
Light isn't heartless

When an American transfer student joins Lights class and she changes everything for him

GhostWriter1996 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Day one

Avery Wilison walks into Lights homeroom. She fixes her uniform, and the teacher smiles ", You must be Avery," he says. She smiled and pushed up her glasses. "Yeah, hello, everyone. My name is Avery Wilison. My mom got a job here, so we moved from Las Vegas. It's lovely to be here," she said, bowed, and sat beside the Light. She pulled out her notebooks, took notes, and answered the questions. All Light noticed were her tattoos, and he mumbled something disrespectful in Japanese. She glanced over and said it back to him.

"Just because I am from America doesn't mean I can't speak Japanese," she said, leaving as the bell rang for lunch. "Twat" she mumbled and went to the roof to eat. She finished her meal and went back to class. The teacher gave out partners and paired them up. Avery looked at the Light and gave him her number and address. He did the same. "You want to come to my place tonight," she asks. He thought about the time frame due to having the death note. "Sure," he said "9 too late," he asked. She said, "Nah, that is fine," and went home. She set up the table and made some tea and snacks. Light walks up and knocks. Avery opens the door and lets him in. "I don't have much time," he said. She nods. They worked for about an hour. He rushed out and forgot his coat.

She sighed and washed it, and folded it up nicely. The following day his coat was on his desk. He walks in, sees it, and smiles. "Thank you," he says to Avery. She nodded and got back to work. "I think it would be best if we did the work at my house," Light said. Avery nodded. "Okay," she said. "you want me to stop by tonight," she asked him. Light nods. "That is fine," he said. She nodded and stood up, and walked off. Ryuk looks. "She is very sexy. Ask her out," he said. Light shook his head. "I don't have time for dating," he said. Ryuk sighs. "No one said anything about dating Light. I just meant have some fun with her," he said. Light walks off. "Again, don't have time," he said. Ryuk sighed. "You are no fun," he said. That night Avery knocks on the door; Light's mom opens the door. "You must be Avery, please come in, and might I say you are beautiful," she said. Avery blushed a little "Thank you, Mrs.Yagami," she said and bowed hands her flowers. "I was told it's rude to come to a house without a gift," she said. Light's mom took the flowers. "Thank you, dear lights room is up the stairs and to the left," she said. Avery nods and takes her shoes off, and went she knocks first. Light puts the death note away and opens the door. "Please come in," he said. She nods and walks in. She sat on his bed, and opened the books; she crossed her legs. Light got a glimpse of her black panties. They worked for about two hours. She lays back and stretches. "I think I should go. It's getting late," she said. All Light saw was her black thong. He swallowed. "Okay," he said and stood up. Avery got up, packed her things, and bowed. "Thank you for having me," she said and left. Light shut the door. "She did that on purpose," he said. Ryuk laughs. "She did," he said and smiled. Avery texts him, "Sorry if you saw anything. Sometimes I forget my skirt is short." Light reads it. "Nice black thong you had on," he answered her. Avery turned red "Glad you think so. Maybe next time it can be on your floor," she said, smirking. Ryuk grinned. "Well, she is forward," he said. Light sighs. "Avery, you are a brilliant and beautiful girl, but I do not have the time for dating," he said. Avery sighed. "Okay, I understand. I am sorry I will keep my thoughts to myself," she said. She went to sleep. Light was amazed it was that easy. The following day at school, Light noticed she didn't speak to him Ryuk laughed, knowing what she was doing. "Oh, Light did you want me to stop by tonight," she asks. Light looks up. "Yeah, that is fine," he said.