
18. After Dusk

After dusk, after submitting the alms acquisition, Dzi left her house with her beloved Scoopy motorbike and headed for the Medica Hospital. Khalid, who knew of Dzi's departure, immediately followed her from behind using his Vario.

"Where are you going at night like this, Dzi?" Muttered Khalid as he continued to follow the girl he loved. After half an hour, Dzi enters the hospital. Khalid stopped his motorbike in front of the fence, watching all the activities going on inside. He saw Dzi enter the hospital which is now tightly closed. Several security people who were on guard invited her to enter by bowing their bodies in salute.

"Is Doctor Willy here?"

"Yes, Ma'am. He's inside. Doctor Willy said earlier that if you were there, you would immediately order him to come into his office. "

"Ok, Thank you.

Dzi stepped into Doctor Willy's office. After Willy's doctor told her to come in, Dzi opened the door and said her greetings.

"Assalamualaikum, doctor"

"Waalaikum salam warahmatullah, Do. . . "

"Shhh, no, doc. Please! " asked Dzii.

"Is everything ready?"

"Yes. This is the doctor's note that you will meet in the new place. There, you can learn more about medical hackers. To strengthen our healthy home in the future. "

"Don't you want to come?"

"Want to. But you know, Doctor. My lecture is still not finished. I have to finish my final project. Tomorrow morning I have a class in the morning and in the afternoon, I have research at the Dr. Cipto Hospital. "

"The bump upgrade will be implemented in Palu and my absence will likely overwhelm the therapists. Can you help them for a while? Don't keep hiding. I'm sure you'll find what you want. '

"God willing, I will help. I'll try to be there when they need it, Doctor.'

"Are you sure?'

"Of course. Oh yes, it's late. I'll be back home soon. You should be careful on the road. All the accommodation that you need there, has been taken care of by the administration department. From the inn to the vehicle that the doctor will use. "

"Ok, thank you. Even though I wanted to go along with you. "

Dzi shook her head.

"Should not."

"Ok, alright, I understand. You be careful while I'm not here. "

"Insha Allah. I'm going now. Assalamualaikum"

"Waalaikum salam warahmatullah"

Dzi comes out of Doctor Willy's room. Hastily she headed for the motorbike park. Without looking around, she immediately drove her motorbike to her house in the Baiturrahim mosque complex Blok A.

Khalid, who had confirmed that Dzi was safe and entered the house, immediately ran his motorbike to his secret place.

"Good evening, young master."

"Night. Has Defandra come? "

"It was an hour ago, young master."

"Good. I'll go in first. "

"Please, sir."

All of Khalid's men looked at each other. Wonder what they just received.

"It's not usually the Young Master that is polite to us huh?"

"Yes. What demon possessed him huh? "

"Shhh, don't be too loud. One-on-one you will receive a punishment that you can never forget. "

"Yes, sorry. I'm just amazed. Super. The Young Master is completely different from the old Young Master. "

"He was already a little person. He feels how his life is being pushed aside by employees who work as managers in his own office. "

" Oh yes? How do you know/"

"I'm always following Mr. Khalid wherever he goes."

"You are very fortunate to know all of Young Master's life."

"Not as good as you can imagine. I have to be careful not to make a mistake and call out Young Master. "

"So what?'

"I might get fired. Can you roll my pot if that happens? "

"Haha ha"

Meanwhile in Khalid's private room. Defandra, who just woke up from sleep after getting subtle but deadly shocks from his employer.

"Young. . . young master. I'm sorry for oversleeping. "

"It's okay, Fandra. I know you are exhausted taking care of all my work. "

"What? I didn't hear wrong, right? "

"No, Sir. I've been trying to be a good human being now. "


"Not Wow, but Masya Allah."

"Who taught you, sir?"

"Of course circumstances."

"Ha ha ha, Master must have felt humiliated by people in power, huh?"

"Are you enjoying it? So happy? "

"It's not like that, sir. I was completely taken aback by what you encountered in the marketing manager's room. Young Master's rendering is so perfect that the manager doesn't even recognize his own master. "

"It is better."

"Have you fired some of the people I recommended you?"

"This afternoon, sir."

"Replace with a more loyal one. If necessary, you can raise the ranks of their subordinates. "

"Yes, according to Young Master's instructions."

"Very nice. Starting tomorrow, move me to another division "

"Ready Sir"

"Insha Allah. Not ready. "

"I. . yes, Insha A. . . Allah, sir. "

"Ha ha ha, what's wrong with you?"

"I. It's okay, sir. Insha Allah"

"Okay, gosh. I know you are still very stiff. From tomorrow you have to learn how Islam is. It would be very surprising because what we have done so far is completely wrong and not included in religious guidance. "

"Yes sir. Insha Allah.'

"What's wrong with you, Ndra? Is the word Insya Allah difficult for you to pronounce? "

"Of course. This is the first time for me, sir. "

"Have you been trying to find out who Dzi is?"

"Yes, sir. She is a graduate student of the medical faculty at UNOC. She's an aspiring pediatrician. A child who lives alone without parents. "

"Only that?"

"Meanwhile, sir. I can't touch the others. It's too difficult to reveal who Miss Dzi is. "

"Do you know what she works as at Medica Hospital?"

"Yes sir. She's a Cleaning Service. "

"I'm not sure, Ndra."

Defandra knit his brows together. Surprised by the pattern of the boss's mind.

"What do you mean?"

"You said she was a master student, right?"

"Yes, true."

"Then, is he a doctor? How could she work as a cleaning service, Fandra. "

"That's the way it is, young master. Miss Dzi is indeed a cleaning service. "

"Have you proven it?"

Defandra nods.

"I've even seen the organizational structure there, sir."

"Who owns the Medica Hospital?"

Defandra takes the cell phone. Open the gallery and search for a list of photos taken by his men while at Medica.

"The owner is Dr. D. S. Dzulfikar, sir."

"You go to the doctor and ask all about Dzi."

"Unfortunately, Miss Dzulfikar does not receive guests at all. She rarely came to her clinic. Doctor Willy said that it was very difficult for Doctor Dzulfikar to see a patient because of his busy life. "

"Strange. A doctor opened a clinic but she never came to the clinic. Is her condition so old that it is difficult for her to attend? "

"I don't know, sir."

Khalid nodded his head. He's thinking of something. Regarding his feelings for Dzi and riddles about the girl he loves.

"I have an idea, sir."

"Tell me what you suggest."

Defandra typed a message and sent it to Khalid. Khalid nodded in understanding.

"Tomorrow morning you do all your plans."

"Yes sir."

"Don't miss anything."