him to call her at this time, something bad definitely happened. "Tell the patients that I am not feeling well," Yen said to her nurses, as she immediately got up to leave. The nurses looking at each other, were stupefied. "She just left like that?" a younger nurse asked. "She only leaves like that when something happens to her family," an experienced nurse said, as she began to dismiss the large throng of patients waiting to be cured. At first, they were not that happy, but after learning that Yen was feeling unwell, they willingly left.

Arriving at the hospital, Yen immediately went up to the counter, cutting the line. "Ma'am please wait in line patiently for your turn," the nurse at the counter said, not even looking up. "You've seem to have forgotten me," Yen said, recognizing the nurse. "Professor!" the nurse said in shock, recognizing the lady that taught most of the nurses half a decade ago. "Are there any patients that were sent in by the officers?" Yen asked, not in the mood for chatting. "Yes, but why..." before the nurse could finish her sentence, Yen interrupted her. "Bring me to him right now," Yen said. Although it was against the hospital's standard procedure, the nurse still led Yen to the teenager who was brought in not too long ago.

Seeing Flynn in such a bad state, a boiling rage almost took over Yen. Seeing Yen in such a bad mood, the nurse from the counter left immediately, not wanting to get herself into any trouble. Calming herself down, she ran her mana through Flynn, checking for any serious injuries. The nurse who was in charge of the ward noticed Yen, who was grabbing Flynn's remaining arm. "Ma'am, you are not allowed to cast spells without the attending Healing mage present," the nurse said, walking towards Yen. Yen shook her head, sighing. "A large hospital like this shouldn't have medical care with such bad quality," she said, checking the potions and healing methods that were used to help her son. "We are the best in the city," the nurse refuted, as she called for the attending mage responsible for the ward.

Taking out her catalyst, Yen decided that healing Flynn herself would be much faster. She conjured up some mana, preparing to unleash her spell. But before she could do anything, she was stopped by the Healing mage. "Ma'am, that will kill him," he said, looking at Yen. The mana radiating off Yen was weak, so the Healing mage didn't think too highly of the lady. The clothes that Yen wore were also cheap, since she refused to waste a single penny on unnecessary stuff. "Nonsense, get out of the way," Yen said, losing her patience. The Healing mage still stood there, blocking her from getting to Flynn. Sighing, Yen tapped him on his shoulders. At first, the Healing mage was confused, but slowly, the confusion turned into terror as he realized that he couldn't control his body. He just stood their like an statue, unable to move a single inch of his body.

"Amatuer Healing mage, your ignorance could lead to the death of your patients," Yen said. With her catalyst brimming with mana, Yen began her show.