
Light Magus of Deception

In the near future, people realized that they are able to harness a new type of energy, mana. Slowly, magic became prevalent in everyday life. Being the son of well established doctors, Flynn was half forced to choose healing magic. As mages become more and more powerful, Flynn wasn't happy with the way normal humans were treated. Trying to help the non-mages, he felt like he was involved with a much larger and sinister plot. Disclaimer: Flynn is not a completely good person, he can sometimes be petty and toxic. Extra chapter for every 5 power stones.

llama_god · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Let us be grateful to the mirror for revealing to us our appearance only.

Pressing his thumb on the tablet, Flynn's personal information appeared on the screen. Scrolling through the long list of different departments, he found the Mind magic department at the very bottom of the list, right under Poison magic. Selecting Mind magic, he pressed the big green box that had the word confirm on it. Ding! The notification sound meant that he had successfully sent his application.

"That was easy," Flynn thought, walking away while admiring the long line that was behind him. Squeezing through the tight crowd, he finally exited the tsunami of people. Climbing the same flight of stairs once again, he was the first to get back to the classroom. Yawning, he lay down on the cold tile floor, arbitrary sweeping away some dust with his hands. "Finally, I could really use a nice nap," Flynn thought, as he closed his eyes. In no more than a minute, he fell into a deep slumber, snoring like thunder.

"Wake him up, sleeping on the floor is definitely not allowed," Flynn heard, as he felt someone pat him on his shoulder. The voice came from the teacher, who was staring at the weird student snoring away on the hard floorn. Kevin patted Flynn once again, this time a little bit harder. Replying with a groan, Flynn slowly got up, returning to his seat. It was Fundamental Magics Class, which was originally quite interesting until Flynn realized he had already understood the basic of magics since he was a toddler. He was picked on by the teacher because of his arrogant attitude, which he honestly deserved for his obnoxious behavior.

"What is mana?" the teacher asked Flynn, who she secretly despised. "The textbook definition is confusing. To put it simple, mana is an energy which allows mages to interfere with the laws of nature," Flynn said. "Not quite the same thing. Mana are small particles that could be control by mages, these small particles can turn into different elements, the more well known ones are Lightning, Fire, Water, Alchemy and Organic Magic," the teacher basically recited the definition from the textbook. Not impressed by her answer, Flynn shrugged instinctively. With a mage's keen eyesight, the simple gesture couldn't go unnoticed. The teacher stared at Flynm angrily, not saying a single world. Couldn't control his mouth, Flynn blurted out, "Am I that good looking?" Seeing the teacher take a deep breath, Flynn knew that he was treading on thin ice.

He looked away, avoiding eye contact with the teacher. Barely containing her anger, the teacher managed to calm her nerves down. This wasn't the first time she was enraged by Flynn's behavior, and it definitely won't be the last time. She pulled out a weird looking pen, which Flynn recognized as magic catalyst. Holding the pen in front of her for everyone to see, she asked the class if anyone knew what it was. Knowing better than to instigate another fight, Flynn kept his mouth shut. Drew raised his hand, and the teacher responded with a nod. "A magic catalyst, crafted from mana-compatible materials, they can help stabilize more complex spells. Different materials are more effective for different elements, for example platinum is more compatible with organic magic. Elaborate runes could be carved into the catalyst to increase the stability, power, or efficiency of the catalyst," Drew said. A perfect textbook answer, as expected from a straight A student.

"Basically a magic wand," Flynn muttered under his breath. The teacher went on to explain the different properties of catalyst, but since Flynn had already read about them ages ago, he didn't really pay attention. Seeing that Flynn was lacking off again in her class, the teacher asked Flynn a "difficult" question. "What catalysts are most compatible with organic magic?" the teacher asked. Pretending to think for a while, Flynn answered nonchalantly, "Platinum for speeding up metabolism, Crystallized Aether for anesthesia, and Mithril for surgical purposes, do I need to go on?" "Are you sure you got them correct?" the teacher said, trying to intimidate Flynn into changing his answer. "Pretty sure, I've been practicing with these catalyst ever since I could remember," Flynn said, recalling the training he was forced to do by his parents. "You are almost correct, silver is the most commonly used catalyst for surgical mages. Seems like someone remembered incorrectly," the teacher mocked Flynn's confidence. "Your question was which material was the most compatible, not the most commonly used catalyst. Have you reached the age that you can't remember correctly?" Flynn retaliated.

Some of his classmates gasped, and the teacher's face turned bright red. As she began to yell at Flynn, he instantly zoned out. Staring at the teacher's face blankly, he completely lost connection with the world. Seeing that there was no reaction what so ever, the teacher decided to ignore Flynn. "Why does this teacher always have a bone to pick with me?" Flynn thought, completely unaware of his mistakes. The ringing bell snapped Flynn out of his thoughts, he began to pack his bags. There wasn't really anything he needed to pack however, since he basically only brought three things to school. A card that held his money, his card key to his house, and a phone that is now useless.

Quickly saying goodbye to his friends, Flynn headed towards the shopping mall. Online purchasing is the most common way for buying things, but Flynn likes to see the product directly. He always felt that online purchasing was full of scams and was just too mentally draining for him to verify whether one was a trustworthy seller. Walking into an holophone store owned by Eternity, Flynn walked around like a kid in a candy store. He never had one of these before since he never seen the purpose, but the newer models looked really cool. Not looking at the price tag, he was going to grab a holophone that caught his eye. The cheaper holophones were like antique watches, a chunky piece of metal on your wrist. But this piece was different, it was a slick black bracelet, light and flexible. As he brought it to the counter, the lady at the counter raised her brows. Flynn wasn't a guy who cared about his appearance, and after two wrestling matches, his clothes were quite wrinkled. He also had holes on the sides of his shoes since he never bothered to change them. With a curly and messy black hair, he didn't look like someone who could afford a quite expensive holophone.

Putting the black bracelet on the counter, he rummaged through his bag trying to find his card. "It's like you are looking for treasure," the lady lightheartedly poked at Flynn. Finally finding the card, he handed it over. Thinking that the card would be reclined, the lady scanned the card. But once she saw the remaining balance, she almost fainted. It was more than a year's worth of her salary! "I think I have found the treasure," Flynn replied nonchalantly, as he exited the shop. Trying on his new holophone, Flynn was quite impressed. It is so light that he could easily forget that it is on his wrist, and the hologram that it created had a very high resolution and frame rate. Pressing his thumb on the bracelet, his name and ID appeared on the hologram. Pressing again, the bracelet logged in to his account automatically. Nowadays, everyone's personal information is stored in the severs of Eternity, you could log in to any device that the company produces with simple steps. Although it does have its security doubts, one cannot argue that it isn't convenient.

With another swipe of his card, he grabbed a carton of juice from the vending machine outside the mall. Although he could easily get home via public transportation or call a cab, he liked to take the walk home. The hour that the journey took was a great time for him to unravel his thoughts, and a great time for him to keep in touch with the real world. As he walked down the road, he entered the more underprivileged part of the city where many people would avoid. The street was littered with cigarette butts, empty bottles of alcohol, and used needles. Sipping his carton of orange juice that was probably created with organic magic, he entered an underground passage, passing by some hobos. With messy beards and dirty clothes, many people kept several feet away from them. With magic replacing lots of labor, more and more Earthlings were losing their jobs. "Do you need anything?" Flynn asked, crouching next to a hobo. Some of the passerby warned Flynn not to get near the homeless, but Flynn insisted on it. With out saying a word, the hobo lashed out, trying to snatch Flynns bag.

With a slap, he easily intercepted the hand. Furious, the hobo pulled out a sharp piece of glass, probably coming from a broken beer bottle. Looking at the broken bottle coming straight for his arm, Flynn just stared at it.