
My First Trip

In the morning the sun was seen rising from the east of the sky which began to clear and bright, which felt warm.

I started to wake up and I saw the resting rest of the firewood last night, I was still half-conscious because the grandfather rebuked me.

"Hey, are you awake?" Asked the grandfather

"Are you still half-conscious?" Grandfather continued.

Hearing the rebuke immediately answered spontaneously.

"I-I-I-I'm awake" even though I'm still half-conscious,

"You want you to fight me?" The grandfather asked again satisfied.

"Oh yeah, of course I told you last night that I want to learn to fight with you !!" My answer.

"Thank you more, get ready!"

After saying that the grandfather walked to his horse and took the sword.

Then I started practicing every day I practiced, and in the end slowly I began to be able to fight whether it was using my bare hands or using a sword and the more days I began to use.

And every morning I started training the grandfather still hadn't finished starting my own training.

"You're getting busier by day using the sword huh?" "

"Eh, grandfather?" I immediately looked back turned out the grandfather noticed me from earlier.

"Well, I guess you are quite good at using swords." said the grandfather.

I just smiled at the answer of the grandfather, yeah because I thought so too, the more days I am more adept at using the sword.

"Oh yeah, did you eat?" I ask

"Not yet, did you eat?"

"Not yet," I replied with a smile

"Then wait a minute, I'll take the bread in my bag!" The grandfather answered.

Then not long after the grandfather came to bring bread and he gave me one bread.

"This is for you." said the grandfather while giving me bread.

Then I take the bread and eat it.

After that we were ready to go to the next place. Therefore I went with the grandfather to become a wanderer.

Because before that the grandfather invited me to come with him and I also had no reason to refuse him because I did.    

  Then we walked up the mountain, through the forest and at the middle of the journey there was a trader riding a horse-drawn carriage and it seemed he was being watched by several people behind him.      

"Grandpa, is the merchant being watched by those riding the horse behind him?" I asked the grandfather, I was very worried if they were bad people.       

"Maybe," answered the grandfather.              

"Besides, the distance between the merchant's horse-drawn carriage and the people is quite far maybe about 100 meters" continued the grandfather.      

"Or maybe they were the men from the merchant to protect him from the bad guys?" I answered while feeling uncertain.

I don't think that's possible because if those people told the merchant why are they far enough away? While thinking if that is not possible.   

   And suddenly the horsemen surrounded the merchant and they tried to seize the goods on the merchant's horse carriage.    

"Oii, what are you doing!" I shouted spontaneously.  

Then they looked back and I immediately approached them but they were pointing firearms at me  Then the grandfather immediately beat the robbers, the grandfather confronted them using bare hands.

"Huh, is he sure to deal with it with his bare hands",

then I tried to drop one of the robbers who pointed a gun at me, then I tried to take the sword on the horse of the grandfather.     

"This is the sword".  

  "You got the sword?"

Ask the grandfather to me.        

    At times like this it's very difficult to fight my position being surrounded as well as the grandfather.  

"Now you face the two leftists, and I'll face the rest!" command me.        

"But one of them uses a firearm! I'm not sure I can win against these two people!      

 "Remember the results of your training all this time you can cripple them using your brain to make a strategy quickly!"

The grandfather tried to remind me that I quickly paralyze these two people    

"Fuhh (the sound of breathing), I'll do it!"   

Then I quickly took a swing, and tried to paralyze them. I swing my sword at the two of them and they avoid swinging my sword.

"What, how come?" Even though I swing my sword quickly.

Then the man began to attack with firearms.    

"First I have to knock out the person carrying the firearm."     

When he let his guard down, my upper body was unprotected. I tried to cut him down with my sword.       

"Aarghhh". that person screamed in pain from the slash of my sword.   

Just one more I think this will be easy because he also carries a sword.  

Then the two of us collided with the sword, and he turned out to be greater than I thought.

 "Aarghh, how come?" With pain.     

I tried to withstand the pain from the slash of that person's sword fortunately my wound was not too severe.     

"I have to increase my attack and defense again".     

"cihh, apparently my slash missed." said the person.     

"Alright then I'll make sure you die in this place!" (In a high tone).    

"Ahh, it looks like he wants to intend to kill me, well I will also fight with the intention of wanting to kill!"   

We tried to knock each other down, when he tried to deflect my slash with his sword his body was unprotected and I tried to take advantage of that moment, then I quickly hit the solar plexus and at that moment he felt tight and could not do anything ( it is one of the techniques I learned from the grandfather) then I quickly cut down that person's body parts.

"Aarghh, it hurts so sick!" (He screams in pain).

He was covered in blood like his theme carrying a firearm.

The position of that person is very beneficial I can immediately draw my sword.  

"And this is the last one".    


I drew my sword and instantly he died in my hands.

I really carried away even when I was injured I felt that the wound wasn't too painful, is this the sensation of fighting with the intention of killing?.  

   Meanwhile the grandfather managed to knock out the rest. The grandfather then tied those people.

I stood in front of that person, I felt guilty for not killing him and luckily he was the only person I killed the other one he was only covered in blood but he was still alive.

The grandfather then tied those people       

"Are you okay?" Asked the grandfather.      

"Yes, I'm fine," I thought I was lying because I didn't want the grandfather to worry about me.      

 "Thank God, you're fine". (The grandfather answered with a slight smile).    

Then saw all the robbers were paralyzed and then the merchant approached us.

Then the merchant went to the horse-drawn carriage and gave him a sword and food supplies.    

"This accept this, just think of it as my gratitude to you".

"Why does it have to be a sword?" I asked the merchant.   

  "I see you fighting using one sword and your movements are very good and I think if you use two swords you will be easier to attack and fend off enemy attacks, After all it is a very sharp sword and I hope you used to use that sword well ".         

Then I took the sword and the grandfather brought the food supplies the merchant gave him.

"Yes, thank you again for giving us a sword and this much food."     

"Yes, then I'll leave first because there are still a lot of items that I have to trade.      

"Um, (I nod).      

"Then be careful on the trip," said the grandfather.

Then the merchant went away and the robbers were still bound.

Then we left the robbers who were tied up, because they were unconscious, so the grandfather did not tie a tight rope.

 And we continued our journey to the next village.

"Why are you daydreaming?.     

"What is wrong?. Asked the grandfather because he had seen me daydreaming.

"Uh, no, I can't daydream," I replied     

 "You can tell me your problem!"       

"Do you feel guilty for killing that person?"       

"Do you think I killed the person wrongly?"        

"Hmm, how do you feel when you fight with that person?"       

"I don't know if I feel that he has the intention to kill me".        


"I was carried away emotionally because he managed to draw me with his sword even if only a little".        

 "Then do you also intend to kill him?"         

"Because I was so emotional, I can't think calmly".         

 "Then when he was off guard you immediately attacked him?.         


"Do you feel guilty?.          

"Of course!"           

"Will the person feel guilty when they kill you?"           

"Maybe, if he has the fortune".            

"But did you see the look in his eyes when he intended to kill you?"           

"Yeah, like he wants me to die".         

"Well, that's when you fight, if that person intends to kill you as much as possible you do not kill him".         


"Just disable it".         

"Because this is your first time when you fight directly with other people, and you also still can't control your emotions".