
Chapter 2

I knock at the apartament's door, regretting that I forgot to get my own keys with me. I wait for a few seconds, just to face an angry Amy who slaps me. I don't know why I can't confront her, why I always just appear weak in front of her. She's just 4 years older than me.

'This is over, Josh. From now on, you are on your own. I'm tired of you. Don't you dare come here again! Now give me the keys!' She yells while throwing all of my stuff in the hallway. I give her the car keys.

'Amy...' I try to say but she shuts the door in my nose.

I sigh and actually think about calling my dad, but I don't want him to think that I need his help. Because I don't. I get out of the building and take decide to take a stroll in the park. The weather is beautiful. There's this warm wind that ripples through my hair and it smells like... autumn. I almost can feel the colors of it; yellow, brown and red. The sky is light blue and the clouds look like dancing on it. As I reach the park's alley, I lay on the dark green grass and I close my eyes. Mom loved parks and family picnics. I guess she was the factor that was bringing us together, as a family. She was always having these crazy ideas, this motivation and love that would make us leave all of our daily activities and spend a day having fun.

Since she died, it's like everything stopped. Dad cares only about his office work and his company. He got even more richer than when mom was alive. Amy moved away, started having bad unhealthy habits, and I just became the person that doesn't do anything, that lives on the backs of everyone else. I'm almost twenty-one, but having no job or friends, or a proper family. I don't know what to do.

'Are you okay, sir?'

I don't know why in the world I imagined and actually hoped that it could be the redhead's voice. But as I lift my head to see who talked to me, I see a nice lady with huge curly black hair and chocolaty skin, dressed in a white summer dress.

'Yes, ma'am. I was just... thinking.'

She doesn't seem to be older than thirty.

'None of my business, but you look like you don't have a place to sleep by the night.'

I haven't noticed my open messy bag, full of dirty clothes. And I'm not wearing something better either, just a pair of old pants and an overly-washed shirt that used to be red, but now it's almost pink. I feel a little ashamed.

'That is not true, my sister is waiting for me. I just got here.. that's why I carry a bag.' I answer her.

Her look makes me realise she doesn't believe a word I said. What is wrong with nowadays strangers? Why am I that kind to her anyway? Like she said, it is none of her business. C'mon, Joshua, be a jerk.

'Are you sure? I have a place for you. Or at least, just come take a shower and eat something and then you're free to... go to that sister of yours.'

I frown a little, trying to find some words to intimidate her. I surely don't like to be homeless, even though I don't look like a legit one yet, but apparently this woman reads minds. The park doesn't look like a nice place to camp, and there are a bunch of poor but probably agressive people here that could steal my things. C'mon, Josh, be a jerk and say no to this angel sent from above to save your ass.

'Or maybe I should choose one that looks worse...' I hear her whispering while looking around the alleys but I almost shout at her.

'As much as I hate this, yes, I need a place to sleep and I would be... grateful if you could offer me one.'

She sighs.

'Finally, let's go. What on earth took you so long to accept? The conversations usually last no longer than 30 seconds.' She says in amusement.

'Well today... my sister kicked me out of her apartament, after I lived with her for a while.'

'So the sister actually exists.'

Not so sure about that kind look anymore. I follow her to her big black car and get in as gently as I can. But she gets my bag and throws it on the backseat.

'I'm Dally Wimble.' She introduces while connecting her seatbelt and encouraging me to do the same.

This gets even more embarassing with every moment.

'Does anyone pay you to collect homeless people and feed them and stuff?'

She laughs.

'No, you silly. It's just Wednesday. I decided to simply be a better person and do a good thing every week. So, because my house is probably larger than most of the shelters, I chose to bring home a homeless person every week, to feed them and find them a job or help them with whatever they need.'

She just does it? Honestly, her presence and apparent character would've never made me believe she could just do this. Out of this Dally of Nowhere's mouth, it sounds like a rich people hobby.

'Do you live with someone?'

I feel like I have the right to ask these questions.

'Oh, yes. With my family. But they don't mind me bringing guests at home. We have plenty of rooms with private bathrooms and all that so you won't even know they're there.'

She looks ellegant even when she is driving. I find her a little too detached for someone who opens up her house for complete strangers.

'Aren't you afraid? I mean, there could be bad minded people who could hurt you and steal your car or money...'

'I don't think we are that close for you to really worry about this. Besides, I know how to use a gun.'

Tough lady.

We enter The City, the richest neighborhood I've ever seen, that was named like this by the mayor, who also lives here. I've actually took a few walks around here while I was having a bad day, those big houses and cars making me feel even more cursed and useless than ever. So I probably passed Dally's house a few times.

'I didn't catch your name. Because you didn't say it.' She says all of sudden.


We stop in front of a hotel-alike house with four floors, two gazebos and a fountain that splashes water in circles. Dally opens the yard's shiny gates using an app on her phone and drives to the garage. But before I turn around to take my bag, I see a black limo... the same black limo I saw today at the bookstore and restaurant. The same limo that followed me. I'm paranoic.

'Here we are, sir.' She anounces and leaves me starring at the huge white walls.

I try to follow her very humble and relaxed. She opens the door and slams it to the wall, shouting really loud.

'I'm home, everyone. And I have a guest.'

There's a familiar voice that shouts back from the same floor, and I start hearing the taps on the ground. My stomach makes me feel dizzy. Maybe it's all in my mind.

'I thought it was the girls night, Dal. You promised you won't bring anyone home tonight.' Says the voice again, her words becoming clearer and clearer as she approachs the hallway.

'I just couldn't leave Josh there.'

My goodness. It's the same redhead.

'This is my little sister, Sun.' Dally starts.

I don't wanna talk, but Dally's face kinda makes me.

'Hello.' I say and watch Sunshine's face frown and her breathing rushing as it becomes obvious that she recognized my voice.

'I can't believe it.' She says in amusement, boredom and dissapointment, all mixed together and each one of them still detectable, then sighs and leaves the room. Dally looks confused.

'Do you know each other?'